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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    Positions in buildings

    For both questions, you'd search. :)
  2. kylania

    US Support

    Try to build it modular, so like you put in what SIDE you want to use and it'll handle the units correctly. Or something. :) Like make everything in the script itself generic, then at the top use a Switch command to set what units or something. Or something, I'm sleepy. Sorry.
  3. http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34033.msg235012#msg235012
  4. Sounds like you're off to a great start! When you have more questions, don't be afraid to ask! :)
  5. This thread seems to have some answers: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83110
  6. That respawn script is used to respawn empty vehicles. If you wanted to spawn a piloted one (the UAV isn't really "Unmanned") you need to create it via custom script.
  7. kylania

    Nuclear Test

    Is this the same as the ACE nuke? Either way, it's lovely. Just get an M203 round that does that and we'll be set!
  8. Search for Gesture someone posted a list a while ago.
  9. Here's the code I use to turn to something: _unit = myUnit; _pole = myPole; _spot = getPos _unit; _myspot = getPos _pole; _set_dir = ((_spot select 0) - (_myspot select 0))atan2((_spot select 1) - (_myspot select 1)); _pole setDir _set_dir; _pole setPos getPos _pole; Untested, but might work. :)
  10. 1. The ranges of artillery pieces was posted recently, you can read them here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85977 MLRS has a minimum range of 4900m, which is quite a bit of the map. :) 2. removeMagazine "12Rnd_MLRS"; I think? There's been threads about it recently as well I think.
  11. kylania

    Waypoints attached to units

    You can delete the waypoint or the truck, whichever is easier to fix. :) You can place a new waypoint and reorder it while placing it though, really easy.
  12. kylania

    im just overwhelmed

    By not copy pasting anymore and learning what you're doing. :) Start with small simple stuff.
  13. kylania

    New patch 1.04

    I officially love the new MP setup screen, well done BIS! Thanks!
  14. If it's a mod like VOPSounds which just worms its way into your mission even though there's no objects from it used in your mission you can just delete the offending line. However if you're actually using an object from that pack, like the Radar System I think or features like chaff/whatever from the RKSL one, you'll need to keep the mod loaded. Open mission.sqm with a text file. At the top of your mission you'll find a see a section like this: class Mission { addOns[]= { "cacharacters2", "chernarus", "camisc3", "RKSL_ARMA2", "CAWheeled2_Kamaz", "ca_modules_functions" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "cacharacters2", "CAWheeled2_Kamaz", "ca_modules_functions", "RKSL_ARMA2", "camisc3", "chernarus" }; You'd just delete the RKSL lines and hopefully that will fix it and not break anything else. :)
  15. You used a mod to make the map therefore the map requires that mod loaded now, for you to edit it, anyone to play it and the server to even host it. Load the mod again to be able to edit/play/host it.
  16. if (!alive gb1) exitWith {}; before each globalChat I think.
  17. Seems the GET IN is the problem than right? Instead of GetIn Nearest waypoints can you try something like assignAsCargo and orderGetIn? I assume you're capturing the name of the vehicle during the despawn/respawn process.
  18. Epic! :) I kinda like the new titles, I saw them in another post and was like, sweet new stuff!
  19. kylania

    Helo rearm question

    This either has to be scripted or just place the Warfare Building Vehicle Repair Point or whatever, that'll do this all automatically.
  20. There's three types of ways to play: SP only - currently buggy, so people might think it's crap and there's no hope. (This kind of includes MP Co-op campaign too) Really hope these people find a good unit or server to play on should they try MP. MP Organized - either in a unit or in the rare servers which have a community that plays together even if not in a unit. Best way to play most times. MP Crap - CL, pub servers, lots of symbols in people's names, which is sadly what most people run into right away. Oh, and for people who want to protect their precious snowflakes from bad language, if you think your kids aren't already using worse words at school you need to pay more attention. :) Some of the filthiest stuff I've heard was from 6th graders walking past my window after getting off the bus. heh
  21. copyWaypoints, and all other waypoint commands I know of, use groups not objects so setVehicleID won't help you since the actual vehicle doesn't matter. Am I correct in assuming you want to place a patrol path in the editor and when they are destroyed dynamically create a new group then copy the waypoints you had set via the editor from group 1 (editor placed) to group 2 (script spawned)? I believe that groups aren't deleted when their member units are destroyed so your plan might work. You'll need to play around with it. Name your first editor placed group. In it's init field put: patrolGroup1 = group this; then when you spawn your group later in the script: _grp = createGroup east; _grp copyWaypoints patrolGroup1; Or something?
  22. You mean like this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=82578
  23. unitObject = ([getMarkerPos "spawnMeHere", 180, "UH1Y", someExistingGroupObject] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle) select 0; // 180 = facing south Use it, live it, love it. Don't spawn individual guys than try to shove them into place, use the Functions module and let the game do the work for you! :)
  24. The first two elements of the paramsArray are param1 and param2, so in your init example you'd want to have: setViewDistance (paramsArray select 2); //this works setTerrainGrid (paramsArray select 3); //this works enableEnvironment (paramsarray select 4); //this should work now skiptime (paramsArray select 5); //this should work now
  25. You should totally put a bunch of these in the sky at random places! :)