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Everything posted by kylania

  1. One of my unit is playing around with an "you're getting shelled idea" and I think we might use this to add some drama to the situation. I admit that simultaneously blowing up every building in the town might not have been the wisest idea. ;)
  2. Welcome to the forums! How you missed the Search Before Posting sticky is beyond me (a search for "chinook water boat" would have given you the main thread link). It's also a wonder that with such an unbelievably specific concept in mind you both missed the previous thread where we discussed that very idea, complete with code ideas and videos, as well as missing the explanation about how it was done. But regardless, welcome and enjoy those links I provided. :)
  3. hehe, I tried this: {_x setDamage 1} foreach nearestObjects [glBomb, ["House", 100]]; and umm... the universe exploded and than ArmA II crashed. Such fun though!
  4. That has something to do with keys I think? Never used them before, but here's the wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#Keys
  5. Search harder... Searching for "spawn town trigger" results in: Result 1: This thread. Result 2: A bug list Result 3: My post in a previous thread complete with explanation and a demo mission. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79874&page=4&highlight=spawn+town+trigger
  6. Anyone have any idea why this is happening? I made a simple dialog with some listboxes, a few buttons and pictures. Looks OK in the MADD, but once I get it in game I get a ton of errors and the dialog is unusably tiny? Here's some of the errors I get:
  7. Why would you ever want to automatically switch teams? o.O
  8. If you're doing this with AI and need to have them respond to a GET OUT command later, make sure you assignAsCargo as well. Beita's second idea is probably the easiest method. Why script what you don't have to. :)
  9. kylania

    3D Editor

    The "Alt-E" editor is unfinished, unofficial and undocumented. RTE 4/V is for ArmA. "RTE V for ArmA II" is for ArmA II, but still in Alpha stages. What exactly are you trying to do that you can't do with the normal Editor and scripts? The "map" is 225km sq. Not sure how that isn't big enough for ya. :)
  10. kylania


    {player addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";} foreach [1,2,3,4,5];
  11. kylania


    If you follow the link i gave you, and click on Weapons, then click on a Rifle it'll give you details about it. The ammo it uses is listed on the bottom of the detail page. Like the M24 (Class name M24) uses 5Rnd_762x51_M24 while the M16A2 M203 (Class name M16A2GL) uses 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag.
  12. kylania


    You need to use the CLASSNAMES for all of that. You can find them here: http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2BuilldingClass/
  13. You can do this in the config files of the equipment. Problem is you'd need an addon for that I'm pretty sure.
  14. kylania


    Yes, you can copy and paste from the forums into game. Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V per normal.
  15. kylania


    Well, to be honest if you're new, just place a Pilot in the Editor and put this in it's init field: removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addWeapon "M16A2"; What exactly are you trying to do? If I had more information about what this pilot is and what he's going to be doing I could give you more specific information about how to get your idea in game.
  16. Not sure about the code, but I know there's a fix coming in 1.03 for units not reporting who killed them, so maybe that'll fix this issue?
  17. kylania


    _pilot = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createVehicle getpos player; removeAllWeapons _pilot; _pilot addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; _pilot addWeapon "M16A2"; _pilot selectWeapon "M16A2"; That'll make the pilot, take away his weapons, give him a single magazine for an M16, give him the M16A2 (iron sights only) then make him wield it. You could also do this: "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createUnit [getpos player, group player,"removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine ""30Rnd_556x45_Stanag""; this addWeapon ""M16A2""; this selectWeapon ""M16A2"";", 0.6, "corporal"] That'll do the same thing, but group the pilot with your player.
  18. Place your Player, put in his init: countem = false; Place your 10 Independant Warlords. Place a trigger, Independant, PRESENT with the condition of this && countem and the following as the OnAct: total = count thislist; dead = 10 - total; hint format["You killed %1 Warlords!", dead]; Then just have something that sets countem to true in order to set off the count trigger. Another fun thing to do is set the Timeout values, Min/Mid/Max to say 30 (seconds) each and leave the Condition as just this. That way you have 30 seconds to kill as many as you can and at the end of the time it tells you how many you killed. (erm, assuming you didn't kill them all!)
  19. Ok, finally finished it, kind of. :) Demo Mission Two towns which you need to clear, neither of which spawn anything from the beginning. A trigger and marker and variable control the spawns. Set the Trigger to Condition of this && !townSpawned (townSpawned set to 'false' in the init.sqf) That will make sure that BLUFOR is present, but also that spawning is allowed (only one town active at a time). The actual spawning is called by: _null = ["Kamenyy",3,[250,150],East] execVM "spawnOpp.sqf"; So in the town of Kamenyy (as described by the kamenyy_active marker) we want to spawn 3 East faction men in a group and want our completion trigger to be the size of 250 x 150. The spawnOpp.sqf will turn the town solid red, disallow spawning at the other town, create your group and create a trigger which looks for you to clear the town. When you do it allows spawning in the other town and turns the city marker green. Try it out. Once you kill the first three, teleport over to Strelka and clear that town. Or spawn Kamenyy first, then teleport over to Strelka and notice that nothing spawns. To Do: Auto detect trigger area (or even use the existing one, do triggers disappear after they activate?). Make the spawn arguments make more sense, I added "East" at the end since it was an afterthought. :) Allow multiple groups or armor groups or something. Make sure it's multiplayer compliant. Add in briefing links. Hope that helps.
  20. I'm making one, but at work, so the going is slow.
  21. Well, in that case "loon" is the unit. Must be some kind of nickname for "guy" or "dude" or "unit" or something. :) A variable is a single value. An array is a group of values. Example: myVariable = 1; myOtherVariable = "bob"; myArray = [1,2,3,4]; myOtherArray = [1,"2",3,"four"]; // note that in this example 1 and 3 are numbers while "2" and "four" are strings. You can read more about them here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Array
  22. My original idea was to place an invisible helipad in the water and setPos it just to Sea Level. I didn't try it just over sea level though. Gonna try some other things after lunch though. :)
  23. I'm having a hell of a time getting the gear assignment to work with respawn. Unlike ST, my group doesn't use the single respawn method, so something somewhere is interferring with the respawn process. I've been unable to make it run weapon assisgnment (keeping whatever has changed) + briefing run after respawn. Are player eventhandlers written somewhere in the code that I'm not seeing? Or anyone have any ideas about how to get this working in a Respawn at Base style mission?
  24. Loaded it into a mission of mine and it was fine. Did you copy/paste it from somewhere? Maybe it's a case of the wrong type of " being pasted? Try copy/paste from this post and try it.