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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    a guide which..

    People searched for you and even pasted the text so you wouldn't have to find it yourself on the page they found for you, yet you still ask this question? I'll go ahead and read for you next I suppose. Use Search And Destroy type if you're trying to destroy a squad in a certain area. Destroy is "best used when attached to an object" so use that for specific targets.
  2. You mean like this thread you find should you actually search for "carpet bombing"? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=82348&highlight=carpet+bombing
  3. I provided you with the commands that you need in order to place a satchel and set off a satchel. It wasn't my intention that you type those lines in the init or anything, just trying to show you the somewhat obscure commands you'd need to use in your dastardly plan of destruction. Take that knowledge and apply it to your experience with waypoints and triggers and scripts and behold the power at your fingertips!
  4. Armaholic.com has a lot of premade user missions some of which will have the features you're looking for.
  5. kylania

    Disable Movement

    It's unit enableSimulation false; But I was never able to get them to sit correctly enough to post that solution. :)
  6. Step 1: unitName fire "Pipebombmuzzle"; Step 2: unitName action ["TOUCHOFF", unitName]; Step 3: Profit!!
  7. Rommel posted a script before for ejecting groups. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1333949&postcount=7 For the dropping of vehicle and ammo, you can use the built in Functions module. Place it on your map, and try something like this in a radio trigger: dropSupplyPoint = getPos player; player setPos [dropSupplyPoint select 0, dropSupplyPoint select 1, 150]; [player, "LAND"] call BIS_fnc_supplydrop; player setPos dropSupplyPoint; Replace "LAND" with "reammobox" or any other vehicle classname to drop other things. Quick and easy. That'll instantly move your player 150 meters in the air, call the supplydrop function which will drop a HMMWV Mk2 from a parachute, then move you back where you started. At least in Single Player you won't even see yourself move, the parachute just appears above you.
  8. In trying to fix something else I found a nearly perfect fix for this issue. Simply put this enableSimulation false; in the plane's init field. That sucker won't budge. Ram into it, shoot it, nuke it... it's not gonna bat an eyelash at you. The draw back two fold. One, you cannot interact at all with it, no getting in or anything and two, if someone say, drives a MTVR into it, there's a high chance you'll get completely stuck under it. :) But the C-130 won't move! Untested in MP, but in the Editor it worked how you imagine it.
  9. Not sure what's causing it, but sweet screenshots. :)
  10. kylania

    It's a Trap!

    I swear I saw a post that mentioned female voices... *looks for it*
  11. /me gets all giddy at the Mando sighting! :)
  12. So spawn a helicopter 1000ft in the air, moveInCargo your units and immediately eject them. Do a little black fade in and it'll look like they "start" in the air in chutes. Then either create cutes + vehicles/ammo crates in the air or supplydrop them from the helo. My point is, everything you're asking about has been asked dozens of times before and there's are plenty of examples and scripts already out there for all of it.
  13. Considering the exhaustive search you obviously did I guess I assumed you'd have found the following command, my apologies. aiUnit fire "SmokeShellMuzzle"; While you can certainly get an AI to throw a single smokeshell, and it'll dissipate within seconds. Kinda lame. However the first link I offered tells you how to KEEP the smoke there. Should you have searched a little more you might have found a script I wrote that contains code for a constant thick plume of colored smoke as well. But hey, you seem on the ball so I'm sure you'll get it figured out.
  14. Can you attach a fired eventhandler to the satchel? If not, maybe just check if it's still alive?
  15. I searched for "SmokeShell" and found these all on the first search page. Hope you're luckier in love than you are in searching. ;) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83215&highlight=smokeshell http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80451&highlight=smokeshell http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80463&highlight=smokeshell
  16. Just put a trigger around it by 1m that kills anything that comes close. ;)
  17. It works on an helipad for example. Drop a heli invisible called 'holder' down and put this in your vehicle's init: this attachTo [holder,[0,0,2.5]]; Problem with this though it while it moves it'll rubberband back into position, then at least for a HMMWV, glitch and start bouncing. Best to just lock the vehicle if you don't want people getting in it.
  18. 1) set the helo to CARELESS behavior so it won't respond to enemy attack, then have it randomly fire at a waypoint (doFire) and destroy the tower via setDamage or something. 2) Synch HOLD waypoints for the enemy to your own triggers that detect if you're in a certain area. Remember that players won't always follow your intended path, so make sure you adapt for that. 3) moveInCargo
  19. I had something like this halfway worked out. I got the AI to switch to RPG, look at the chopper and fire. However I didn't want them to miss, so I used to trick to delete the RPG round itself after it was fire and used a setDamage command to destroy the helo. Problem is, the SOUND of the shot was fine, but you lost the smoke trail since the round was destroyed.
  20. kylania

    Enable Backpack?

    Use a tool like cpbo.exe to extract the files from the PBO so that you can view them. What you're asking is not a simple copy/paste procedure however, so if you're not comfortable with scripting you might want to either play Domination stock, or build your skills up to this. :)
  21. Found this in another thread and seems a quick and easy way of keeping weapon loadouts between respawns. Just dump it into your init.sqf: while {true} do { waitUntil {!(alive player)}; // Save the weapon config of the player when he die. PlayerWeapons = weapons player; PlayerMagazines = magazines player; waitUntil {alive player}; // Give back the weapons the player had when he died. removeAllWeapons player; {player addMagazine _x;} forEach PlayerMagazines; {player addWeapon _x;} forEach PlayerWeapons; player selectweapon (primaryWeapon player); }; The drawback of this system is that if they say use up all their ammo they won't respawn with the expended ammo and need to rearm again. The other method uses a trigger on the map that detects when a player is rearming (via animation state) and saves the loadout at that point via an array. After respawn it reloads based on that. Evolution uses that method. It's a bit more complicated to set up compared to the above code though.
  22. First page result from a search for "spawn group" results in this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74006&highlight=BIS_fnc_spawngroup