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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Welcome to ArmA2! Search is your friend. Every question you asked has been answered recently on this very board. Try looking around and reading some. Probably the best source of help would be an old ArmA Editor Tutorial, which leads you step by step through how to make a mission with almost the exact same scenario you described. You can download it from here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1157 Keep in mind that the editor is slightly different, the map will be wildly different but for the most part things will be similar. I've been tempted to rewrite one of these ArmA tutorials for ArmA 2 but have been so busy answering the same questions over and over I never get the time. :) Search a little, check out that old tutorial and let us know if you still have questions and most importantly, ENJOY ArmA2! The editor is pretty amazing.
  2. Do you need the ; within the { } of the forEach statements?
  3. Extra ; on lines 17 and 33? The double ];]; maybe?
  4. Best to just shoot the doc and leave his body in the woods. Chernarus is a dangerous place and who knows what happens in conflict zones... *whistles*
  5. As neat as it is to have a 'real system' working, it's more realistic to virtualize this kind of thing. Spawn in the C-130 when you need it in the air, have it do it's drop (hint: check out BIS_fnc_SupplyDrop) then delete the plane once it's out of view.
  6. kylania

    Function GUI

    One hidden hint in the Editor is the built in ComRef. Just click on some command word while typing it into an init field or something and press F1. You'll get a popup showing what it does and how to use it, you can even copy the sample code from it! Very handy if you know what command you want to use, but not exactly how.
  7. Well, I set mine to 0 last night and it was an entirely different experience! While I still got mouse lag in menus, but much less, general gameplay was fantastic! Smooth as silk and that's WITH Post Processing turned on (I'd had it off). Currently using 2.13GHz Core2Duo, 2GB RAM, 8800GT. Now, this might very well be caused by my computer realizing I'm about to replace it and trying to impress me. :)
  8. kylania

    Function GUI

    The information you're looking for is actually compiled from both of those sources. First, place the Functions module in your mission then put the following in your init.sqf: waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; [player] call bis_fnc_help; Tada! Now, all that does is bring up the browser of the function code, it won't explain how to actually USE any of them. For that you'll need to read the code and figure it out, or hope someone smarter than us comes up with decent wiki pages. :)
  9. kylania


    First place the Functions module on your map. Then something like this: _group = createGroup east; _veh = createVehicle ["Mi17_rockets_RU", position player, [], 0, "FLY"]; _null = [_veh, _group] call BIS_fnc_SpawnCrew;
  10. kylania

    Smoke my wreck!

    Wow, how obscure, you need THIS in your init.sqf first: BIS_Effects_Burn=compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf"; Then it'll burn.
  11. Here's a script that appears to work. I accept no responsiblity for the math in this, I suck at math, it's borrowed from the biki. :) Put this in the vehicles init field, setting the speed to what you want. null = [this, 60] execVM "speedlimit.sqf"; Then this is the script: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: kylania ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Call this with the following line in the init field of the vehicle. // this = object to slow. // 60 = max speed for vehicle. // // null = [this, 60] execVM "speedlimit.sqf"; // Pull the object and speed from the execVM. _vehicle = _this select 0; _maxspeed = _this select 1; // Figure current speed. _curspeed = speed _vehicle; // If we're going to fast... if (_curspeed > _maxspeed) then { // Grab the current velocity and direction of the vehicle. _vel = velocity _vehicle; _dir = direction _vehicle; // Limit it's to bring it back down to the max amount. _speed = _curspeed - _maxspeed; // This is math I don't understand, grabbed it from the biki. :) _vehicle setVelocity [(_vel select 0)-(sin _dir*_speed),(_vel select 1)- (cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2)]; }; // End of if // Sleep tenth of a second, this might be too much processing. I dunno, slower and the ride get jerkier though. sleep 0.1; // Call the script again. _null = [_vehicle, _maxspeed] execVM "speedlimit.sqf";
  12. You would play America's Army or COD4 if you wanted that style of gaming. Seems pretty simple to me. :)
  13. kylania

    Raising a flag

    That code works fine for lowering the pole. You just don't actually tell it anywhere in that example what _flag1 is... Try adding _flag1 = myFlagPolesName and see if it works better. Also, the flag texture name is fine, here's the current flags for ArmA 2: flag_usmc_co.paa - US Marie Corps Flag flag_usa_co.paa - United States of America Flag flag_rus_co.paa - Russian Armed Forces Flag flag_napa_co.paa - National Party Flag flag_chernarus_co.paa - Chernarussian Defence Forces Flag flag_chdkz_co.paa - Chernarussian Movement Of The Red Star Flag
  14. kylania

    Smoke my wreck!

    Did you leave off the trialing ; in the init.sqf or just in your post here? That'll make it fail. nul=[firelogic, 5, time, false, false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn[b];[/b]
  15. in your init.sqf set: town1clear = 0; town2clear = 0; Have two triggers checking for OpFor NOT PRESENT in the towns and set global variables in their On Act fields. town1clear = 1; and town2clear = 1; Then at your evac point have a trigger that check for BLUFOR PRESENT and in it's condition field have: this && town1clear && town2clear The last trigger should be TYPE = End1
  16. You could run a loop that checks the speed and reduces it to your wanted maximum every second or so
  17. It's interesting that you set that to 0 when the troubleshooting thread said to set it to 8. I'll be upgrading to pretty much your specs here in a week or so, but dual 260s. Hopefully my performance will be good too! :)
  18. kylania

    Can you halo jump in the editor?

  19. kylania

    Smoke my wreck!

  20. Yeah, that's what I was using, but i wanted to use the new functions! :) The other problem I was dealing with is that the model i was moving was elevated, due to attachTo, so after modelToWorld, I then had to drop it to the ground.
  21. kylania

    Why bohemia?

    There's quite a few objects in the campaign that aren't readily available in the Editor, they are hidden. There's even more items in the game that could be placed via the editor, but didn't have any classes for them. There's already an addon to fix that though, really there's one to fix both problems. :)
  22. kylania

    Why bohemia?

    It gives us something to unhide. :)
  23. I was all excited about this function since I thought "I can finally just move something 10m BEHIND something rather than 10m SOUTH". I was wrong, still just compass and not relational, even though it's called relPos. :)
  24. Are you exporting from in game, via Save -> Export to Multiplayer Missions or using some PBO tool to do it?