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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Of course it did. As I explained that was one of the possibilities. The marker-grouped object spawns either where you placed it or at the location of one of the marker's it's grouped with. You just want the H to appear at a random spot out of 6 possibilities right? Place your FIVE markers in five of the places you want, place your object in the SIXTH place. Then group (this is sometimes difficult since in Group Mode you can't see the marker, but you can see it's tooltip when you're over it) the markers with the object and PREVIEW MORE THAN ONCE. :) The H will move to one of the markers or remain where it is. No need for long if/than scripts or any scripts at all, though shk's solution is pretty elegant too. :)
  2. Far too much work perhaps? At least for units you can group then with markers and it'll randomly spawn at one of the markers or it's placed location. That might work with the 'H'?
  3. I've been trying to get the "drag an unconscious body" thing working too, and can't get it working well enough for me. It's basically trivial to drag an unconscious dude and put him into a vehicle. I got a demo of that at home I'll post if I ever get out of here today. ;) I'd posted about this last week too and someone had a decent example of dragging a bodybag'd body you might like that as well.
  4. I run my PC on a 24" monitor at 1920x1200 and your one and a half posts filled the entire screen. You also broke two forum rules doing so. So... yeah.
  5. That's basically the same thing just uses the player. You might want to grab all the locations in the missions init.sqf so you have them stored. How exactly are you using these waypoints? Would markers, even hidden ones, work better? So at least the mission designer could easily see the flow of waypoints?
  6. Not sure what's worse, not searching before posting, bumping one's own thread or the "my sig is twice the size of my post" thing. :) Firstly please take out the newlines in that sig, it can all fit on one line. Secondly, a search might have turned up threads like these: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85277 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=86121 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85856
  7. Yup plenty of ideas. This forum is really more for answering questions as opposed to "can someone make me a mission". You basically have 4 parts to your mission. Find Rescue Exfiltrate Ending 1. The finding part is as easy as simply placing a Marker on the map in the editor. Make it say a large green circle and have the guy somewhere in there. Done. :) Depending on who the guy is (BLUFOR pilot or civilian or something) you might want to put this in his Initialization field to make sure no one shoots him: this setCaptive true; 2. The Rescue part is as easy as placing some OPFOR units around him for the player to fight. 3. Now, the incapacitated and carrying things are far more complex. I'd suggest for your first mission you start more simply and just have the guy join your squad when you meet him. A quick search for hostage on these forums comes up with this great example for getting a hostage to join your group and leave with you. 4. The ending would be a Trigger, ANYBODY PRESENT REPEATEDLY, Type = End1 and condition of: hostage in thislist (assuming he's named "hostage") Play around with those ideas and see what you can come up with.
  8. Quotes from: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=86338&highlight=nearestobject
  9. Please search before posting, this type of question has been asked and answered dozens of times. Two triggers. Both with this as it's Condition: player in myCar First with this as it's onAct: hint "You hear a beeping coming from under the dashboard!"; Second with a Min/Mid/Max set to 10 each and COUNTDOWN selected and this as it's onAct: bomb = "R_57mm_HE" createVehicle getPos myCar;
  10. What I usually do is have a blank mission with the "core" scripts I use often, like Revive, Weapon Respawn, IEDs, vehicle respawn and the like and keep that as a mission folder. Then when I go to make a new mission, just copy that folder naming it to whatever I want, then open the copied folder in the editor and do the mission. That way all my core stuff was transferred over and ready when I copied it.
  11. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor I decided that giving you the help file to the Editor would be better than the standard SEARCH BEFORE POSTING for such a common question. :) Enjoy and welcome to the forums!
  12. Ahh good tips, never play on a non-dedicated host and suck at JIP. :)
  13. player Just make sure you're running the script on all clients, and maybe toss in a !isServer if you don't want the server to do it too.
  14. All you need is this: [this, 2000] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; On the forums here you had a space at the end of sqs, you don't have that in your code do you?
  15. kylania

    Seriously FFS. PLAY THE DEMO!

    I agree with all but 3. The demo isn't 1.04 and patches up to 1.04 fixed quite a few problems from the start. :) Basically people need to realize that BIS games do tend to have bugs at the start and they are almost entirely squashed in time. Even with bugs ArmA2 is fantastic and will only get better! :)
  16. Wow, way cool video. What's the music? I have no idea how to do what you're asking, but we'd like to do it too, so hopefully someone can respond with more than fanboiism :)
  17. If you're new to editing, completely ignore Campaigns. Those are a string of missions and if you're having trouble with just a mission, Campaigns can come later. For now just put SQF files in the same MISSION folder as the mission itself. That's pretty much default. Very few people put scripts in addOns as you're describing. It's possible, but messy. For object addons, like LittleBird or different units or something, it's outside of the mission. While the objects can be used IN the mission, you can't add the AddOn into the mission. The player would just have to have it loaded as well.
  18. Actually a friend of mine came up with a more MP version of this, when I get home I'll post it. It's way easier than this :)
  19. Oh, that's easy to fix, all you do is fi..*SALUTE* Hello sir!
  20. Ahh, right. You're entirely correct in your understanding of how it works. There's two uses of PBOs, mission files and addon files. Think of them more like ZIP files, a single file comprised of multiple files/folders. So you have a mission in the editor and you want to run it on a server. In order to do that you need to Export it, creating a PBO, then put that file on the server and it can now run the mission. The second use of PBOs is AddOns. AddOns are really of two kinds. Built in (those that came with the game and patches and are in the ArmA2\AddOns folder and player created ones. You could technically put the player ones in the AddOns folder, but that is dangerous since it could affect every mission you make from that point on. It's a lot safer to put them in their own mod folders. Like if you had a PBO called MyScripts.pbo that held common scripts you use in all of your missions. You would create a folder called: "ArmA2\myscripts" Under that another folder called "addons", so it would be "ArmA2\myscripts\addons" and put your MyScripts.pbo in that addons folder. If you started your game with this added to your shortcut: arma2.exe -nosplash -mod=myscripts you'd then load the PBO with yourscripts automatically and have them available. Keep in mind everyone playing on your mission would also need that PBO installed if they wanted to play. So would the server. It's telling the client where the PBO is that allows it to properly load the addon PBO. So Addon PBOs are outside of the Mission PBO and are loaded via the -mod= command line option when you start the game. Any of that make sense? :)
  21. Oops, I came in late to the thread and missed the LOGIC stuff. Good approach, I like offloading stuff to the editor sometimes, though keeping track of it can be a challenge in some cases.
  22. ANYBODY PRESENT REPEATABLE OnAct: {_x setDamage 1} forEach thislist; Or somethingâ„¢ :P
  23. In that case you'd want 3 triggers probably. One to check if veh1 went through and to set a variable to true, another to check if veh2 went through and to set another variable to true (or add to the first) then a third to check when those variables are true (or the variable is > 1 or something) and trigger whatever you'd wanted to happen.
  24. The PBO is simply a packaged form of your local mission folder. When you export the mission all your files (sqf, sqm and whatever else) will be "in" your PBO.