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Posts posted by _Cappa

  1. BIS musta gave steam the wrong files because 1. PMC lite does shows up in expansions but not in campaigns. 2. PMC (proper) does not install? They either got corrupted or they gave them the wrong files....steam will have a checksum on all the files so they will be correct to all the files BIS uploaded to steam...sooo.....anyway who cares just fix the damn issue I want to play PMC campaign ploxxx?

  2. Received my Custompc mag today and was pleased to see a glowing review for ArmA2!

    Scores: -

    Concept: - 95%

    Execution: - 98%

    Presentation: - 90%

    Overall: - 94%


    I thought of taking pics of the review but I'm sure that's not allowed here...

    Some quotes: -

    "..it's refreshing to see an independent developer such as Bohemia Interactive striving to acheive such a lofty goal..."

    "..while there are plenty of games that claim to be realistic simulators, Arma II is the only one that actually comes close."

    "..for its intended audience it's unarguably one of the best games to hit the PC in the last decade."

    "Yes, it's sadistically difficult and still buggy, but committed gamers can overcome those aspects and recognise the promise that Arma II represents. As for the non-committed players, they probably never stood much of a chance anyway..."


  3. Check out this editing guide http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2434

    Or this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor

    Not sure if it's the latest edition but I think most of it applies to ArmA2 as it did in arma.

    There are many ways you can make an objective.

    e.g Make a waypoint to go somewhere (by selecting 'waypoint' and have a unit selected, then double click a point on the map, a menu will come up - change options, order etc and/or then make a trigger for example :- when all of a certain type of enemy is cleared of an area the objective is complete)

    Not very detailed, but hey it'll do..just read the guides - I figured a lot of basic stuff by messing around.

    This is a very simple objective as they can become very complex with multiple scripts - I am slowing learning..:P

    I think you could say your imagination is the limit etc ;)

    Oh btw when you create a unit you will see a little dial called azimut this is the direction they will face.

    You can use modules to create things like ambient combat etc check this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_Editor_Modules

    For ambient combat : - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager

    Also i think there is an auto generator for missions I think on the main menu you click single player then scenarios then my mission and there are presets, you can also edit these preset premade configurations as you please and learn how the missions work/are created by sort of reverse engineering the mission in the editor I guess...you could use pboview in the same way.

    I'll try a video tutorial for basics if I have time even though I still trying to learn the basics myself it might help me to learn it them in the process :P

    I think to create briefings and objectives you should take a look at this too http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73424

  4. Congrats on the demo bis it is awesome :D - though I had problems in multiplayer with missions not restarting and everyone having to vote to restart and even then sometimes not spawning...:( (warfare mode)

    Can't wait until the next patch/hotfix for retail release!

  5. I tried flagging it and I didn't notice any fade effects (I've heard they are progressive though?)

    - of course I didn't go online either.

    Max ram ArmA2 has taken up for me is about 980mb (ram) I haven't noted swap-file though and that was purposely pushing it at 100000 view distance and loads of units.

    I thought I noticed smoother gameplay in some situations but that could just be a placebo.

    I used this program LaaTiDo, (you can use editbin too) - I wondered if this was against EULA or TOS?

  6. Yeh I agree - can't wait to see what campaigns the modders make with the use of air combat - it's pretty easy to set up a quick dogfight in the editor :)

    An 'issue' I find is the LOD or distance the engine clips the planes is too short and makes visibility pretty hard when planes just 'dissapear' - it should separately adjustable from terrain - even then it clips at a too shorter distance.

  7. From my limited playtime with patch 1.02: - Many great improvements btw :).

    1. General team AI improvements make them more efficient (they seem a little dumb and don't stay in a formation) - Also ..I realise my skill in covering them might be a factor but they seem to just walk to there deaths a lot of the time. These issues for some reason aren't as much of a factor with the 'Razor team'.

    2. Hard to explain but.. create the illusion that the team mates you give orders too aren't just working by numbers I feel I have to stand and wait for them to finish a script before they listen.

    3. Make a 'quit' button as you may not want to save everytime you quit a mission.

    4. Add an 'optional' clock interface for identifying enemies.

    5. Many others I heard they are working on .. like grass cover?

  8. I did not expect that at all. I wonder if the steam version will come with the final when it's released not like that would matter though lol - could patch it manually...

    BIS must be so busy! 1.01 EU patch, 1.02 patch + other fixes in future patches and a demo? ...phew!

  9. I have a question. If I buy the boxed version from Newegg, will I still be able to use the "Shift+Tab" overlay if I register it to Steam? Because, really, that's the only reason I would get the Steam version, but it's quite a big one. It's extremely useful when talking to friends or trying to set up an online game.

    Yes even If the game is not bought off steam you can use the overlay if you want to in any game. (I've not came across a game which I've had problems with the overlay)

    Just open steam > Go to games tab > Click add non-steam game > Add the game (executable) you want to use. :cool:

