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Everything posted by kylania

  1. in ArmA you could use a gamelogic with waypoints for delays. OFPEC's tutorial had that: http://www.ofpec.com/tutorials/index.php?action=show&id=14&page=21 About 3/4s of the way down the page starting with "Remember the spy we placed?"
  2. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=81047 You might also be interested in http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=81114
  3. Ohh, never used that deleteCollection thing. Odd. You could do the time honored tradition of stacking crap in front of it. :)
  4. You can blow one up using this setDamage 1 but what do you mean by switching maps like that?
  5. Can you post the scripts in question please?
  6. <booming voice>NO, I DON'T</booming voice> Authoritative enough? I imagine Veteran/Expert mode might remove them?
  7. A friend of mine wanted to use this in his mission, so I rewrote my approach with some inspiration from F2k Sel's approach. The direction from my friend was "I want every civilian to be interrogate able but only one to be arrestable." So in every civilian's init I put this. It limits it to 3m range "approx face to face". Outside that range you don't see the option. Also once interrogated that civilian is not questionable again. this addAction ["Interrogate","civ_i.sqf",[[color="Orange"][b]false[/b][/color]],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"]; The orange false there controls if they are innocent or guilty. Change that to true if it's the one you want arrested. Here's the rewritten scripts: civ_i.sqf: // grab a value for the suspect and check for guilt flag _suspect = _this select 0; _bomber = (_this select 3) select 0; // Remove all actions from the suspect _action = _suspect addAction["foo", "foo.sqf"]; while {_action >= 0} do { _suspect removeAction _action; _action = _action - 1; }; // Quick animation, I really need to find a better Action for this, talking or something. _suspect playAction "gestureNod"; sleep 3; // If he's NOT the bomber, just quit. if (!_bomber) exitwith {hint "You realize this guy is of no use to you."}; // He is the bomber, so lets get all up in ur bidness! // This animation is a little long, but definitely looks like someone over explaining something. _suspect playAction "SceneCommanderTalk"; sleep 5; // Add an action to the suspect to arrest him hint "This guy is obviously up to something... Arrest him!"; _suspect addAction ["Arrest","civ_a.sqf"]; civ_a.sqf: // Grab a value for the suspect _suspect = _this select 0; // Remove all actions from the suspect _action = _suspect addAction["foo", "foo.sqf"]; while {_action >= 0} do { _suspect removeAction _action; _action = _action - 1; }; // Stop the current animation and surrender _suspect switchmove ""; _suspect playActionNow "Surrender"; sleep 3; // Alert the soldier hint "You send the suspect to holdover."; // "Teleport" the suspect to holdover, a GameLogic location pre-placed. _suspect setPos getPos logic1; As an aside, another feature we have is the ability for Engineers to disarm C4 IEDs. Explosive Charge's init. Limited to only Engineer class players. this addAction ["Disarm C4","disarmC4.sqf",[this],1,false,true,"","typeOf _this == ""USMC_SoldierS_Engineer"""]; disarmC4.sqf: // Who's who... _bomb = _this select 0; _eod = _this select 1; // "disarming" animation _eod playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 3.0; WaitUntil {animationState _eod != "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_talking"}; deletevehicle _bomb; _eod commandChat "C4 disarmed!"; // local unless broadcast, wish there was directChat
  8. You have the action named wrong, try this: unitName action ["TAKEFLAG", VlajkaUSA];
  9. Update: I rewrote this to work better in post #9. Add the following to your suspect's init: this addAction ["Interrogate","civ_i.sqf"]; civ_i.sqf: // grab a value for the suspect _suspect = _this select 0; // Alert the soldier hint "You find a trigger device on this suspect!"; // Remove all actions from the suspect _action = _suspect addAction["foo", "foo.sqf"]; while {_action >= 0} do { _suspect removeAction _action; _action = _action - 1; }; // Add an action to the suspect to arrest him _suspect addAction ["Arrest","civ_a.sqf"]; civ_a.sqf: // Grab a value for the suspect _suspect = _this select 0; // Alert the soldier hint "You arrest the suspect!"; // Delete the suspect deleteVehicle _suspect;
  10. kylania

    Basic guide??

    Doh.. had it backwards: bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle getpos bombcar; That works.
  11. If you're new to editing, modifying Evolution is not the way to start. :) I think you can change the available soldiers you can recruit from the lists.sqf file. To add the Havok, just drop it on the map maybe? Download a few different Evo maps and see how people did that they did. But again, if you know nothing the spaghetti code monster that is Evolution is NOT the way to learn.
  12. Did you read the link I gave you? It includes the phrase "To create a green mark tick two operations are needed"... Then two clear examples, repeated above by PuH. Did you try that?
  13. kylania

    Basic guide??

    You're missing some (): bomb = createVehicle "Bo_GBU12_LGB" (getPos bombcar);
  14. kylania


    I put 4 on the ground when you first posted this and they still haven't gone off. :)
  15. Spawn the C-130, move the player to it, then eject them using the HALO stuff. There's thread about that already, search. :)
  16. Yeah, I'm using the EVOlution style 'rearm and save' method, and it's tracking the items, but after respawn people are defaulting to the BIS default loadout.
  17. _unit addweapon "ItemGPS"; Problems I'm still having with this is weapon assignment after respawn. Ideally I'd like to be able to strip everyone's weapons and reassign them to default via an action from the commander. This is for parade ground formations. We line up with no weapons, but the amount of time spent running to the ammo crates and dumping stuff then getting back and having to do it all again before heading out to a mission is insane. :)
  18. To be honest, attachTo won't be the most realistic of towing methods, but here's a way to do it: In the init of your tractor put: this addAction ["Hook Up","hookup.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","_this == driver _target"]; That will allow the driver only to activate the command. Then for the actual towing, there's a few methods of doing it, one would be using cusorTarget perhaps. Just turn your head and look at the vehicle you wanted to to and Hook Up. Here's the code for that limiting it to only Ospreys. The attachTo numbers need work, it's really tough getting this to look good. hookup.sqf: _towed = cursorTarget; if ((typeOf _towed) == "MV22") then { _towed attachTo [tow1, [0,-13,2]]; } else { hint "You can't tow that!"; }; So yeah, not happy with this, but it's basically what you need to do. :)
  19. If you zoom WAY out on the map while you're targeting you'll see a red circle. INSIDE that they can't target. Either use smaller weapons like M119s or M252 mortars or move your MLRS far far away. They simply can't target anything on Utes if you were using that as a test like I was.
  20. A lot of mission ideas are talked about here, especially how to get the really cool things done. There is a users mission forum and OFPEC has a nice missions depot. Armaholic also keeps missions from players as well. Most of that I do is just proof of concept or helping others with missions, haven't finished one of my own yet. :)
  21. To be honest, Jdog's videos are way cool. It's a shame he did the same thing I did once, come up with something neat then accidentally delete it all. :)
  22. The second argument to addAction is the name of a script, not commands. Put the attachTo stuff in separate scripts.
  23. kylania


    This is working for me Shootin, both as Player as Squad Leader and all AI.
  24. Sounds like you're missing the latest patch. I think the Module button is included with that. If you're using an unpatched German client that might be it.