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Posts posted by pooroldspike

  1. yeah…armory is really fun and is a good way to do some training…but the first condition is TO UNLOCK the weapon you want to try…umm,that's a little difficult…:)

    You must have missed what i said somewhere earlier-- there's a way to get 100% access to all weapons right from the start, you have to type:- armoryPoints=50000;

    into your profile stats via Notepad..

    Here's part of my stats showing how the line looks sitting in there-






  2. ..I thought the armory was something where there's just a ton of vehicles in a line. Oh shizzle I need to go try it.

    Okay, but after you choose your weapon to 'Try' and you're put on the map, you have to wait on average about 45 secs before the option to go to a mission comes up ('Yes'/'No' to accept it or decline it.)

    If you decline it (for example if it's an 'Attack' mission and you want a 'Defend') you have to wait again for another mission to come up to accept/decline.

    Sadly we can't choose the mission types, we have to wait til we're offered one we like.

    Use the time waiting to have fun popping off rounds at nearby things etc.

  3. There are 116 rifles (at last count) in the Comb Ops Armory to try out, and I'm currently working through them all to find out what sort of scopes and sights they have, and will do an illustrated "Rifle Guide" post when i've finished.

    One of my favourites is the M107 TWS (the famous Barrett .50-cal), it's got a kick like a mule but you can pick off enemies at huge ranges, they show up as white images on the telescopic Thermal Weapon Sight even in daytime and don't stand a chance.

    NOTE- when you buy the game, you don't have access to all the Armory weapons, you have to 'unlock' them by scoring points which seems a bit childish to me.

    But luckily therre's a way to get full access to all of them right from the start, you have to type:- armoryPoints=50000;

    into your profile stats via Notepad..:)

    Here's part of my stats showing how the line looks sitting in there-






    The Barrett in action against an enraged lynch mob- I've been stalking their district for weeks and there's a price on my head, they call me "The Shadow"..


    The Barrett daylight scope (This is fitted to the other version of the Barrett called plain M107 in the armory)


  4. ..What I'm looking for is some sort of set of training scenarios which provide target practice beyond the too simple boot camp..

    Don't forget the fun to be had in the Armory!

    Go to the Armory, select a weapon and click 'Try', and you'll be placed at a random spot on the map without any team mates and given a simple job like "Attack enemy position","Stay alive while being hunted","Assassinate somebody", "Steal a piece of equipment", "Defend a position" etc.

    The program will automatically present you with enemies tailored to whatever type of weapon you chose to try, e.g. if you chose a rifle, the enemy will be infantry, and if you chose a SAM, they'll be planes and helos, and if you chose an AT launcher they'll be vehicles and AFV's.

    Weather is random, so is day/night.

    I'm totally hooked on the Armory, and only win about half the time..:)

  5. Dude your missing out on the best part of the game if your not using the editor..

    Yes, in fact a better name for it would be 'Mission Creator' because you build from scratch on an empty map, you don't have to 'edit' anything.

    For examp to get the feel of artillery you could create a mission in just 2 minutes by simply placing a single man (Player), then place a mortar near him, hit 'Preview' then have fun assigning nearby targets to it (houses, trees etc), and watch the spectacular blasts as the rounds begin falling.

    Save it as a 'User Mission' for future use, that's when you can 'edit' it to add more mortars or whatever.

    Heavier on-map artillery is a little harder to handle because it has a minimum range and won't bombard anything too close; the target area needs to be some miles away and you won't see the blasts, which spoils the fun, unless you're in the area yourself with a radio link to the gun behind the lines.

  6. very easy to do mate, search for mod folders on Armaholic or on here. Another option is to use an addon launcher...

    Thanks, but to be going on with, which are the most popular mods/addons etc that the majority of Comb Ops players consider 'must haves'?

    If i install them at least I'll be a good way towards singing from the same song sheet as the majority..:)

    Later I can add more mods to suit individual server group preferences.

    PS follow up question- what difficulty setting do the majority play on?

    I use 'Regular', but if I joined a server, does the server automatically set every player to the same level or what?

  7. ..At least the servers that actually want you to join will send you to the right place to get the required addons..

    But what if different servers use different sets of mods/addons?

    For examp, suppose one day I play with a group of guys on one server and mod myself up to match theirs, then a few days later play with a different group on a different server who use different mods, do I have to somehow disable the mods that they don't use, and add mods that they do use?

    Is that easy to do?

  8. Thanks, I'll try it. So spot a target and then switch to gun, right?..

    As pilot, you don't have to spot for the gunner, he opens fire automatically when he spots targets in range.

    (In external view you'll see the YakB cannon auto-swivelling around to engage, you don't have to point the chopper at the target)

    Just make sure the selected weapon is the YakB by repeatedly pressing 'F' to make him fire more bursts.

    (I think the reason he keeps wanting to switch to rockets is because they're more destructive than the cannon, bless his little AI heart)

    You can of course leave rockets selected, but as pilot you'll have the tricky job of flying the chopper to point at the target so the gunner will fire them.

  9. With Player as pilot in the Mi-24V, press 'F' to cycle to the YakB cannon, and when the gunner spots targets he'll fire several bursts and then he'll auto-cycle back to rockets, (and he'll fire the rockets if the chopper is pointing at the target)

    Hit 'F' again to cycle back to the YakB cannon and he'll fire several more bursts before stopping again.

    You have to repeatedly hit 'F' to keep kicking his butt to make him use the cannon, he fires bursts every time you hit 'F'..


    PS- As a matter of interest, the enemy infantry don't fire back at the chopper as long as it's airborne even when I flew to about 50 metres range at only 20 foot off the ground and hovered in front of them.

    But the instant I landed, a storm of rifle and RPG-type fire ripped the chopper apart.

    Same thing happened in another test with an Apache, the enemy never fired a shot at it while it was in the air, but when it landed they went ballistic and threw everything at it.

    Must be a bug if they won't engage airborne choppers.

  10. Hi . im Kris.. Im new to arma 2.. i picked it up today, and it came with operation arrowhead.. So being new, im wondering what i need.. patches? mods? stuff in general?

    First if you like you can combine the weapons in AA2 and Arrowhead into one game called 'Combined Operations' (I think it's called 'Combat Operations' in the USA?).

    That'll give you a 'Combined Operation' exe icon which you can click to start the game, rather than click the AA2 and Arrowhead icons separately.

  11. In MP it seems that the incoming missile warning is very unreliable. Basically it forces you to spam countermeasures the whole time you're in the combat zone.

    Roger that,in 'Semi' mode every press of key 'R' releases a twin bundle of chaff and/or flares for most aircraft and choppers.

    Or you can use 'Burst' mode (CTRL+R) to automatically release about haf-a-dozen bundles at 1-second intervals.

    Your selected mode (and number of bundles remaining) displays just above the radar in the top left of the screen.

    Screenshots of A-10 and SU-25 popping countermeasures here-


  12. This game is beautiful to look at and is a very good sim as well. So why isn't more popular?

    My two cents:- there are so many versions, addons, mods and updates etc that compatibility between online players is a Big Issue.

    I'm fed up trying to log into online sessions only to be told by a message that I'm not compatible for whatever reason and can't get in because I'm lacking a gun or vehicle or whatever.

    (I'm Comb Ops (AA2 1.08/OA 1.57) straight out of the box with no addon extras of any kind)

  13. Switching to HE rounds in Ka-25 for manual firing

    I don't know if this procedure works for all choppers and all AA2 versions, but it works for me with a Ka-25 in Combined Ops.

    The sequence (Player as pilot) is-

    Select 'Manual fire'> F2> key 6> Select 'Reload HE'

    PIC 1: Sel 'Manual fire'..


    PIC 2: your ammo type (top right) reads 'AP'.

    Hit F2 to select gunner (bott left)..


    PIC 3: hit key '6' and select 'Reload HE Rounds'.

    (if the Reload option isn't in the list for any reason, click 'More' to expand the list and hopefully get it)


    PIC 4: and bingo, your ammo type at top right now reads 'HE' and you're back in the pilots seat spraying the countryside with HE to your hearts desire..:)


    PS- the 'F' key cycles gun and rockets

  14. Yes the pic is genuine. If your wondering about the guns.. they're airsoft guns. And I wish my desktop was similar.. although I'd have a much better keyboard, lol.

    Do you mind if I post the pic at the Few Good Men club?

    And what else can you tell me about the pic, is it one persons airsoft room, or is it an airsoft weapons group clubroom or whatever?

    What are the big monitors used for?

    PS- Speaking of the FGM, they're chronically short of AA2-playing members, so if anybody wants to join be my guest (I'm second-in-command).

    Go check it out, scroll down to the Armed Assault Section-


  15. Laser sights are primarily for use in CQB situations, removing the need to constantly aim down the sights in order to acquire a target. Also used in situations where the focal length of the NVG prohibits you from aiming using optics/other sights.

    Hey that's sounds great for close combat, you could even fire from the hip and get a hit provided the laser was on the target..:)

    PS- As I understand it, the wavelength of the laser beam is invisible unless you're wearing NVG's, but what if the enemy is wearing NVG's too?

    Surely your laser will advertise your position and he'll see you coming from miles away?

  16. Generally easiest just to place the required ammo crates so you can pick the desired weapon out yourself...."

    Thanks, works like a dream, I've placed standard 'Basic Weapons' crates in the Editor and am taking rifles out one by one to play with, and logging each ones attributes by day and night such as scope types etc, and will do a post in the forum when I've finished.

    PS- Can somebody explain what the Laser on many rifles is for? (key 'L').

    It sends out a thin laser beam at night at whatever the rifle is pointing at and the beam can be seen with your NVG's but so what?

    You've already laid your sights on the target, so what advantage is there of laying your laser on it too?

  17. My two cents-

    I bought Combined Ops via download from Gamersgate thinking it'd be one download, but discovered it was two separate downloads (AA2 and OA) and that I was expected to combine them myself, grrr...

    Anyway I had a shot several times at combining them but failed miserably, probably because I'm just a grunt wargamer, not a PC expert.

    I finally solved it by buying two AA2 and OA disks, and was able to combine the disks smooth as silk even though it meant I've now had to buy the games twice! (download and disk)

    Maybe trying to combine downloaded stuff is more difficult than doing it with disks, I dunno..

  18. It might be my eyes or my monitor but I dont see any difference in game when I change this setting. I will do 2 screenshots and see if there is any difference.

    After dragging the Nvidia 'Digital Vibrance' slider, don't forget to click 'Apply' before exiting the screen.

    (Incidentally, on my system the Arrowhead default colours are much more washed out than Chernarus, so I usually drag the DV slider to about 75% for Arrow, and about 60% for Chern)

    PS- The new colour setting will also stay on your PC in every other game and application until you go back into the Nvidia screen and click 'Restore Defaults'>'Apply'.
