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Everything posted by kylania

  1. I got in within 9 minutes! What do I win? :)
  2. The folder you got from the PBO should go in your mission editor folder. Usually: My Documents\ArmA 2\Other Profiles\YourNick\missions If you don't have the missions folder, create it there. Place the mission in there so it's like: YourNick\missions\co30_whatever.chernarus Then open ArmA go to SINGLEPLAYER then Editor, select Chernarus and Load button. Then you'll see the name of the map there, select that and tada! To use the file simply SAVE it then SAVE and this time select "Export to Multiplayer Missions". That will create a PBO from it in your ArmA2 MPMissions folder: For Steam: Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\ArmA2\MpMissions And it'll now show up under MULTIPLAYER -> NEW/HOST or whatever it's called. :)
  3. That's for AI to use, it doesn't create an actual door. :)
  4. kylania

    help a n00b

    That is the code. :) player in jeep In Condition, erase "this" and replace it with the above.
  5. kylania

    help a n00b

    Amazingly simple. Name the Jeep "jeep". Then place a trigger. Axis A = 0, Axis B = 0, Type = End1, Min = 3, Mid = 3, Max = 3, Condition = player in jeep That's it. :) After the player gets in the jeep, 3 seconds later the game ends.
  6. If it's only the ones in the bus that you want to be randomly advised to get off, that's even easier. This code will make 1-4 random bus riders disembark. for [{_i=0},{_i < (round(random 3) + 1)},{_i=_i+1}] do { _rider = (assignedCargo bus1) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; unassignVehicle _rider; };
  7. Totally need a snow version, there are snowy tropical islands aren't there? :)
  8. If there is a set group of civilians that may disembark, just name them all. That will solve the extra character things since they'll have easy to identify names, as in my example. C1, C2, C3 and so on.
  9. I'm a little confused about what you're doing.. what exactly are you trying to check for, if members of the players group are in the bus?
  10. In my test c1 - c8 were editor placed civilian units. I had a bus grouped with one unnamed group of civilians. Then another group named c1-c8. The named ones started outside and had a GET IN waypoint. The unnamed started as Cargo of the bus. And oops, i forgot this line at the top when I pasted it: waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; Then i had a trigger that simply ran: nul = [] execVM "bus.sqf";
  11. So you're trying to pick a random occupant of a bus and see if it's a member of civArray? Is "civArray" a pre-set array of 13 objects? Using the Functions module you could do something like this: civArray = [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8]; _rider = (assignedCargo bus1) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; player sideChat format["Your randomly chosen rider is %1", _rider]; if (_rider in civArray) then { // do stuff player sideChat format["%1 is in the bus!", _rider]; } else { player sideChat "None of your group is on the bus."; };
  12. There are issues with Radio Triggers with anything but 'this' as their conditions. You should move the support == true into the script itself rather than controlling it form the Radio trigger. That's why it's crashing I bet. As far as working on a dedicated server, all the movement logic needs to be run by the server, so check for that before running the script on all clients.
  13. yup, not all buildings have positions and some that do the position is simply standing outside.
  14. To get the position of your teleport just add in a hint format['%1, %2, %3'],_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _pos select 2]; inside the single click code. As far as getting information about the shift-click position thing, I have no idea. I don't know of any commands that can pull that info out specifically. Maybe write code to capture when you shift click and try to figure it out that way? Why do you need the position of that anyway? Can't you just use a normal map click?
  15. There was a buildingPos.sqf thingie for ArmA.. I'll try to find the link. Found it: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=879
  16. You could script it using onSingleMapClick but not by default.
  17. Any FSM tutorials or walkthroughs out yet? I tried the editor and my face melted. :)
  18. Missed one. :) takeoff2= _target addaction ["Go","go.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","_target isKindof ""plane"""];
  19. Use "" or ' around plane since you're using quotes inside of " "
  20. kylania

    US Support

    He means copy the US Flag object inside the test mission into your own mission. A better way of doing this would be to tell the end user to place the EMPTY -> OBJECT -> FLAG (US) object on their map. Set it's name to ussupport and put the following in it's Init field: [] exec "lkscripts\support_init.sqf"; Also lucilk, remember to remove the execVM "briefing.sqf" from the eventhandler part in briefing.sqf since that's not required anymore post 1.03.
  21. There is no easy way of doing what you want.
  22. Umm... those init strings look wrong, like you have a setPos with too many arguments (using position this and getPos both) also I don't see the mount_init stuff norrin's needs to work.
  23. Expert mode should do that. But keep in mind, finding clues to know where you are is not often fun.
  24. Yup, 1.03 gives 2 options, while 1.04 gives an array of them, first two elements are param1 and param2 as normal. Read more here: http://www.ofpec.com/tutorials/index.php?action=view&id=212
  25. 1. Not sure, probibility of presense might do it. I'll test that later. 2. Just setPos the item to the leader's POS in it's init. As long as it was added after the leader was to the map all should be good. 3. I don't think AI pathing supports that. You might be able to trick it with timed setPos' but that's messy. :) 4. If it's in an urban area it's possible the AI are either getting stuck and having to catch back up (running) or someone's getting caught and damaged on something (falling to ground).