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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    "Lose" Ending

    Captain, the code that cobra posted goes in your briefing.html file to make it show.
  2. MH6 those are some really cool demos, thanks a lot!
  3. this setPos [(getPos this) select 0, (getPos this) select 1, 15.9]; Search is your friend btw.
  4. Or just select Non Playable from the dropdown. :)
  5. You can't really, you'd have to upload it somewhere first. Try http://imageshack.us/
  6. stephen, if you click the little yellow/mountain button that'll open the IMG dialog. Make sure the picture isn't larger than 100k, if it is just link it.
  7. kylania

    Urban Patrol Script

    nm. :) What shk said.
  8. kylania

    A few questions

    Problem is it doesn't work that way. Even set as NONE the first thing the AI Squad Leader does is call a formation and the members fall in. And yes, we could loop the members and tell them not to move till some trigger makes them move, but that seems excessive for what NONE should do on it's own.
  9. Other threads on this topic have pointed to capturing the scoreboard key and remapping it to nothing and turning off the score board on the server (NetStat = 0 or something). Search is your friend.
  10. kylania

    A few questions

    Most of the time I see them do that yeah, it totally sucks. I've yet to find a way to have the leader say "no formation, as you were". That said, making them go stealthy does seem to make them find cover.
  11. To use it from addAction you'd have to change the script to look for (_this select 3) select 0 and select 1 instead of my example above. Then: this addAction ["Burn","tripflare.sqf",[target,delay]];
  12. kylania

    A few questions

    Have your groups enter Stealth or Combat mode, they should seek shelter or lay down. Or put them behind things so that they are hidden from view.
  13. kylania

    A few questions

    *jedi mind trick* Umm.. new suggestion, lower your expectations. That always works.
  14. That script will work for basically any item with any vehicle, it just won't always look good. It won't drop it via parachute. That requires a lot more scripting, and there's plenty of examples on that you can search for. If you want quick and dirty air drop try this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1407187&postcount=12
  15. kylania

    A few questions

    I made a demo mission that shows this at work. Only one town at a time would spawn. Domination uses a similar but far superior method. :) Basic rule of thumb is "entire map missions suck". They are just too laggy. Make smaller missions. If you're gonna be assaulting every town, make a mission for each group of a few towns maybe? If you're hitting the 144 group limit look for ways to tunnel your users into certain areas and only populate those.
  16. You have have some bizarre web filters, it's up and running. :)
  17. Search for tripflare. There was a whole thread with examples.
  18. My tripflare example had something that could be used for this. // Usage: _null = [objectName, delayTime] execVM "tripflare.sqf"; // Ex: _null = [myLamp, 60] execVM "tripflare.sqf"; // Grab the object to attach to and burn time. _target = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; // Create a small local white light and attach it to the object. _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _light setLightBrightness 0.1; _light setLightAmbient[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; _light setLightColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; _light lightAttachObject [_target, [0,0,0]]; // Burn the light for however long requested. sleep _delay; // Turn off the light. deletevehicle _light;
  19. Domination comes with a Revive version, and unless it's been changed drastically you can simply adjust it's revive_init.sqf to set those kinds of options.
  20. King Nothing is probably onto something. :) See the above pic.
  21. You should post that to help others. :) Also remember that Radio controls are usable by pretty much everyone, so in multiplayer it might not work too well.
  22. Asked and answered dozens of times. :) http://www.kylania.com/site/ In my example it ends the mission, but you can simply complete the objective instead.