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Everything posted by kylania

  1. If this is the "flares" part, I got stuck on that and it sucked. The other three members of my team made it to the extract point but I died from a head shot. I couldn't see any of them or the end as a spawn point, just the middle house. So I had to respawn back there and run 600m through enemy territory alone. Problem was stamina had hit full force since it was mostly uphill so I couldn't even run or shoot without waiting 5 minutes for sway to stop. I ended up stripping all my equipment off and running naked through the fog and flares three times just to get it over with. Respawning as classes really kills the "campaign" feel too. First mission I started gathering gear, a backpack, extra grenades, an RPG. Then I died and lost it all on respawn. At that point I stopped caring about the mission and just concentrated on kills. Later we lost a tire on a vehicle and my friend called out "Hey, no problem, I'm a repair guy!" fixed the tire and off we went. About 10 min later we lost another tire so I called for a repair. My friend replied "Oh, I'm not a repair guy anymore, I respawned as a sniper". Mid mission... not cool.
  2. There will be waypoints for that, but so far they aren't active in Dev Branch or Apex Preview.
  3. kylania

    Date/Timestamp in mission.

    BIS added a new version of this today with the Apex Protocol campaign, BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_SITREP. Here's how to use it: /* Parameters: - Each array you pass represents a line that should be displayed - Lines will be displayed in the order you define them - Each line's array consists of the following information _array select 0: STRING - Contents of the line to be displayed _array select 1: NUMBER (Optional) - Fade-in duration _array select 2: NUMBER (Optional) - How long it should wait before showing the next line _array select 3: NUMBER (Optional) - Fade-out duration (only used by the last line, fades all other lines as well) */ [ [ "Somewhere south of nowhere." ], [ (str(date select 1) + "-" + str(date select 2) + "-" + str(date select 0)), 1, 5 ], [ "This line was delayed by 5 seconds", 1, 1, 4 ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_SITREP;
  4. Had quite a few bugs. There were duplicated players as stock units each mission which meant that deployment always timed out. One guy was dead at the start of every mission. At one point after we got to the start of the ambush I as host was teleported back to the start and locked out of my controls. We often lost players as respawn positions. Lots of "Empty Unit" waiting to join ending areas. A lot of voice overs were triggered per player unit, (so 8 times each since we had 4 players and 4 duplicates players). Couldn't pilot the UAV, only gunner and only then laser but the missiles never fired. Fighting guys in the jungle.. SUCKS. Too much suspense and shooting at shadows. That absolutely rocked. Viper team.. in the fog.. in that thermal proof uniform... also sucks in an amazing way. Those guys were fantastic throughout! Loved the feel of the entire thing. The lobby is amazing, everyone loved that. Interactions were great too. Revive time needs to be up'd a lot. Seemingly it was 5 seconds or something. We stopped even trying to revive since no one could disengage quick enough to save anyone.
  5. So what functions are used for the untie interaction and the mission time/place text please? :) Untie interaction is done with BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd. Mission time/place is done by BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_SITREP
  6. kylania

    Diary entry marker links.

    Maybe fake it with a link to a picture or the picture itself?
  7. kylania

    Diary entry marker links.

    Hmm, maybe change marker size?
  8. For those just use the simple vehicle respawn module and like a 30 second empty/dead timer or something. A line of Prowlers/Quadbikes off to the side or something.
  9. Why spawn it every 60 seconds? Personally I'd make them spawn on demand and if they happen to spawn one while another is on the marker, that's on them. Even better if they have limited spawns and just wasted one for not paying attention. :banghead:
  10. kylania

    Eden - Author problems?

    Check under Scenario then Show Required Mods and see if any of them have Author Unknown listed or a red mark next to them.
  11. I don't see the problem, is that not what a vehicle spawn marker is supposed to look like? Looks like everyone one I've ever used. <_<
  12. Specifically you can disable that randomization via: this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false];
  13. Probably because you have so many weapons? When the mission my friend was playing had RHS, vanilla, HLC, SMA and like 2-3 other weapon mods it definitely took forever to load the first time. Finally got rid of all the other mods other than RHS* and things are reasonable now. * Sorry, I've been asked to clarify this statement "Finally got rid of all the other mods other than RHS". I meant to say "After someone suggested we replace VSM with some new gear mods our admin went totally insane and while ignoring my childish whining and endless complaining still removed almost 15GB of gear mods that, while we rarely used most of them, many of our players favorite weapons were in them. However now our Arsenal loads in a reasonable time. I WILL HAVE MY CUP BACK YOU BASTARD!"
  14. kylania

    Guided Missile

    You could remove the action on death. Or nothing wrong with walking up to a dead body and calling in missile strikes with their walkie talkie! :)
  15. Any reason you're not using the built in Arsenal virtual ammo box? This should work, but I'm away from the editor to test: #include "VAS\menu.hpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "include\functions.hpp" #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp" }; Depends on how functions.hpp is configured.
  16. kylania

    Storage fee?

    Apparently he had. :) Dalle, those need to be numbers, so if you have this in your hpp: storageFee[] = {"1000","","",""}; Change it to: storageFee[] = {1000,0,0,0};
  17. That's a bit of a mouth full. :P Why not make an acronym of it, military loves acronyms! 1. FOOYOAH? Fucked off on your own again huh?
  18. If you want the variables available for object init fields you'll want to preinit them like this. Init.sqf runs after init fields.
  19. Your PreInit=1 are outside their class declarations. Change it to: class variableTestpreInit{file = "scripts\GOM_fnc_varTestpreInit.sqf";preInit = 1;};
  20. kylania

    Storage fee?

    AltisLife is a specific mission using the Arma 3 game and not vanilla content. Therefore "storagefee" would be something you'd specifically have to ask the author of that mission about as it's not something that's a standard part of the game. That said, a quick google search shows that you'll probably want to look in Config_Vehicles.hpp: class CfgVehicles { class Default { vItemSpace = -1; storageFee[] = { 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 }; garageSell[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; insurance = 2500; chopShop = 1200; textures[] = {}; }; class I_Truck_02_medical_F : Default { vItemSpace = 150; storageFee[] = { 0, 0, 1500, 0 }; garageSell[] = { 0, 0, 5000, 0 }; chopShop = 3000; };
  21. description.ext: class CfgFunctions { #include "functions\cfgFunctions.hpp" }; cfgFunctions.hpp: class GrumpyOldManFunctions { tag = "GOM"; // Functions tag. Functions will be called as [] call GOM_fnc_whatever class initialValues { class iv { file = "functions\fn_initialValues.sqf"; description = "initial values"; preInit = 1; }; }; class functions { file = "functions"; // Folder where individual function files are stored. class whatever {}; // functions\fn_whatever.sqf }; }; functions\fn_initialValues.sqf: missionNamespace setVariable ["popcorn", "yummy", true]; diag_log "It is official, popcorn is yummy as of now!"; Then from gamestart or just popcorn:
  22. Load button? That script is intended to be run once at game start, not every time you access the box. If you're using a bunch of weapon mods then of course you'll have a ton of processing time. Instead of leaving it to dynamically include every possible type of magazine, just hand whitelist the few people will actually use, just like you are with everything else. Whitelisting, but then including everything via config lookups, isn't really whitelisting, is it?
  23. Can do this for the same thing: missionNamespace setVariable ["Interogate1", true, true]; First true is setting the value of the global variable Interogate1 to true. Second true is publicizing the variable.