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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    HALO jumps

    They should lock threads that ask common questions that a simple one word search could have found the answer to, great idea. :) Had you typed 'HALO' into search and clicked 'Search Now' you'd have found the thread you were directed to in this very thread. Had you read that thread, or even skimmed it lightly, you'd have come across the phrase "This works, but thanks to BlackAlpha's help in another thread...this works even better:" and you'd have used the example displayed. Instead you posted a brand new post, now adding another thread to the list of search results, instead of having found existing information yourself. I appreciate that you're learning things again, I too went through the same process, but you really need to try finding information via search first then when you get stuck with something ask a specific question. Posting asked-and-answered questions just fills the forums with extra threads.
  2. kylania

    HALO jumps

    You're welcome, and welcome back! Also, thanks for Searching Before Posting.
  3. kylania

    HALO jumps

    Umm.. yes it does. Instead of "nope doesnt really tell me how" did you mean to type "I barely skimmed that thread but since I'm too lazy to read when I was confronted with discussion and the chance to learn something rather than a line of code I can mindlessly copy/paste I decided to claim it didn't help even though it told me character by character what to type on the example found on page four of the thread I was directed to." If so, no worries, it's a common typo being made on these boards this week! :) Type this into your trigger's onAct.. or run it as an action, or radio.. lots of choices. [unitName, optionalHeight] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs" As for telling you when to jump, it's the same Trigger mechanism that's been around since OFP. You can even download a demo mission to see it in action!
  4. Ahh, right, change your code to this: veh = [this, 15, 18000, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "nul = [this,'car'] execVM 'mountOnC130\mount_vcl_init.sqf'; this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 15.9]"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 15.9]; nul = [this,"car"] execVM "mountOnC130\mount_vcl_init.sqf"; That will give you 15 seconds after destruction till it respawns, 5 hours of idle time on the ground (you had it at 10 seconds abandoned, which it would be while towing) and the first FALSE there turns off the explosive respawn. :) I also changed it from 5 limited respawns to unlimited.
  5. I like to place a chicken first and attach the LHD to that.
  6. I use Kegetys' ArmA Tools myself. Pretty flawless. Basically just need cpbo.exe from there. Put it somewhere you can forget about it. Run it to register it, then open and create PBOs from files all day.
  7. Wow, it's like No Effort Week this week. Glad it's Friday. There isn't really any prettyAmbush.sqf out there. Place the bunkers, then either give them MOVE + Building Pos waypoints or setPos them where you want them. Putting them in stealth mode might work too.
  8. Be really really good all year and hope Santa brings you it for Christmas? Or make your own add-on.
  9. The mission editor IS easy to use. See for yourself here: ARMA2 DevDiary: 02 - Editor Basics Plop down a guy, plop down some enemies, go to town. The End. It gets more complicated when you start to do things like demand extremely specific loadouts or expect to have cutscene level synchronization between disparate units. That takes scripting, as it would in pretty much any other game, and that takes patience, knowledge and time. You can do a LOT without scripting anything at all in fact. But people always want that one thing that you can't do without scripting then complain about scripting saying the editor is hard to use. Hogwash. :) And yes, this entire post was just an excuse to use the word 'hogwash'. Sorry.
  10. Says you. :) Personally I enjoy scripting and editing as much if not more than actually playing the game. Though seeing others play something I helped create is pretty kick ass too. But scripting is totally fun for some. :) So was DOS. ;)
  11. What happens if you build your objects on say Utes in 3D. Port them to 2D with the russian tool. Then open the 2D map in CAA1 2D editor, copy the items from the map, then paste them into the Sahrani map?
  12. The 3D editor barely works. There's no official method of porting from 3D to 2D editors. Sahrani is an ArmA map. So no, none of it should work. :) You should learn the 2D editor, it's perfect for 99.9% of what you need to do.
  13. kylania


    You should be able to, make sure you're dragging from the waypoint to waypoint and not waypoint to vehicle or something.
  14. galzohar's fixes are for TeamSwitch, which still 'breaks' breifings. 1.03 fixed losing breifings after respawn/JIP, but not TeamSwitch, since most briefings are only assigned to players rather than AI which is required in TeamSwitch mode. My question about the above script is, are all those spawned waitUntil's better than using triggers on the map?
  15. kylania


    Searching is always a good first step. Your question has been asked and answered dozens of times already.
  16. veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 15.9]; nul = [this] execVM ""tow\mount_vcl_init.sqf""; this setDammage 0.5"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 15.9]; nul = [this] execVM "tow\mount_vcl_init.sqf"; Edit: Oh, you changed the code again, this is your updated code, notice that anything BETWEEN " " needs double quotes, or use single quotes instead: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "nul = [this,'car'] execVM 'mountOnC130\mount_vcl_init.sqf'; this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 15.9]"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 1, 15.9]; nul = [this,"car"] execVM "mountOnC130\mount_vcl_init.sqf";
  17. kylania

    Revive Script

    Force Recon guys can be revived by default. Don't have to change from SoldierWB to get them working.
  18. 107 items in my mission folder and only one is a map I consider complete. :)
  19. Tophe's Simple Respawn Script retains the init field.
  20. Stock 1.03 added that error, I think it's fixed in the beta though.
  21. Here are my main 'help' bookmarks I use constantly: This forum :p COMREF ArmA 2 Classes ArmA 2 Vehicle Weapons Mission Editor Wiki OFPEC Armaholic's Editor Sticky Variables