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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania


    There are countless threads about air support, one of the better done ones a mere 2 posts below this very thread. Search please. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83029
  2. Have you tried moving the whole lot of waypoints and triggers to a different area of the map?
  3. Place your salvage truck with this as it's init field: nul = this execVM "scripts\addDeployMenu.sqf"; addDeployMenu.sqf: _unit = _this; _descs = ["A-10","AH1Z","AV8B Bomber","AV8B LGB","F-35 Lightning","MV-22","UH-1Y","C-130J"]; _types = ["A10","AH1Z","AV8B2","AV8B","F35B","MV22","UH1Y","C130J"]; _script = "scripts\deploy.sqf"; _count = count _types -1; for "_x" from 0 to _count do { _desc = format["Deploy %1",_descs select _x]; _type = _types select _x; _act = _unit addaction [_desc,_script,_type]; }; deploy.sqf: _veh = _this select 3; _loc = getPos deploy_1; _hmg = _veh createvehicle _loc; _hmg addEventHandler ["killed",{_this exec "scripts\killed.sqf"}]; On a dedicated server though you'd want to run this as the server, not as a player.
  4. Inside a script the _this is the array of arguments passed to the script: Example 1, in the init of a vehicle named 'car': this execVM "myScript.sqf"; This one is a little tricky since it uses both "this" and "_this". Since it's used in an init this is a keyword to mean the object itself, the vehicle called 'car' so therefore in the script _this would be the object 'car'. Since it doesn't have the [ ] around it denoting that it would be an array it is considered a single argument. Example 1, called from a trigger: [car, "R_57mm_HE", 4] execVM "ied.sqf"; This time _this is an array with three elements. _this select 0 is the first element, which is car. In this case the existing object 'car'. _this select 1 is the second element, "R_57mm_HE". In this case a string value, probably used in the script to create the explosion. _this select 2 is the third element, which is 4. It's a numeric value 4, possibly used as a delay in seconds.
  5. Custom sound declared in the description.ext and a lot of math. :)
  6. I'd do this in a more subtle and dangerous way. Let them pick them up! Then they load them. Then have a FIRED eventhandler on everyone. If they fire the wrong type of weapon.. BOOM! :)
  7. kylania

    Flying Objects

    hmm.. If it's just one location, maybe start the player there, with a blacked out screen, then setPos them to the proper location once the mission starts? haven't tried this, but might work if it's a player distance issue at work.
  8. kylania

    Flying Objects

    Had that happen to me too. In the editor everything is beautiful and aligned while on the dedicated server everything is sideways and askew. Sucks to be honest.
  9. Yup, read my edit above, I caught a second problem which is why it was saying 1 and also rewrote it.
  10. Actually you had no sleep within the while you also were using 1% instead of %1. So the "1" you were seeing was coz you typed 1. :) Try this instead: for "_x" from 1 to 180 do { hintSilent format["Counting %1", _x]; sleep 1; }; player sideChat "Script finished";
  11. Nope, not in the init, that's why it didn't work I bet. So it's one insurgent and multiple OPFOR right? What makes them shoot? A trigger or something? Are all the OPFOR in the same group? Is the player BLUFOR or OPFOR? This code in a trigger would get the whole squad to shoot the guy. First name him spy or whatever. In your OPFOR group leader's init put fs = group this; then this code in the trigger onAct: {_x doFire spy;} foreach units fs;
  12. Yeah, it's the entire side. I just skimmed the title of this posted before searched thread. Sorry. :) In that case ditch the hidden blufor guy and search for "setCaptive". Use doTarget and doFire when you wanna take the guy down.
  13. Then how are you creating the markers in the first place? My answer is the command to use to create a marker that only a player (or players on a side, depends on your logic) can see rather than using createMarker which creates them globally. shk's answer is the command you can use to make existing markers invisible to whoever.
  14. kylania


    Model a cig and the animations that go along with it and release it as an addon. In other words: "No, smoking cigarettes is not a built in or scriptable part of ArmA2. It's also bad for you and can start forest fires. One third of Chernarus is forests. Safety and health begin with you!"
  15. kylania

    Just Got the game :) few questions

    Welcome to ArmA2 Daniel!
  16. It's a command line option vengeance: "C:\program files\bohemia interactive\arma2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -showScriptErrors
  17. {_x in vehicles && (side _x != west)} count thislist > 0 One ANYBODY PRESENT REPEATEDLY trigger with the above Condition and your existing OnAct/OnDeact
  18. Fantastic work, thanks so much!
  19. kylania

    Revive Script

    So you don't want to use revive at all? Seems an odd option really, if you're gonna turn it off might as well remove the scripts. :) I've never actually played like that, so not sure exactly. :(
  20. kylania

    Revive Script

    King Nothing, make sure that "respawn_west" and "Boot_Hill" markers are well far away from the starting location. The "starting dead" usually means you're within 200m of the "repsawn_west" marker. "Base" marker should generally be where you start and where you want to respawn.
  21. The only problem with Battlefield Clearance is that you need to knock them unconscious somehow. There's a state command you can use for that, but that screwed up the drag animation. If you use FirstAid you're then given the chance to heal them. Both are unacceptable I think. ;)