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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    move in cargo

    For just one guy use this: this moveInCargo chopper1
  2. kylania

    move in cargo

    It is. :) I was using layman's terms heh
  3. kylania

    move in cargo

    Nope, _x is a reserved value. It means "current value" in a loop. So what that code is saying is "Give me a list of all the units in a group of this guy". Then it'll issue the command of moveInCargo chopper1 for each of the units in turn, _x being replaced by the unit object it's currently on.
  4. kylania

    move in cargo

    In group leader's init: {_x moveInCargo chopper1} foreach units group this;
  5. The exact trigger would depend on the situation and area. For my test I had a small 5x5 meter trigger set to BLUFOR - Present - Once. I set a waypoint for the two guys so that they'd walk over the trigger. In the On Act: field of the trigger I put your command: op1 doFire op2 As soon as the first guy entered the 5x5 area I put he twirled around and shot o2 in the face. :) Here's what it looks like in the editor:
  6. Kegety's ArmATools 7.7.2010 works just fine.
  7. Wow, this is just fantastic, thanks so much!
  8. kylania

    Revive Script

    Seems there might be a bug with regards to team killing. Place a group of playable units and a helicopter. Get in the helicopter and crash it, accidentally if needed. :) You're now considered a team killer by AI. Every time you respawn AI will attack you, putting you in an endless loop of deaths. Since you never really "die" anymore you can never clear the "team kill" flag. Saw this happen last night in a mission and today in a test mission. Anyone else seeing this?
  9. The point is that it's possibly difficult to get "west" to call "westspawn.sqf", it's much easier to make a script called "spawn.sqf" that has instructions for each direction and feed it "west" to tell it what to do.
  10. I put it up here: U_S_Army_FOB.Zargabad (OA native)
  11. This section make the script wait for the Functions module to be ready to work. Once the module is loaded it sets variables for BIS_fnc_init and BIS_MPF_InitDone saying it's ready. We're just waiting for it to say that. :) // Initialize Functions waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; Since you're running this from a Trigger, that means that all clients connected to the server will run the script. We use the isServer check and the { } block so that only the server does the check for direction. Otherwise every client would get their own random direction. if (isServer) then { ... }; This line picks a random number from 0 to 3. Random starts counting from 0 and since we're using "floor" to round down the numbers we tell it to pick 4 numbers and get 0, 1, 2 and 3. Using floor, as shk pointed out, gives us an even distribution than we could have gotten using round. We save this number as _dirNum, a variable name we made up. _dirNum = floor(random 4); // results in 0, 1, 2 or 3 Here we declare an array of possible locations. [ ] indicate that it's an array. _dirChoices = ["North","East","South","West"]; Here we use the _dirNum from before to select a value from the _dirChoices array we just declared. Handily enough arrays start to count from 0 too, so our 0-3 number nicely matches up with 0-3 values in the array. 0 = North, 1 = East.. and so on. We'll set a variable we made up called _rndDir. So if _dirNum was 3, the last spot in the array then _rndDir would be "West". _rndDir = _dirChoices select _dirNum; This is the tricky part. It's relying on something called the Multiplayer Framework system BIS has provided us with. Basically this is a long complicated line that will sent a Hint to all clients connected (and anyone joining later will get it too once they log in, hence the "per" section there) with the text from _rndDir. _rndDirhint = [nil,nil,"per",rHINT,[b][color="REd"]_rndDir[/color][/b]] call RE; Now, to expand on this we could make the direction available globally by setting a publicVariable to the value of _rndDir. We'll assign it to a new global variable. To make things easier I'd probably change your 4 scripts to be one script that looks for a value to determine what to do. That way you can do something like this: // Place the Functions module on your map first! // Initialize Functions waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; // Run from a trigger it will activate on all clients, by making // it check for isServer this will only run on the server. The // rHINT function will broadcast the direction to all clients. // This way we only get one direction instead of everyone getting // a different direction. if (isServer) then { _dirNum = floor(random 4); // results in 0, 1, 2 or 3 _dirChoices = ["North","East","South","West"]; _rndDir = _dirChoices select _dirNum; _rndDirhint = [nil,nil,"per",rHINT,_rndDir] call RE; [color="RED"] currentDirection = _rndDir; publicVariable "currentDirection";[/color] }; By calling publicVariable on our new currentDirection value it will update it across all the clients, so everyone has the same direction remembered. Now you can have another trigger running your directionAction.sqf or whatever like this: nul = [currentDirection] execVM "directionAction.sqf"; So in our example where we "rolled" a 3, that would mean that currentDirection would be equal to "West", so in directionAction.sqf you'd say: _dir = _this select 0; and _dir inside your action script would be "West". It's like 8am and I'm exhausted, so this probably didn't make any sense, so let me know if it didn't. :)
  12. The mission with the sitting, has the guy and the chair hand placed, then a trigger making him sit and stay that way. So now that he's sitting, keep reloading till you've inched the chair into place. :) Then never try to get someone to sit again heh
  13. Open mission.sqm, Find/Replace USBasicAmmunitionBox with USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1 and do the same for Tow_Tripod and Tow_Tripod_EP1 and remove the references to ca_ammoboxes or whatever it is. :) Yet another example of someone with CO making supposedly "OA" content CO only content for no reason at all.
  14. What object is "Light1"? I'd probably use a trigger for it, instead of a while, and instead of setting it's brightness down, I'd delete it.
  15. In your trigger for checking for completion of the task: damage cache > 0.7 AND damage cache2 > 0.7
  16. The new US Army FOB template has guys sitting in chairs. crw4 playmove "sitUnarm_L_relaxing"; crw4 disableAI "ANIM";
  17. Ok sure, but you want to have one task to blow up a cache, in three possible locations, and want all three locations to have a task destination or waypoint attached. Right? You can't do that with a single task. You could have three tasks, any one of which would remove the other two tasks upon completion, or you could simply put markers and have no destination/waypoints and rely on player intelligence to get them where they need to go. Personally I'd go with one task, no waypoints, three markers. :)
  18. No, but the point was to have three possible places where the bomb would be right? The player having to choose from them to find it? If you set the destination to the actual location of the bomb, there's no choice, you already know where it is and the other two places you never have to check. Unless I'm misunderstanding the point of this that is. :)
  19. [] spawn { while {true} do { hintsilent format["X: %1 : Y: %2 : Z: %3",position player select 0,position player select 1,position player select 2]; sleep 0.2; }; }; That would work to keep the debug position thing and continue along the init.sqf. As for the marker thing, you can't have three destinations, nor can you have three locations for a single waypoint. Either just tell the player "The bombs might be in the blue marked areas" or have separate tasks for each one if you must provide waypoints/locations for them. Most players are smart enough to figure it out though, so skip waypoints/destinations and just say something like "one of the markers is where the bomb is". Or what shk said, but that of course would do away with the point of the other two markers. :)
  20. "markerName" [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerColor"]setMarkerColor[/url] "ColorGreen"; Seized By works a little differently than a straight "Is everything dead?" trigger:
  21. kylania

    [OA][SP] Operation Black Thunder

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=84167 Name a car wreck "burn", then place a GameLogic with this in it's init: BIS_Effects_Burn = compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf"; nil = [this,4,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; this setPos [getPos burn select 0, getPos burn select 1, 1]; There does appear to be a HUGE amount of smoke though, so keep that in mind. :)
  22. That looks correct, you have the mk_fTaskHint = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "fTaskHint.sqf"); in your init.sqf right?
  23. You could use the same method I do for 'autorun', I just rest a Swiss Army knife on the key! :)
  24. Sorry, never played around with campaigns. I do know there seems to be a bug with picking weapons during briefing and not having them in game on dedicated servers. Might be related?
  25. That trigger will work even if it's not grouped.