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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    c130 ammobox

    Should be possible. That was my original idea, however after speaking with a friend of mine who's in the military he said that C-130 drops usually are 1 package per plane, planes in pairs, usually 2 pair. I was unable to get the flight to work properly gamewise though. Usually the first plane is lower than the trailing plane that is at the first plane's 4 o'clock. When I made them fly like this the drop spread was HUGE.
  2. Civ if anything. The thing to remember is if there are no units of a side on the map you need to create a "center" first for them to be able to spawn. Easiest way is via placing a single OPFOR unit anywhere on the map, with a Condition of Presence of 0% and that'll do it. Or else you can script the whole createCenter commands and stuff.
  3. kylania


    You can make the line with a rectangle marker.
  4. kylania

    Disabling medics

    I swear I read that the other day too, which was what my idea for this would be, but I couldn't' find it again so didn't post. :)
  5. Sure it's not working? If you rerun briefing.sqf it doubles, tripples and so on the number of tasks you have.
  6. Why don't you guys use the SOM module, which does exactly what you want to?
  7. kylania

    Disabling medics

    I'm still confused as to why you want the "Corpsman" class to be an option, yet you don't want to let them actually do anything the "Corpsman" is supposed to do. Unless you're using the Force Recon medic, it sounds like you're gimping someone ability/inventory wise for no reason? I guess I don't get it.
  8. kylania

    Removing map

    Why do you not want people to have the map at all? If it's because they can see the enemy on it, just run in veteran mode.
  9. kylania

    c130 ammobox

    For what it's worth, here's a one plane version. Glad you got the drop working how you'd like. The timing can be tricky depending on terrain and wind and what you're dropping. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: 1ID-CPL. Venori ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Preplace Functions module, "egress" and "ingress" markers on the map. /* Single plane version. null = ["ingressMarkerName","egressMarkerName","HMMWV"] execVM "SD_Airdrop.sqf"; */ // Input _in = _this select 0; // ingress marker name _out = _this select 1; // egress marker name SD_item1 = _this select 2; // item // Config _mapMarkText = "Click on the map to mark the drop point."; _closeMapMessage = "Close the map to initiate drop procedure"; _droppoint = "SD_DropMarker"; _dropMarkerType = "SupplyVehicle"; _incomingMessage = "This is fat man actual inbound with supply drop, please stand by..."; _triggerDistance = 300; // Map click to determine where the supplies will be dropped. SD_dropmarked = true; hint _mapMarkText; _mapString = format["SD_DropMarker = createMarker [""%1"", _pos]; ""%1"" setMarkerType ""%2"";;SD_dropmarked=false",_droppoint, _dropMarkerType]; onMapSingleClick _mapString; waitUntil{!SD_dropmarked}; onMapSingleClick ""; // Wait till they close the map to continue. hint _closeMapMessage; waitUntil{!visibleMap}; hintSilent ""; // Have the player turn and toss smoke to mark the spot. _spot = getMarkerPos _droppoint; _myspot = getPos player; _set_dir = ((_spot select 0) - (_myspot select 0))atan2((_spot select 1) - (_myspot select 1)); player setDir _set_dir; player setPos getPos player; player playAction "ThrowGrenade"; sleep 2; SD_smokePot = "Fuel_can" createVehicle (getMarkerPos _droppoint); [sD_smokePot, [0.4,0.8,0.4]] spawn { _sh=_this select 0; _col=_this select 1; _c1=_col select 0; _c2=_col select 1; _c3=_col select 2; sleep (3+random 1); _source = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _sh; _source setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 48], "", "Billboard", 1, 20, [0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0.1, 0.1], 0, 1.277, 1, 0.025, [0.1, 2, 6], [[_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.2], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.05], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0]], [1.5,0.5], 1, 0.04, "", "", _sh]; _source setParticleRandom [2, [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], 0, 0.5, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0, 10]; _source setDropInterval 0.03; _source2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _sh; _source2 setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 8, 0], "", "Billboard", 1, 20, [0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0.1, 0.1], 0, 1.277, 1, 0.025, [0.1, 2, 6], [[_c1, _c2, _c3, 1], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.5], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0]], [0.2], 1, 0.04, "", "", _sh]; _source2 setParticleRandom [2, [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], 0, 0.5, [0, 0, 0, 0.2], 0, 0, 360]; _source2 setDropInterval 0.03; }; // Create the group and spawn a C130 named SD_c1 SD_dg = creategroup west; _dp = [[(getMarkerPos _in) select 0, (getMarkerPos _in) select 1, 50], 270, "C130J", SD_dg] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; SD_c1 = _dp select 0; // Make it fly low. SD_c1 flyinHeight 200; // Set the first waypoint to where the marker was placed, second to the egress point. _wp = SD_dg addWaypoint [getMarkerpos _droppoint, 1]; _wp1 = SD_dg addWaypoint [getMarkerPos _out, 2]; // Delete the crew and plane once it hits the egress point. [sD_dg, 2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew SD_c1;} deletevehicle SD_c1;"]; // Spawn code for organized drop. First plane hits the marker and drops the item SD_dropCode = {[sD_c1,SD_item1] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop; deleteVehicle SD_smokePot;}; // Set up the trigger for the plane at the location of the drop marker. _dt = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _dt setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, true]; _dt setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false]; _triggerStatements = format["SD_c1 distance (getMarkerPos ""%1"") <= %2;",_droppoint,_triggerDistance]; _dt setTriggerStatements [_triggerStatements, "[] spawn SD_dropCode;", ""]; // Alert player that the supply drop is incoming. sleep 5; (driver SD_c1) sideChat _incomingMessage;
  10. kylania

    Revive Script

    People getting the task error need to read this whole thread. Your answer is on page 15. Fixed in (version 0.2O)! Norrin, hope you're recovering well! Thanks again for this great resource!
  11. Just put an GET IN eventhandler on the plane called "Ta|<e oV3r 4s Pilot!!1" that runs "1337.sqf". Then in that function file, teleport the person that activated it (_this select 1) to the middle of nowhere, strip him of weapons and remove his respawn abilities. That way only total numpties will do that instead of Switch to Driver and the rest of you can get on with good gameplay.
  12. kylania

    Scripting question

    It's Description.ext not txt. :) Common mistake. Also make sure Windows it's automatically calling it ext.txt or something. Just save it in the editor then choose Save -> Export to Multiplayer Missions and you'll be able to start it from Multiplayer -> New Game
  13. kylania

    Getting Avgani to work in Arma 2

    Enabling ArmA I Maps in ArmA II
  14. Put this in their init field: Stay standing: this setUnitPos "UP" Stay kneeling: this setUnitPos "MIDDLE"
  15. kylania

    Disabling medics

    Why not just not put corpsmen on the map?
  16. kylania

    error message

    export to multiplayer makes it into a PBO, why are you than making another PBO?
  17. kylania

    error message

    Check your arma2.RPT file for more information. Local Settings\Application Data\Arma2\
  18. kylania

    Trigger question

    The way you make a trigger "ground only" is the same way you do anything on this forum. You search before posting: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=82680&highlight=trigger+ground
  19. kylania

    c130 ammobox

    Sorry about that wizbomb, I forgot I'd been playing with flyinheights and had them flying higher than the trigger distance! :) Copy the code again and the trigger should work, as well as the player turning to face where they were throwing the smoke.
  20. kylania

    c130 ammobox

    This is an eariler version of my idea. Step 1: Place the Functions module on the map. Step 2: Place a starting EMPTY marker (named "SD_in" for example) on the map where you want the planes to spawn from. Step 3: Place an ending EMPTY marker (named "SD_out" for example) on the map where you want the planes to disappear from. Step 4: Place a Radio Trigger which runs SD_Airdrop.sqf script. Make it's On Act the following: null = ["SD_in","SD_out",["HMMWV","reammobox"]] execVM "SD_Airdrop.sqf"; Change the "HMMWV" and "reammobox" to whatever you wanted to drop. Be aware that Goats will plant themselves into the ground on impact and get very angry, so try not to drop them. Step 4: Save the following script to SD_Airdrop.sqf [color="SeaGreen"]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: 1ID-CPL. Venori ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Preplace Functions module, "egress" and "ingress" markers on the map. /* null = ["ingressMarkerName","egressMarkerName",["HMMWV","reammobox"]] execVM "SD_Airdrop.sqf"; */[/color] [color="SeaGreen"]// Input[/color] _in = _this select 0; [color="SeaGreen"]// ingress marker name[/color] _out = _this select 1; [color="SeaGreen"]// egress marker name[/color] _items = _this select 2; [color="SeaGreen"]// Item array[/color] SD_item1 = _items select 0; [color="SeaGreen"]// First item[/color] SD_item2 = _items select 1;[color="SeaGreen"] // Second item[/color] [color="SeaGreen"]// Config[/color] _mapMarkText = "Click on the map to mark the drop point."; _closeMapMessage = "Close the map to initiate drop procedure"; _droppoint = "SD_DropMarker"; _dropMarkerType = "SupplyVehicle"; _incomingMessage = "This is fat man actual, we are inbound with supply drop, please stand by..."; _triggerDistance = 300; [color="SeaGreen"]// Map click to determine where the supplies will be dropped.[/color] SD_dropmarked = true; hint _mapMarkText; _mapString = format["SD_DropMarker = createMarker [""%1"", _pos]; ""%1"" setMarkerType ""%2"";;SD_dropmarked=false",_droppoint, _dropMarkerType]; onMapSingleClick _mapString; waitUntil{!SD_dropmarked}; onMapSingleClick ""; [color="SeaGreen"]// Wait till they close the map to continue.[/color] hint _closeMapMessage; waitUntil{!visibleMap}; hintSilent ""; [color="SeaGreen"]// Have the player turn and toss smoke to mark the spot.[/color] _spot = getMarkerPos _droppoint; _myspot = getPos player; _set_dir = ((_spot select 0) - (_myspot select 0))atan2((_spot select 1) - (_myspot select 1)); player setDir _set_dir; player setPos getPos player; player playAction "ThrowGrenade"; sleep 2; SD_smokePot = "Fuel_can" createVehicle (getMarkerPos _droppoint); [sD_smokePot, [0.4,0.8,0.4]] spawn { _sh=_this select 0; _col=_this select 1; _c1=_col select 0; _c2=_col select 1; _c3=_col select 2; sleep (3+random 1); _source = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _sh; _source setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 48], "", "Billboard", 1, 20, [0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0.1, 0.1], 0, 1.277, 1, 0.025, [0.1, 2, 6], [[_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.2], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.05], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0]], [1.5,0.5], 1, 0.04, "", "", _sh]; _source setParticleRandom [2, [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], 0, 0.5, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0, 10]; _source setDropInterval 0.03; _source2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _sh; _source2 setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 8, 0], "", "Billboard", 1, 20, [0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0.1, 0.1], 0, 1.277, 1, 0.025, [0.1, 2, 6], [[_c1, _c2, _c3, 1], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.5], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0]], [0.2], 1, 0.04, "", "", _sh]; _source2 setParticleRandom [2, [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], 0, 0.5, [0, 0, 0, 0.2], 0, 0, 360]; _source2 setDropInterval 0.03; }; [color="SeaGreen"] // Create the group and spawn 2 C130s named SD_c1 and SD_c2[/color] SD_dg = creategroup west; _dp = [[(getMarkerPos _in) select 0, (getMarkerPos _in) select 1, 50], 270, "C130J", SD_dg] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; sleep 2; _dp2 = [[(getMarkerPos _in) select 0, (getMarkerPos _in) select 1, 50], 270, "C130J", SD_dg] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; SD_c1 = _dp select 0; SD_c2 = _dp2 select 0; SD_planelist = [sD_c1,SD_c2]; [color="SeaGreen"]// Make them fly pretty.[/color] SD_dg setFormation "COLUMN"; SD_c1 flyinHeight 200; SD_c2 flyinHeight 200; [color="SeaGreen"]// Set the first waypoint to where the marker was placed, second to the egress point.[/color] _wp = SD_dg addWaypoint [getMarkerpos _droppoint, 1]; _wp1 = SD_dg addWaypoint [getMarkerPos _out, 2]; [color="SeaGreen"]// Delete the crew and planes once they hit the egress point.[/color] [sD_dg, 2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "{{deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew _x;} foreach units SD_dg; {deletevehicle _x} foreach SD_planelist;"]; [color="SeaGreen"]// Spawn code for organized drop. First plane hits the marker and drops the first item and three seconds later the trailing plane drops it's cargo. // This is to prevent a turn towards egress from failing to bring the second plane close enough to the trigger to activate.[/color] SD_dropCode = {[sD_c1,SD_item1] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop; sleep 3; [sD_c2,SD_item2] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop; deleteVehicle SD_smokePot;}; [color="SeaGreen"]// Set up the trigger for the first plane at the location of the drop marker.[/color] _dt = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _dt setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, true]; _dt setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false]; _triggerStatements = format["SD_c1 distance (getMarkerPos ""%1"") <= %2;",_droppoint,_triggerDistance]; _dt setTriggerStatements [_triggerStatements, "[] spawn SD_dropCode;", ""]; [color="SeaGreen"]// Alert player that the supply drop is incoming.[/color] sleep 5; (driver SD_c1) sideChat _incomingMessage; Note that this does not properly work in multiplayer, and currently doesn't properly work should one of them get shot down. I have a slightly more advanced version which is run via class-limited AddAction (Team Leaders only for example) and checks if air cover has been eliminated yet, but it's still MP broken. :( How do you broadcast things like particle effects and chat across all clients?
  21. I'd really rather they fix actual bugs with the game than get some unofficial and unreleased 3D editor working. JIP bugs affect the community far more than your ability to place things at a specific height with an alpha version of an editor mode. :)
  22. kylania

    c130 ammobox

    Do you need this for multiplayer or single player? I'm still working on getting my C130 drop working properly in multiplayer but it's good for single.
  23. unit action ["sitDown", unit];
  24. So once you start dragging you'll continue to drag till you die? I can't imagine why you want that removed?
  25. kylania

    script help

    Download the really creepy demo mission here: omg, liek get a--way! Basically this is the script here: [color="SeaGreen"]// null = [targetName, this] execVM "brains.sqf";[/color] _brains = _this select 0; _zombie = _this select 1; while {alive _brains} do { _zombie doMove position _brains; sleep 0.5; };