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Posts posted by pooroldspike

  1. What mission is it? I'd like to have a crack at it.

    Most people agree that the AI enemy in this game has eyes like a hawk and will usually spot and shoot you before you've even seen him, even on the 'Novice' game setting, they're just too good.

    The only good news is that if you're prone and crawl into his line of sight, he usually won't see you immediately and you'll hopefully have time to spot and kill him before he spots and kills you.

    Oh, and get into the life-saving habit of regularly glancing at the map because enemies may show up on it long before you've spotted them in the 3D world-

    Check out this test I did, scroll down to the 'Spotting the Enemy' thread-


  2. Over at The Few Good Men club we create neat little missions and put them up for download and playtests, then post debriefings and screenshots of how we got on, and discuss what tactics we used etc, it's a great way of learning so go have a crack if you like..:)

    We play a range of different PC wargames over there but our Arma2 contingent is very small and we'd like to recruit more Arma2 players so if anybody wants to join, be my guest, I'm 2nd in command and my duties include putting the cat out and running a mop over the floor when the boss is down the pub..

    FGM Arma2 Section:-


  3. I know the prison in takistan, I've been there. I just can't remember where it was :(

    Edit: well, to be truthful, the place I'm talking about was more a jail, if that's what you meant. Otherwise, I don't know.

    Just tell me a few things and I'll take up a helo and look for it-

    1- Was it in a town or open countryside?

    2- Why were you incarcerated?

    3- What was your sentence?

    4- Were you framed?

    5- What was the food like?

    6- Did you make parole or did you bust out?

  4. I heard there was a prison somewhere on the Takistan map, but I was unable to find it. If a prison truely exists somewhere, could someone help me on its whereabouts possibly?..

    I've seen nothing labelled as a prison on any map yet, but there are various walled, watchtowered camps on various maps which could pass for "detention centres".

    There are none on Chernarus that I can recall offhand, but on Takistan there are at least two:- the 'Jilavur Choke Point' and 'The Mine' which could pass for some sort of prison camps.

    There are at least two camps on Utes, namely the 'Coastwatch Station' and 'The Compound'

    And there are at least two more on the Zargabad map, namely 'The Villa' and the 'Military Base'

    Check out their map locations and 3D screenshots here- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/showthread.php?6759-3D-RECCES

  5. And we can zoom them further by holding the RM butt again like this.

    After a couple of shots fell short, I try this elevation and BANG!-


    Down he goes-


    SUMMARY:- If this elevation works for me, it should work for other people. (I'm vanilla Comb Ops 1.08/1.57)

    (I know we can press keys to adjust the range so that we can lay the crosshairs smack on the target and get a kill but I'm too lazy to fiddle with that stuff)



    Also known as the Barrett .50cal. There's also an M107 TWS (Thermal Weapon Sights) version

    Using the bipod ensures steadiness of aim-


    I set up the test on the desert map to guarantee an unobstructed line of sight. Also the puffs of dust from near misses will help me range in.


    The target (single man) is circled but invisible to our naked eyeball at 1km-


    But zooming in (hold right mouse button) reveals his presence-


    Looking through the sights-


  7. I get back on terra firma and fire all 8 grens at 40 degree angle then run up the road to see which trucks copped it.

    this is the only one that was trashed, at the 400 metre mark. I don't know if it took a direct hit or whether a nearby blast got it.

    (I couldn't screenshot the blasts because I couldn't see most of them, but I heard them)

    Incidentally the driver bailed and started shooting at me, cheek!

    In another test the blast only smashed his windscreen and he sat behind the steering wheel glaring at me. (drivers only usually bail and shoot if their vehicle is trashed)


    The wrecked truck has vanished from the map (circled)


    I ran the test a few more times for confirmation, and the 400m truck was the only one that got hurt each time, this is how he looked before the shooting started-


    SUMMARY- at around 40 degrees elevation, with the target almost off the bottom of our monitor screen, the M16A4 M203 ACOG's grens have a 400m range.

    We might be able to squeeze a little more range out of them (possibly 450m) by elevating a few degrees higher, but our screen will be full of nothing but sky.

    All in all, 400m is therefore the max effective range for this weapon, but other types of gren launcher might be different.


    It's our old friend the M16A4 M203 ACOG again, but this time the elevation is around 40 degrees-


    And this is how it looks, you have to elevate the weapon so much that the target area almost vanishes off the bottom of the monitor screen-


    The setup: our guy is at the bottom and I've placed a string of trucks from 250m to 1km.

    (trucks rather than civilians just for a change) I gave each truck zero fuel so they can't drive off.


    There they are-


  9. They actually make home visits? :confused:

    Are you in the Army now?

    No mate, I'm just a forum bum setting the world to rights from the comfort of my armchair, check out my sensational 'Oil' thread here at the Few Good Men if you like, I'm 2nd in command and look after the place (putting the cat out, running a mop over the floor etc) while the boss is down the pub-


  10. ..Its by light years the best infantry simulator on the market, and has been for 10 years.

    Right, as long as people remember it's a great infantry sim..:)

    But as soon as they start adding too many aircraft/helos/vehicles etc, the complexity level goes up and the enjoyment level goes down.

  11. Whats the rest of the story?

    That's it.

    Incidentally I almost joined the Brit Army as a teenager years ago, I sent off for some glossy brochures but changed my mind. Then a week or two later a 'Sgt Butterfield' came knocking my door on a courtesy follow-up visit (full uniform, stripes and all) but I never answered it and dived behind the settee til he'd gone..

  12. @ PoorOldSpike

    I appreciate your tests. I tested with a with 74 Kobra, a slightly less sophisticated rifle.

    It seems (atleast to me) your indications where off by about 25mtrs.

    In my tests, each group of civilians went down and I also zapped a fuel truck in an earlier test which put a smile on my face bigger than a wave on a slop bucket, so the range bars work fine for me..:)

    PS:-In all my tests in various wargames over the years, i've avoided getting on the statistics merry-go-round like the plague, or there'd be no end to it and we'd get bogged down in petty facts and figures.

    As i always tell my doting wargame students "play by gut instinct, not by sliderule", then I sit back watching them race up wargame league ladders and think "That's my boy,you're a soldier now!"

  13. I'm reminded of the story (don't know if it's true) about the young teenage boy who told his dad he wanted to join the military when he left school.

    "Wow that's great son, and what will you be, a fighter pilot or tank driver, bomb aimer, drone pilot, submariner, sailor or artilleryman?"

    "None of them dad" replied his son,"I want to be an infantryman and meet the enemy face to face"


    This is the baby, there are also other GL rifles in the game, but whether they have the same ballistics I don't know-


    The tests indicate these are the correct range bars (and yes, 300m is off the scale)-


    100 metres test

    I stand a group of civilians 100m away (civs so they won't mess up the test by shooting back)-


    And lay the central range bars on them and pull the trigger-


    The grenade detonates among them (ignore the sights now being in the sky, the recoil kicked them up there)


  15. ..I wouldn't recommend enlisting to anyone who isn't explicitly the military type in physique and mentality.


    WIKI- Medal of Honor Winner Audie Murphy-


    "..after being turned down by the Marines and the Army paratroopers for being too short at 5 feet 5.5 inches (166.4 cm), he was also turned down by the Navy for being slight of build.

    He was sent to Camp Wolters, Texas, for basic training and during a session of close order drill, passed out (fainted).

    His company commander tried to have him transferred to a cook and bakers' school because of his baby-faced youthfulness"


    "There's no art to find the minds construction in the face"-Macbeth

  16. Depends what you mean by 'sway'.

    If you mean recoil, the sights will jump up off target every time you pull the trigger.

    If you're firing automatic bursts, your sights will climb even more and you're likely to bring down a flock of geese passing overhead.

    If you mean the way the sights float and sway around before you fire, that's realistic and normal, so crouch on one knee to steady them, or even better lie prone.

    Also hold the right mouse butt to "hold breath" and steady the sights even more.

    Also if you've just been running you'll notice the sights float and sway even more as your heart pounds and you gasp for breath, so rest a minute or two til you recover.

  17. ..i'm mainly interested in the difference between the mk12 SPR and the m-14/DMR.

    Specifically what differences are you looking for?

    I just went into the Editor and picked them out of the US Special Forces weapons crate to try and there was no difference in game terms. They were both Semi-Automatic only, and they both had a zoomable daylight scope which was NVG- compatible.

    PS- the AI accuracy in AA2 is too good just like you say. Even at 'Novice' difficulty they can kill us with their first couple of shots at long range even though we're lying prone in shrubbery, and as far as I know there's nothing we can do about it except hope a fix comes out.

  18. Yes, the grid scale changes from 1km to 100metres as you zoom in/out; I just found this on page 5 of the Arrowhead paper manual-

    "You often receive a grid reference in the game.The grid divides the map into squares of 100x100 metres,identified by a 6-digit code.

    The first 3 digits describe the horizontal position of the square;the last 3 digits give the vertical position.

    If you zoom out,the map becomes divided into 1x1 kilometre squares"

    PS- The AA2 paper manual says the same thing (page 0.7) but a typo error forgets to mention the 100metre squares.
