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Posts posted by pooroldspike

  1. Yeah, like Pete said, you can play in offline mode. For example when I clicked my Arma3 desktop shortcut icon yesterday to start the game as usual, Steam must have been down because the message came up "Cannot connect to Steam, do you wish to play in offline mode?", so I clicked "yes" and was able to play.


    This is not a weapons test, it's a test to see how ghillie suits compare to standard battledress against thermal spotting.

    (For the record this is Arma3 version 1.66)


    I lined up three ghillie snipers (123) and a 3-man standard infantry battledress group- 

    #1 wears a 'semi-arid' ghillie, #2 wears a 'lush', and #3 wears an 'arid'.

    Note I placed #1 with his back to us.




    Below-This is how they all look through the thermal sight of a Titan AT shoulder launcher (same with an AA launcher and laser designator), the warm faces of #2 and #3 show up clearly, and we can also catch a glimpse of #1's cheeks as he turns his head to look left and right because his back is to us. The three standard infantry stand out clearly-  




    Below-This is a zoomed shot of the ghillie guys, interestingly the front of their ghillies is open, yet their bodies still get full thermal protection. (#1's ghillie is also open, I ran round him to check)

    (Note in a separate test I ran them several hundred yards to see if the exertion would make their bodies glow, but no it didn't)




    Below-Same shot as above but seen in thermal, #2 and #3's warm faces glow like crazy, but  #1 is almost invisible because his back is to us-




    A closeup of the 'lush' ghillie-



    Tactical conclusions- Ghillies give fantastic protection against thermal detection because only their uncovered faces glow white, and at medium/longish ranges a thermal operator might not notice a tiny face.

    For maximum protection against thermals, lying prone with your face pressed into the ground is the best bet, raising your head to look around every now and again.

    • Like 4

  3. On 20/12/2016 at 4:32 PM, GBee2 said:


    Modern silencers don't reduce muzzle velocity, either in real life or in the game. The very early silencers from WW2 did but that style hasn't been used for decades.

    Silencers can actually increase the muzzle velocity because they extend the barrel.


    In that case why aren't all modern rifles fitted with silencers if there's nothing to lose and everything to gain?

  4. Since 1.66 the Titan AT and AA shoulder-launcher WFOV and NFOV zoom in/out keys only work intermittently, so now if you spot a distant white blob on thermal WFOV there's no guarantee that you'll be able to zoom into NFOV to identify what he is.

    Also the AA lockon diamond no longer has a big X in it to warn you if you've locked up a friendly helo or plane.

    Another thing I've noticed is that the infantry weight-carrying maths have been messed about with, for example I used to be able to run with my favourite load but now I can only walk unless I dump something to lighten up.

    And like other people have mentioned, some key bindings have been changed or no longer work.

    Ironically there was nothing wrong before 1.66, so why did BI decide to fix something that wasn't broken and messed everything up? 

    • Like 1

  5. Nice vid, what do you guys think about silenced rifles in general as a form of "concealment"?

    I mean, if the enemy can't hear you shooting that's a big advantage for you, they get hit and drop, and their mates look round wondering "Where the hell did that come from?"

    Problem is the silencer reduces muzzle velocity which gives the bullets a less-accurate rainbow trajectory and lower kinetic hitting power, so silenced rifles have a shorter effective range, what do you think?


  6. Thanks for the heads up!


    Do you mean the +/- keys? I'm unable to reproduce that. I only see that the WFOV/NFOW lamps in optics don't change by switching the zoom level, but I am still able to toggle the two discrete zoom levels of both Titan launchers.


    There has been a change that slipped away from public changelog. Very sorry about that.

    "What can be targeted" by a weapon with irScan now depends on how the target is actually heated up. Meaning you won't be able to lock on a vehicle that has just turned its engines on (~ in <6s). At the same time you'll be able to lock on a vehicle that has its engines off, but was running some time ago (<1h). And also on burning wrecks.

    Can you please give us some specific repro steps (vehicles used, distances) so we can reproduce it and debug it? Do you experience the issue in both SP and MP?


    1- To clarify, I've put in over 1000 hours on the King of the Hill servers and when looking through the Titan AT shoulder-launcher sights, I used to be able to switch between Wide and Near FOV's by hitting the +(Num) and - (Num) keys, but since the 1.66 update the keys sometimes don't work.

    It's very important because the NFOV makes the target bigger and easier to hit when you're firing without locking on. (to avoid warning him so he won't pop smoke)

    The FOV key assignments I've always used are in the Controls category> Zoom in, and Zoom out, but like I said they now sometimes don't work since 1.66.

    I had a brief try in singleplayer and they seem to work there, but like I say, I'm mostly a multiplayer gamer and rarely play singleplayer.

    (BTW,  I like the new realistic tweak that makes it harder to lock onto cold vehicles.. :)


    2- Another thing I've noticed since 1.66 is that I can't quickly switch between Rifle and Launcher by hitting "Space" like I've always done before, and now I have to go through the fiddly scroll menu. 

  7. Has anybody else noticed this with the Titan launchers in the 1.66 update?-

    The Near and Wide optical FOV keys often don't work.

    The AT lockon key seems to have trouble locking onto targets at longish range..

    The AA lockon key sometimes locks onto a spot in thin air 50 metres or so away from the target heli or plane.


    Also 1.66 seems to have reduced the total weight of equipment an infantryman can carry, grrrr...






    • Like 1

  8. Generation Gap? Multi-play for Old Guys & Arma 3 or Arma 2



    I'm 68 years old for my sins and have racked up over 1000 hours so far on the multiplayer Arma 3 King of the Hill servers this year and they're great fun as long as you don't take them too seriously.. :)

    What I like about them is that everybody is free to do their own thing without any commanders trying to boss you about.

    All age groups are in there from snot-nosed kids to old farts like me, I've been playing wargames with miniatures, boards and computers for 40 years.

    If you pop into a KOTH server and see me, say hello and we can team up.

    Even better, drop me an email first and I'll give you an outline of how KOTH is structured (objectives, scoring, victory conditions etc) so you won't be going in blind.

    Same with anybody else thinking of going in, drop me a mail to pooroldspike (at) aol (dotcom)


    Below- my character in KOTH suitably tooled up with rifle, grenade launcher, AA launcher and a ruck full of goodies including grenades (HE and smoke), spare ammo and a demolition charge etc, I'd feel naked without that little lot-


    • Like 1

  9. I've put in 900+ hours on the King of the Hill servers so far this year, and although they're excellently created and highly popular, they still throw up the odd glitch from time to time, so I suppose the moral is that no server is immune to glitches including yours, but we can usually live with them..:)

    • Like 1

  10. BI!  Why are you still running A3 on a outdated engine and above all a 32 bit client and server still?!  This is a huge limitation and annoying as all get out.  You need to start updating your game to a newer standard that is somewhere closer to today's standard's.  I am so sick and pissed off as heck dealing with a broken as broke game that is as limited as a person in a straight jacket!


    Good post, if more people complained maybe it'd shake BI up a bit..:)

    One of the most annoying things for me is the way some tree types appear and disappear like ghosts, it's a longstanding issue that BI won't or can't fix.


    hmm heres an idea. 


    you could make a module with the mod instead of having indes make civs. with this module it can let civs attak who they see fit if you set up a mission persay.


    the americans are opressing a korean villige and the north wants it back so the civs who are in a designated area of this module are set to under a curtain condition they will start attacking americans with weapons they loot of the soldiers or if the moduls allowed it the civ can pick up the weapon and start helping the us side in the defence. a sort of behavior / ai enhance meant. it could be dont just it would be hard and require hard work to do.


    the thing with this to is you could add a moral system. if you shoot civs it effects there opinion of you and sways what side they could end up fighting for. if you end up saving a lot of civs and save ones shot buy the enemy ai they start to like you. this could be don in a way of making it a ajustable size module


    and yes i know idk shit about modules and i dont even know if its possable to add a karma system or a way to make ai care about there surroundings


    and looking to the future this module might even revalutionize the whole mission system because you could have the warsaw rebellion and you could have the french freedom fighters who are against German occupation.  


    a battle rages in a city and the americans walk through part of the villige and see men dressed in german uniforms and have german weapons but instead of shooting the americans they walk up to them fallow and help them on there battle as there own command group. this also could lead to what i would call a moreal system. soldires who are being commanded to kill civs might be able to desert or if a freindly falls back he becomes a opfor or idependent.

    now this could lead to units wanting to form. oveer the fact the mod can do what no ther can. and im going to send this to the ifa3 team my idea.


    and sorry i suck at typeing.


    derp sorry it went wanky when i did the first post 



    You've got some good ideas there mate, you can join my 'Iron Men' wargame squad any time you like because you're the sort of "thinking soldier" we want, we fight with our brains first and our weapons second..:)

  12.  (They did a great job on Stratis, Altis, and Tanoa but arid and jungle just aren't interesting environments to me)


    I like Tanoa because the jungle graphics are so realistically hot and humid that I feel the need to get anti-malaria shots before I go in.. :)

    Anyway jungle fighting is a part of warfare so in that respect Tanoa lets us simulate it perfectly, heck we could even do Nam-type engagements, how about it Uncle Ho?-




    Waddya say Bob?-

    "Out here you keep your sh*t wired tight at all times!"


    • Like 2

  13. I know how to deal with tanks and air etc, im lvl 46. The point is that the battle becomes to dense for jets and tanks. The way back to the safe zone may not be 100 m, but its too short anyways. Only takes me about 15-30 seconds to get back to the safe zone. And then ur just using the safe zone as a tactic....which is totally unrealistic. If it was twice as far away, u would be at much greater risk. There would be no camping right outside the safe zone and blasting into the AO with a Tigris. Transporting player to the AO would be more challeging and meaningfull.


    Yes I agree that the KOTH spawn points are too close to the AO objective, Altis is a big map but the KOTH creators only use small areas of it for each battle and it makes battles feel cramped and crowded, I think people have complained about it in the KOTH forum.

    As for "spawn campers", it's unrealistic like you say, but I've never found it a big issue because when I see an enemy AFV I just fire AT missiles at him no matter where he is on the map..:)

    TIP- don't lock him up before you fire, or his missile warning will go off and he'll pop smoke to hide himself and/or dive for cover. Instead, fire without a lock, just keep your crosshairs on him and the missile will fly down the crosshairs and he won't know what hit him..:)

    Another tip- Take the Explosive perk and you'll get 2 missiles instead of 1.

  14. I was talking more about ppl positioning themself just outside their own spawnpoint and shoting into the AO. I dont get banned for that, atleast ive not seen anyone react to that. Ive seen ppl reported for spawnkilling the enemys spawnpoint, but thats different.

    With the spawnpoint so close to the AO its too easy to bring a tank and pick off infantery from 2000 m away, and them make a turn, drive 100 m and ur in the safezone and rearming.


    Thanks, now I understand what you're talking about..:)

    In the early days of KOTH I think people used to do what you said and drive back into the spawn zone to be immune, but that loophole was closed by the KOTH creators and nowadays people can't do that because when you leave the spawn zone, the spawn zone perimeter shrinks and you have to drive back a lot further than 100m to get to safety.

    Next time you play, look at the map after you leave the spawn zone and you'll see its shrunk.


    Anyway, if a tank is shelling the AO, just fire shoulder-launched Titan AT missiles at him, I did that on a KOTH server only half an hour ago and hit a Kuma twice at very long range (about 2 kms) with 2 missiles, the first damaged him and a crewman got out to do a repair, and the second also hit and damaged it further, and the crewman who was still outside was toasted by the blast.

    I went back to base to reload with more missiles but when I returned the tank had gone, I suppose a surviving crewman had driven it back to its base to bind up its wounds.  
