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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Ahh, yeah, you could do that. Basically you'd run this on all clients execpt the one you wanted to have access to it: 1 setRadioMsg "NULL"; To disable Radio Alpha on whatever client run that script.
  2. SQF is just a syntax for the coding, it doesn't do anything on it's own. Just a way for you to tell the system to do something. :) To convert your first posted script to SQF is very simple. Just replace all the comment semi-colons with // then just add a semi-colon to the end of every line ; As far as getting what you want done, use the code Cobra posted above in your init.sqf: waitUntil {alive player}; _unit = player; removeAllWeapons _unit; {_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_545x39_AK"} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]; _unit addWeapon "AK_107_GL_Kobra"; {_unit addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"} foreach [1,2]; _unit addWeapon "Makarov"; {_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade_East"} foreach [1,2]; {_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellRed"} foreach [1,2]; {_unit addMagazine "FlareRed_GP25"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; {_unit addMagazine "1Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25"} foreach [1,2,3,4]; _unit addWeapon "Binocular";
  3. You're best off using addAction rather than Radio for this really. Radio triggers are available to anyone that has a radio. You could limit it after it's been triggered inside the script, but you can't put conditions on the trigger itself if it's Radio.
  4. That's SQF. With possible exception of camera scripts, most everything you code should probably be in SQF.
  5. kylania

    HALO Stay in formation

    Ha! You laugh, but seems South Korea took my advice! and
  6. unit1 == player or just check for unit1 really. You could just add the action just to unit1 or even build in the check for unit1 in the condition field of the addAction.
  7. So would the spawn triggers. All of them would spawn at the same, they wouldn't go sequentially and they wouldn't deactivate after something left the trigger zone. I hadn't actually read the first post, was just rewriting the last one. For a hot zone that kills you it would be pretty similar though, just each kill check if it's in the trigger or not. Pappy, is the intention of this that ONLY the helo take damage if it's in the area too long? And yes, _vic was just a general local variable I made up to save typing.
  8. Not sure "thislist" would be accessable within the spawn code blocks. Best to just put the damage stuff inside a script and simply have the trigger call the script. on Act: hint "Taking Damage!"; nul = [thisList select 0] execVM "slowDamage.sqf"; slowDamage.sqf = _vic = _this select 0; _vic setDamage 0.4; sleep 10; _vic setDamage 0.6; sleep 10; _vic setDamage 0.8; sleep 10; _vic setDamage 1;
  9. Blow up said tree with a satchel. Or use the other large airport. Or Gnat's fix, but not sure if that helps with AI pilots. Or just get a better pilot, it's possible to take off without crashing.
  10. Squad Leaders can SHIFT-CLICK on the map to create an on-the-fly waypoint. His group members should be able to see that. AI should follow it as well.
  11. Put a marker where you want it to delete and use doMove to make it go there. Once it's close maybe have a trigger to delete it or just let the script do that.
  12. Set the final MOVE waypoint well out of the Area of Operations then in that waypoint's On Act field put the following: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew h1; deleteVehicle h1; h1 = name of the helo.
  13. You don't really want the isServer there, since that won't work on players.
  14. Use the terrain only map? :) http://dev-heaven.net/repositories/changes/proper-projects/release/addons/TerrainOnlyUtes_World_C_PROPER.pbo
  15. kylania

    How to make a movie

    There was recently a pretty sweet camera script .. thing that was released. other than that it's all just practice! :) Look into setAccTime for making slow motion shots. This is a pretty cool video that shows that off: 360 Degrees Some other fantastic videos in that playlist.
  16. kylania

    How to make a movie

    Press 'L' to get rid of the crosshairs. Some people use Windows Movie Maker to edit their movies while others spend big and legally purchase the Sony Vegas software or similar products to use, I'm quite sure. Photoshop is for images. You'd want to purchase a license for Adobe Premiere to edit movies with an Adobe Product.
  17. That's one method of getting it to work, yes.
  18. kylania

    Couple things

    Vopsound is annoying in that affects more than just sound, to the point where if you make a mission with it loaded you require Vopsound in order to run the mission. A huge no-no for sound mod design. This happens since they change gameplay aspects with the sound mod, not just sound. Also the SMAW sounds like splashing water. :) SoW wasn't bad, but I didn't like the gun sounds, which everyone loves a little tinny for me, and explosions and anti-tank seemed weak for me. This might be because I can't run my subwoofer at normal volumes since I live in an apartment, but who knows. Currently stock sounds are just great for me. :)
  19. kylania

    Evil Dogs

    Use the solution to everything: attachTo!
  20. Since it's training the easiest method is simply declare that Jolly61 is the extract helo, test for it's presence and initiate the whole extraction thing. Short of that, if you really wanted to get into the complexity of making this work with any vehicle, test for a vehicle entering the trigger area, make sure it's a helo then have the AI board that I guess?
  21. { _x assignascargo vehicle player } foreach units group this maybe? Is this a single player or multiplayer mission? If it's single player, why is there more than one helo? If it's multiplayer, why are players picking up AI via trigger? Shouldn't the player just tell his AI to get in? If it's not his AI... well, we're back to why again. :)
  22. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Translations
  23. Here's a demo mission where you can see this at work: Demo Mission
  24. Can't really have effective 360 degree security with just 2 guys. :) The point of this is to simulate a squad disembarking to cover while another squad loads up.