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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Did you type each of those sections into the correct file? As in: Inside your description.ext file you should have: #include "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.hpp" Inside your init.sqf you file you should have: _Action = player addAction ["Team Status", "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf ", [["Page", "Team"], "AllowPlayerInvites"], 0, false, true,""]; In the stringtable.csv file in your main folder you need this: // Team Status Dialog strings: //Language,English,German #include "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\stringtable.csv" And in the stringtable.csv inside Scripts\TeamStatusDialog folder you need this: //Language,English,German //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Team Status Dialog strings: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STR_TSD9_01,Team Status,Team Status STR_TSD9_02,Close,Schliessen STR_TSD9_03,My team,Mein Team STR_TSD9_04,My group,Meine Gruppe STR_TSD9_05,Vehicle,Fahrzeug STR_TSD9_06,Opposition,Gegner STR_TSD9_07,Team,Team STR_TSD9_09,Group,Gruppe STR_TSD9_11,+/-,+/- STR_TSD9_12,#,# STR_TSD9_13,Name,Name STR_TSD9_15,Seat,Platz STR_TSD9_16,Role,Aufgabe STR_TSD9_17,Gear,Ausruestung STR_TSD9_18,Score,Punkte STR_TSD9_19,Command,Befehl STR_TSD9_20,Requires,Benoetigt // Pos=Position STR_TSD9_21,Pos,Pos // TL=Team Leader //STR_TSD9_22,TL Prox,TL Prox // Prox=Proximity STR_TSD9_23,My Prox,My Prox STR_TSD9_24,Target,Ziel STR_TSD9_25,Actions,Aktionen STR_TSD9_26,Pvt,Pvt STR_TSD9_27,Cpl,Cpl STR_TSD9_28,Sgt,Sgt STR_TSD9_29,Ltn,Ltn STR_TSD9_30,Cpt,Cpt STR_TSD9_31,Mjr,Mjr STR_TSD9_32,Col,Col STR_TSD9_33,A.I.,K.I. STR_TSD9_34,Dead,Tot STR_TSD9_35,Name unknown,Unbekannt // "some" describes ammo quantity STR_TSD9_36,some,some // "TL" = team leader STR_TSD9_37,TL,GF STR_TSD9_38,(My group),(Meine Gruppe) STR_TSD9_39,Vacant Seats,Freie Sitze STR_TSD9_40,has left your group,hat deine Gruppe verlassen STR_TSD9_41,has joined your group,ist deiner Gruppe beigetreten STR_TSD9_42,Your new Team Leader is,Dein neuer GF ist STR_TSD9_43,has resigned,hat aufgegeben STR_TSD9_44,Player,Spieler STR_TSD9_45,was kicked from the group,wurde aus der Gruppe entfernt STR_TSD9_46,soldier was removed from group,Soldat wurde aus der Gruppe entfernt // symbol (+) to indicate column uses combo controls STR_TSD9_47,+,+ STR_TSD9_48,You are the new Team Leader,Du bist jetzt GF STR_TSD9_49,has been replaced,wurde abgesetzt STR_TSD9_50,The Team Leader is no longer an AI player,Der GF ist keine KI mehr STR_TSD9_51,New group,Neue Gruppe STR_TSD9_52,Join group,Beitreten STR_TSD9_53,Go TL,Werde GF STR_TSD9_54,New TL,Neuer GF STR_TSD9_55,Remove,Entfernen STR_TSD9_56,Kick,Kicken STR_TSD9_57,Recruit,Holen STR_TSD9_58,Invite,Einladen // "No", as in "No driver" STR_TSD9_59,No,Kein STR_TSD9_60,Passenger,Beifahrer STR_TSD9_61,was invited into group,wurde eingeladen STR_TSD9_62,soldier was recruited into group,Soldat wurde aufgenommen STR_TSD9_63,you have been invited to join group,du wurdest eingeladen STR_TSD9_64,Collapse all,Keine Details STR_TSD9_65,Expand all,Alle Details If you had all of that in some random file, well, no it wouldn't work. But reading the instructions does wonders for getting this installed correctly, knowing what you're doing or not. :)
  2. Are you using the Single Player -> Editor or the Scenarios -> My Missions editor?
  3. In that case _c appears to be a variable that marks if something is connected or not I think? What you're asking for isn't trivial (as in, changing a line or two of those scripts) or else someone would have done it already. :) There's been a few attempts at this slingload concept using Norrin's FastRope, or attachTo or whatnot, but none very robust yet. Mando Hitch is still the best so far, even with a few porting errors. Hopefully Mando will update his script for ArmA2 and we'll be happy again. :)
  4. kylania

    Sandstorm Script

    Apparently the NIM weather scripts from ArmA still work in ArmA2. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=777
  5. Those are "local variable names". _vcl probably means "vehicle" and not sure what _c would be. Though it could be anything.
  6. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.armaprofile
  7. Umm... No. That's totally wrong. :) east setfriend [west,1]; west setfriend [east,1]; east setfriend [resistance,0]; west setfriend [resistance,0]; ^^ OPFOR and BLUFOR best of friends, and both will murder Independents on sight.
  8. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module#ARTY_Vehicles_and_Magazines
  9. kylania

    Parachute Vehicles?

    You should search the forums, there's been several threads about this issue. Suggested search strings: BIS_fnc_SupplyDrop or parachute vehicle
  10. If you put the command in their init, Tophe's nice respawn script will respawn then with their init and it'll run again.
  11. you have respawning searchlights? :)
  12. Resizing the pic to 512x256 worked leaving it as a JPG. The overview.html seeming to indicate it had to be smaller is what confuses a lot of people though. :(
  13. The briefing background color varies depending on what's behind it since it's semi-transparent. It's basically a Dark Green. Against White Background: RGB: 63, 73, 56 Against Ground Background: RGB: 54, 64, 44 Against Sea Zoomed out (lighter) Background: RGB: 57, 70, 54 Against Sea Zoomed in (darker) Background: RGB: 54, 66, 50
  14. Ahh I read this wrong the first time. This is far too confused for what you need. In your other thread you have the method for crashing the C130J wherever and creating a marker there. We can simply expand that to dynamically create a trigger around the crash site rather than trying to guess where. :) The main question will be how and where to crash the thing. Since you want the starting/crashing to be random, the destruction will have to be as well. Probably a timed trigger would be best? Spawn the C130 on the map, so it's local to the server. Have it grouped with markers to randomize where it'll fly from. Then have a trigger that lets it fly for 30 seconds, and once the time is up, kill the crew and let it crash. Once crashed, create the marker/trigger.
  15. You're on the right track, but use == instead of = for checking if something is a certain value. = is "assignment" while == is "equivalence" So have a trigger for each objective set a variable: objWhatever = true; Then have a main mission trigger that checks: objWhatever && objSomethingelse && objOmg or objWhatever == true AND objSomethingelse == true AND objOmg == true either would work.
  16. kylania

    Marker Follow Unit?

    Just put all of that marker stuff in a KILLED eventhandler. this addEventHandler ["killed", "mrkCrash = createMarker['mrkCrash', getPos c130];'mrkCrash' setMarkerShape 'ICON';'mrkCrash' setMarkerType 'hd_objective';'mrkCrash' setMarkerColor 'ColorGreen';'mrkCrash' setMarkerText 'Crash Site';"] Watch the glory in this demo mission.
  17. 2D editor by far. The 3D editor is still essentially Alpha mode, it's not even been officially released really. Also things you make in the 3D editor are not easily useable in the 2D editor.
  18. I know for direction facting, this works: _obj setDir _dir; _obj setPos getPos _obj; Just moving it to it's own location again in other words.
  19. Use nuxil's code, but instead of crew use group. {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units groupName;units groupName allowGetIn false
  20. 1. this disableAI "MOVE"; 2. enableSaving false; // Saving disabled and make autosave. enableSaving true; // Saving enabled without autosave. enableSaving [false, false]; // Saving disabled without autosave. enableSaving [false, true]; // Saving disabled and make autosave. enableSaving [true, false]; // Saving enabled without autosave. enableSaving [true, true]; // Saving enabled without autosave 3. heli doTarget targetObject;
  21. kylania

    blue lines

    I really wish F2 mode automatically reverted to F1 mode after working. I'm constantly ungrouping people when I try to move them. heh
  22. kylania

    Spawn units inside a vehicle.

    To move all your players group members into the ship at the beginning, put this line in the player's init field: {_x moveInCargo shipName} foreach units group player; Then have the ship have a Transport Unload waypoint on the shore and the player have a Get Out one near it. Synch these together (F5). Then have the ship have a final move waypoint out at sea.
  23. kylania

    Mission.sqm help

    It's odd that it worked for you. The version he sent me was missing another one down after the modules. Glad it's working for everyone though. :)
  24. Use the High Command module. You can Ctrl-Spacebar to enter HC mode and set waypoints for both armor and air. To board a chopper just tell your guys to get in it. The chopper will land and pick you up. To make the chopper land tell your guys to Disembark and the chopper will land and drop you off.