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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Yup, or you can just change to "Non-Playable"
  2. You could probably adapt the code from this post to set positions for the cover team to move to.
  3. Completely unrelated, but I love your sig mchide. :) Hopefully they'll fix this for some upcoming patch, since it seems an easy enough fix.
  4. You can do something like loop through all units of a side and add the EH that way.
  5. Basiclly it's because the interior view is an entirely different model from the outside view. When you make a model you have different levels of detail (LoD) and some of them are special, like the 'cargo' or 'driver' view. These are models that detail what you can see from that position. Often times they are not the entire vehicle at all, but only what you could see by turning your head.
  6. Well, your isServer check is telling the script to run on every client EXCEPT for the server. Which is the opposite of what you want. You're also trying to use exitWith to exit a script, which it's not designed to do, it exits a code block. Try this: [color="SeaGreen"]if (isServer) then {[/color] _obj = _this select 0; _pos = position _obj; _dist = 10; "SearchLight_RUS" createVehicle _pos; _grp = createGroup east; waitUntil {!isNil "bis_fnc_init"}; _list = _pos nearObjects ["LandVehicle", _dist]; { if (count crew _x == 0) then { [_x, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnCrew; }; } forEach _list; [color="SeaGreen"]};[/color]
  7. Why are you trying to manually create a team assignment method when it's built into the game already? Press BACKSPACE to enter menu mode. Press F4, F5, F6 to select units 4, 5 and 6. Then press 9 for Team and 1 for Assign Team Red. Their unit numbers will turn red so you can tell at a glance what team they are members of. You can also do it all from the Spacebar Communications menu. Just Spacebar then Team. That will allow you to issue context sensitive commands to a team.
  8. You need to play around with the positioning in lightAttachObject. It's also not as a prominent as the wing tip lights, but if you get it just right you can see the light source created this way.
  9. kylania

    how to make it wait

    The above added code will wait till the map is closed before starting HALO.
  10. Please search? :D If you're talking about AI doing all of that, not gonna happen. Using liberal application of attachTo and setDir and setPos you can kind of get players to do it though. It's a subject that's been covered in dozens of threads already though. You should start there.
  11. You'd want to use addAction to get a scroll wheel option for this on the vehicle. In the helo's init put something like: this addAction ["Attach vehicle","attach.sqf"]; Then have attach.sqf look for proper vehicles and whatnot. There's been a few threads that explain how to do this.
  12. kylania

    setPos a Trigger?

    Both solutions are too good for 'em! Set their velocity downwards at 600! :) Fly too high and whoosh into the ground.
  13. kylania

    Deploying Mortar tubes and artillery?

    :rolleyes: I love when people say "I paid money for something I don't understand and now I'm angry about and am going to blame others since I'm confused!"
  14. Try this maybe: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34186.0
  15. kylania

    setPos a Trigger?

    Maybe run it via a script rather than trigger?
  16. kylania

    setPos a Trigger?

    Are you trying to activate a trigger only by air units? There's been some threads about that lately you can search for. They were about only ground units trigger it, but same idea. :)
  17. kylania

    marker position

    \o/ Glad I could help. It's always nice saving people a 5000m run :) Another method for this is via "teleport". Using the following script for example on a flag pole near your respawn_west to teleport to respawn_west2. That way they can respawn to base, rearm or whatever, then teleport forward to your second marker. // Teleports a person to the marker. You can place this marker anywhere on the map. // // To use: Add this script as an action on an item via it's init field. EG: // //this addAction["Dest Description","teleport.sqf",["markerName"]]; // //this addAction ["Teleport - Talon","teleport.sqf",["FOB_Talon"]]; //this addAction ["Teleport - Base","teleport.sqf",["Base"]]; //this addAction ["Teleport - Airfield","teleport.sqf",["Airstrip"]]; // Get the destination. _dest = (_this select 3) select 0; // Get a random direction _dir = random 359; // Move the person 15 meters away from the destination (in the direction of _dir) player SetPos [(getMarkerPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getMarkerPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)];
  18. _team = [url=http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/teamName]teamName[/url] unit; The possible team values are: "MAIN", "RED", "GREEN", "BLUE" and "YELLOW".
  19. kylania

    marker position

    I did... In the onAct of your trigger put the code I posted above. Change player to whatever object you want it to move to. Change "markerName" to whatever the name of your marker is, "respawn_west" I imagine?
  20. kylania

    marker position

    "markerName" setMarkerPos getPos player;
  21. kylania

    A2D Editor

    Unless I missed it, support for the following is missing: header class: class Header { gameType = COOP; minPlayers = 2; maxPlayers = 30; }; and the legacy param1/param2: titleParam2 = "Number of Revives:"; valuesParam2[] = {2000,1000,20,10,7,5}; defValueParam2 = 1000; textsParam2[] = {"No Revive","Infinite","20 - Easy ","10 - Normal","7 - Hard","5 - Extreme"};
  22. What is wrong is that it's too tiny to read. heh :)
  23. I got a demo mission at home which shows how to add a trigger from another trigger, I'll post that tonight.
  24. kylania

    "Lose" Ending

    Is this in the preview or from playing a mission from PBO? Don't think Preview will display the debriefing, but you can get it to display the Briefing by using Shift-Preview to start the mission.
  25. You can "disable" a radio option via this command: 3 setRadioMsg "NULL" So in the init.sqf you'd use the above code to turn off Radio Charlie then during your dialog you'd turn it back on via: 3 setRadioMsg "Move Saboteurs to the City"