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Everything posted by kylania

  1. All your answers are contained here. :) Set the time around 8PM so it's dark. First place your Player unit. Second place an empty MTVR. Name it truck. Third place your first marker. Name it goalMarker and make it's Icon an Objective and it's text Your first goal! Fourth place your end marker. Name it endGoal and make it empty with no text. Lastly place your trigger. Make it 5m x 5m, BLUFOR PRESENT and put this as it's on Act: player [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/action"]action[/url] ["lightOn", truck]; truck [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/engineOn"]engineOn[/url] true; "goalMarker" [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerPos"]setMarkerPos[/url] ([url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getMarkerPos"]getMarkerPos[/url] "endGoal"); "goalMarker" [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerText"]setMarkerText[/url] "Your End Goal!"; Check the map. You'll see the "Your first goal!" marker. Walk to where the trigger is. The empty ghost MTVR will start up and the lights will turn on. Check the map again. Your "Your first goal!" marker will have moved to where you placed the endGoal marker and say "Your end goal!" now.
  2. kylania

    What is your favorite ARMA 2 Loadout?

    M16A2, 3 mags, 2 satchels, SMAW w/2 HPAA, smoke grenades for evac. Never last long enough to get to the pistol. :)
  3. kylania

    How Smart is your AI?

    Can't remember the town name, but it had an open field between where our MHQ was and the edge of the town. We got wiped and came back in as a group. I was assigned to sneak up to the treeline and look for the enemy. What really struck me was that every single enemy AI was behind cover or some kind, a bush, tree, building. Not a single one standing in the open. Later that game we were approaching through a forest and kept getting sniped. They had snipers and machinegunners waiting in the forest, prone behind trees. They wouldn't fire right away, they often waited till we were past them and struck from behind. It was creepy, most of the time we couldn't see them.
  4. You can use this to create a task driven "waypoint" marker in game/on map via the briefing system. This will put the orange objective marker on the map. If you want different icons, than you'd have to make it a bit more complicated. hehe tskTaskNameHere1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "markerNameHere"); The whole code would be: tskTaskNameHere1 = player createSimpleTask ["Next Task"]; tskTaskNameHere1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["This is your next task, do it!", "Next Task", "Next Task"]; tskTaskNameHere1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "markerNameHere"); player setCurrentTask tskTaskNameHere1; [objNull, ObjNull, tskTaskNameHere1, "ASSIGNED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; Then have each client run that. As for actually getting each client to run it, not entirely sure. :| Edit: Yes, it is basically the same, just avoids having to create/move markers on the fly.
  5. Why not simply use the briefing system and have all clients execute the new briefing.sqf. That way you simply leave blank markers where you'll want them in the editor and reference them in the Tasks and players will get waypoints/map marks via that system.
  6. Dear Cobra's Mother, Please remind your son to stop the Q-Tip when he feels pressure. @Cobra, Umm.. sure? I'm still a little unsure about what exactly you want to do, but with scripting and possibly some addons, you could certainly make a mission where the Brady Bunch girls are Mossad agents tasked with kidnapping Madonna and torturing her to find out who killed JR.
  7. All weekend mostly, but I've given up and accepted the fact that I suck. :) Never have completed a mission come to think about, always end up helping others with little parts of theirs instead.
  8. Maybe check your server's ARMA2.RPT for more detailed error messages?
  9. Is this the built in stuff or scripted? Because while playing Domination everyone in the rain area will end up complaining about it at the same time from what I remember?
  10. You can't use _i in the init string since that's a global scope but a local variable right? Try it with just i or myFuel or something?
  11. If you find out please let me know, I'm dealing with the same thing. While I have the 'only availble to X people' thing working, vehicle actions are available to anyone OUTSIDE the vehicle too and after respawn everything fails horribly.
  12. I use Vista and cpbo works just fine for me. Essentially just move the cpbo.exe to your My Docs folder, rclick on it and 'Run As Admin', then answer yes you wanna do whatever it says. After that point you can simply double click on a PBO to open it, and rclick on a folder and Create PBO to make one.
  13. The PBO file is really just a container for the mission files. You can use ArmA Tools to "un-pbo" a mission to get it into folder/file format so you can open it in the editor. Say you have test.utes.pbo and you unpack it to get test.utes folder. Place that in your ... My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Your ArmA Name\Missions folder and you'll be able to open it in the Editor. The sqf/sqs files can be opened via Notepad or your favorite text editor.
  14. I found the guide I was thinking about. I'm not sure how well it'll apply to Superpowers or whatever Warfare is called now though, but it's a start! :)
  15. Place an object where you want the flare to be. I used the Wall Lamp myself. Setup a trigger BLUFOR PRESENT ONCE with the following in it's OnAct field: // Usage: _null = [objectName, delayTime] execVM "tripflare.sqf"; // Ex: _null = [myLamp, 60] execVM "tripflare.sqf"; // Grab the object to attach to and burn time. _target = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; // Create a small local white light and attach it to the object. _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _light setLightBrightness 0.1; _light setLightAmbient[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; _light setLightColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; _light lightAttachObject [_target, [0,0,0]]; // Attach smoke effect to the object. BIS_Effects_Burn = compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf"; _smokeeffect = [_target, 0.8, time, false, false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; // Burn the light for however long requested. sleep _delay; // Turn off the light. deletevehicle _light; // Delete the object and get rid of the smoke. deletevehicle _target; Download the sample mission to see it in action. (sample doesn't have the smoke, I'll upload that later or just use this script.)
  16. kylania

    G36, red-dot not in use

    Wow, if they could add this feature to other weapons it would be great!
  17. iCore7 here and the game crashes more than a pubber in the A-10.
  18. kylania

    allow damage

    I was messing around with the F35 the other day and realized that if you spawned and EMPTY and FLYING one far enough away it does a spectacular barrel roll before plowing into the ground, and anything else in it's way. Spawn 6 of them and you have a real end of the world type thing going on. :)
  19. Unless the wiki is wrong, timeout is how long the condition needs to remain true while countdown is how long after it turns true before it's activated.
  20. You could use lightAttachObject to simulate the ground flare probably.
  21. Combined arms with High Command is "simple"? :) Ok. You can use the Timeout trigger as galzohar said. Just set it for Timeout, with min/mid/max set to 600 for a 10 min wait.
  22. Remember, the Seek and Destroy waypoints have a range limit. If on foot the group leader will search all positions within approx 50m of the waypoint. If say in a vehicle, perhaps 300m. So make sure your S&D waypoints at where you want them to attack.
  23. Make sure you assignAsCargo them as well, since moveInCargo doesn't let the AI know they are actually in the vehicle, which maybe why the helo isn't registering that they left.
  24. Oops! Sorry fixed the link. Forgot my file had a capital E in it. :) Should be good now.