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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    Trigger headaches

    This will detect that they are alive in the trigger, in a vehicle or not since their vehicle won't be there if they aren't alive. :) vehicle POW1 in thislist AND vehicle POW2 in thislist;
  2. Ahh, your problem is space. Specifically this space: < p> Change it to <p> and it works.
  3. It's not saved as overview.html.txt or anything is it? Check that you have "Hide extensions for known file types" turned OFF since that's the stupidest thing Windows has ever done. :)
  4. kylania

    f16's area bomb

    Will the player somehow see the takeoff, the bombing and the landing? If not, I'd suggest only doing the part the player will actually see. It's cool to want the whole thing to work, but it's a lot easier to do just the one part. If the player will only see the bombing, just spawn the planes in the air, have them bomb and fly away and delete them out of sight of the player. I'd suggest taking a look at this thread which details ideas about making planes do a bombing run. If the player will see all three stages, why not just have them do it. :)
  5. You could check if the player's vehicle is a parachute.
  6. kylania

    OA co2 One Shot, one kill error.

    Unpack the Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\Addons\missions_e.pbo file, then under missions_e\scenarios you'll find the SPE1_OneShotOneKill.Takistan folder. Copy that to your C:\Users\WindowsUsername\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\ArmAPlayerName\missions folder, then you can open it in your Editor. If you're not sure how to do that, let me know. :)
  7. kylania

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    DLC was cool till the suits running publishers realized that morons like WoW and MW2 players will pay out their a** for nothing or stuff they already have. Then they realized they could gut a game before release and simply include what was part of the game (which even though it's gutted still costs full price) and charge even more for it later. Then every stupid game needs a zombie DLC. FREE DLC rocks. DLC you can only get by originally buying the game rocks. "DLC" like Arrowhead, where the product is a light year jump ahead with regards to content and performance, rocks. $5 for two new tanks and a small island would not rock. Hopefully BIS realizes this and any DLC they release will be meaty with substance and quality and not just $5-$15 here or there for small bits of content.
  8. kylania

    ULB Module

    Press F1 then place an AH-64D Apache (Player as Pilot, Special = Flying) on the map. Next place an AH-6X somewhere on the map. (Special = Flying) Next press F7 and place the ULB module on the map. Next press F5 and drag a line from the ULB to the AH-6X to synchronize it Next drag a line from the ULB module to the AH-64D to synchronize it. Save your mission and Preview it and enjoy. (Scroll Wheel to start ULB)
  9. kylania

    The big sweep

    Random thoughts: Ambient Civilian and Vehicle modules only need one module to be on the map to work. You had dozens. The game is near unplayable with lag at the beginning, probably since you've filled the entire map with AI. :) C-130 fly-bys are cool -- C-130s circling for no apparent reason are lag. You have the player synchronized to random AI OPFOR all across the map, how come? Spaces in file names are%20very%20annoying. The player's squad was huge, with no apparent design, and very difficult to keep track of. Player was an AT solder instead of Team Leader. There was a UAV, but no functional UAV terminal/module? On the way to the first mission was a huge amount of open terrain but no binocs available. I'd suggest removing about 900% of the waypoints and use something like the Urban Patrol Script to make AI patrol your cities. I'd probably also use the "Cached Units" script so that the entire map isn't populated when you're only fighting in one area. Ditch the circling planes, they aren't needed. Maybe even hide the next city till the first is clear. If you're going for large scale groups, consider just using the High Command module system. Personally I enjoy smaller scale engagements than one man whole island craziness. :) Add in a briefing and tasks, they are much better than large scale map markers to explain things. Label the radio something better than Alpha Command. This was for sure a heroic attempt at a first mission. I'd just suggest starting muuuuuch smaller. Large scale engagements like this rarely are as enjoyable as you first imagine they'll be. :)
  10. I'd suggest saving autosaving the game once the second to last plane takes off (use a trigger with saveGame; as the OnAct) so that if you suck at taking off like I do, you don't have to sit through the briefing, taxi and takes offs again. :)
  11. I am afraid of your avatar. You'd use addEventHandler for that.
  12. Probably Gunner, you'd move them in via moveInTurret I think, but not sure how to reference them with regards to changing their weapon like you want to. Something like this would work though: {removeAllWeapons _x;_x addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; _x addWeapon "M4A3_CCO_EP1";} foreach crew this;
  13. kylania

    C-130 and mass para

    It's a PBO, so you'd need to extract it. I'll post it up as a zip file so you can copy the file to your missions folder and edit it from there. Go ahead and download this file then unzip it to your editor missions folder. That's usually either: C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\ArmA 2\missions or C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\YourArmAName\missions Then you'll be able to see it in the Editor.
  14. kylania

    C-130 and mass para

    Really all you need is the code I posted above. Save the code in the box as a file called groupEject.sqf Put that file in your mission folder next to your mission.sqm file. Then in the editor name your groups (put grp1 = group this; in your group leader's init) then in the trigger where you want the group to eject put this as it's onAct: nul = [grp1] execVM "groupEject.sqf"; where "grp1" is the name of the group you want to eject.
  15. kylania

    Thermal sights

    Most Thermal sights have 2 modes for TI, White Hot and Black Hot. It's possible you've just switched to Black Hot. Keep pressing N till it cycles. Also some TWS don't have a normal view at all.
  16. kylania

    Jukebox Module

    Triggers can already play songs directly, via the Effects button, under which are all the sound tracks ready to be played upon activation.
  17. That's how the BIS First Aid system works basically. This, and other revive systems, require the respawn at BASE option since you technically respawn there (your body is moved to a marker put far away) and have your control replaced with a dead body and camera till you're revived and gain control of your body again.
  18. Yup, that's it! Both why the join and removeAction weren't working! _p = _this select 0; _id = _this select 2; [_p] joinSilent player; _p removeaction _id; That should work fine.
  19. One trick you can do to remove all actions from a unit is the following. At the point where you want to remove actions, just add one and have it remove everything from that point back, like this: // Remove all actions from the suspect _action = unitObject addAction["foo", "foo.sqf"]; while {_action >= 0} do { unitObject removeAction _action; _action = _action - 1; }; That way you don't have to keep track of the action ID across space and time.
  20. You can't use _rescue (a local variable) in the init field and have that accessible by the rescue.sqf script. Rename it to just "rescue" and use that in the removeAction line and I think it should work. :)
  21. Asked and answered yesterday, but since no one is searching before posting it was on page four, so I understand why you didn't find it before posting. :)
  22. kylania

    Keyboard Recommendations Please

    Functionally speaking the V1 is arguably better since it has more hotkeys. :) But yes, either version runs just fine in Windows 7 64bit.
  23. In the unit's init field: this setCaptive true; this setBehaviour "CARELESS"; One thing to be aware of with this though, is that by setting setCaptive to true, it's no longer considered "BLUFOR" for trigger purposes.
  24. kylania

    C-130 and mass para

    That's the exact same code that the MattXR example I linked used. It's also written in SQS which is depreciated now. It's also redundant in many ways. :) My rewritten version is in SQF, does away with the redundant "what vehicle" (you can't eject from a vehicle you're not in, so you already know what vehicle to use) and the counting of units then iterating through the units i = i + 1 stuff and the horrible goto thing.