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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Maybe use addAction instead of the Radio?
  2. kylania


    When I wanted to change the opening music for Domination, I just named my file the same as the original. :)
  3. kylania

    Vehicle drop from C130

    Yeah, this is an older version of it actually. I've got it working much better now, and it deletes the marker. Only problem I'm having so far is what to do if one/both planes are destroyed inbound and making it multiplayer friendly.
  4. Open Mission SQM with Notepad, look in the top list of addons for vop_c_guns or something and simply delete that line and save the file. That should do it.
  5. Did you use any mods? Did you have the vile and insipid VOPSound loaded while you made the map? Mods loaded will sneak themselves into your maps and if your server doesn't have the same mods it'll fail. Check your servers RPT file to see the error and try running it locally with a stock client.
  6. kylania

    c130 ammobox

    Well, no. Not if you're using my version of the one plane script. You could adjust it to allow for that. I'll rewrite it a bit later.
  7. The 3D editor and the 2D editor use totally different file structures, they are not compatible. Well, to be fair you can place items where you put them in the 3D editor by using the script mission.sqf. Or use the data in that to manually recreate placement via the mission.sqm. But it's not as easy as just Load Map or anything.
  8. For some reason his SQM started with vversion = 11; instead of version = 11; and that was tossing description.ext errors! :) Just one silly extra 'v' at the beginning.
  9. Try it with the folder, create a folder called "mymap.utes" or "mymap.chernarus" depending on which island it's set on. Put the files in that folder, then create the PBO of that folder. cpbo.exe only works on folders, so not sure why whatever tool you're using is letting you just take files and PBO them. :) Or just move those files to: My Docs\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Your profile\missions\mymap.islandnamehere then open it in the editor and Save to Singleplayer missions, or MP whichever.
  10. Why not trigger it in a triggery way? :)
  11. Welcome to incomplete and unreleased alpha software. :) The 3D editor isn't public ready, use it for placing compositions if you'd like, but little else.
  12. I have a single card 260 with I7 and Windows 7 and I still can't play the game. I had SLI, but since ArmA2 sucked so badly and crashed constantly I gave away one of my cards. Drive a motorbike into Chernagorsk and I crash to desktop with endless video memory errors. Play MP for more than 2 minutes and the same. I've tried everything and it simply won't run. I'm about to try an ATI card, even though the "ATI is broken" thread is longer than the "Nvidia is broken" thread.
  13. Did you create a pbo of just those files? Or a folder called Whatever.utes or Whatever.chernarus with those files in it?
  14. Yellow text? What? The code i posted above works for me in ArmA2. How far away are you creating this guy? If it's too far away your player might not know about it (even though you the human can clearly see him) and mark it as a generic "Man", with a yellow icon. If you're not making noise than it might not attack you either. Move the marker or gamelogic directly in front of your player and try it again.
  15. Really should be posted in the Evolution threads in User Missions. Basically just open up the file, i think it's init.sqf actually, and set all the rank needed points to 0, then give the player a point or something.
  16. SOM post Put this in the SOM module's init field to turn off the secondary missions and keep just the helo transport. this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];
  17. spawn.sqf: _grp = createGroup east; _unit = "RUS_Soldier1" createUnit [position GL, _grp]; This will create a new eastern group and spawn 1 single soldier into it at the position of your gameLogic called "GL"
  18. Ahh, perfect! Thanks for the clarification, that was bugging me yesterday.
  19. kylania

    New Mission

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg You're looking for: motd[]= {"Welcome to my server.","Hosted in the net."};
  20. kylania

    objectives code ?????

    That's the ArmA method. A quick search before posting would have stumbled across this thread which explains in detail how to do objectives in ArmA2: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73424 :)
  21. Do you resynch all the units or just the one that respawned? Like, if I did a name_module synchronizeObjectsAdd [bob]; Would only Bob be able to use it now and the others lose it, or would Bob be added to the 'allowed' list?
  22. I've been working on a mission where you have to destroy 3 separate anti-air facilities in an area to complete a Task. I did it by using 4 triggers and 4 markers. 3 Markers are Destroy markers. Each has a matching trigger which checks if it's anti-air is still alive and if not gives a message that the vehicle was destroyed and deletes that destroy marker. The fourth marker is a large sized Border marker around the whole area. Basically just a thin red circle around the other markers. This one is used for the TaskDestination so the little orange cross hair is in the middle of it. Since it's a circle with a dot in the middle, and the 3 other Destroy markers are inside this circle it's pretty obvious what you're supposed to do. The trigger with this one checks for all the other vehicles to be destroyed, sets the task complete then issues the taskhint and deletes the final marker.