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Everything posted by Gnome_AS

  1. Haha yeah, unfortunately there are significant issues regarding these things. At a minimum I wanted to be able to facilitate moving insertion/extraction of the crrc's. Most of that has tested out pretty well. Anything beyond that is pretty much conceptual (wishful i'm afraid) at this point, but the gears are constantly grinding on the topic. Open to suggestions/thoughts, beer and whatever else is clever. :D .
  2. Excellent, very much appreciated Mike! Wasn't very long ago I was having a conversation with Bushlurker regarding your rock ledges. This sorts all of that pretty well :D .
  3. Umm... lets see.. The stack: P:\ca\structures\Ind The statues: P:\ca\buildings2\A_Statue Concrete Block: P:\ca\misc3\CncBlock.p3d (? maybe, i'd have to search for that to be sure. think thats the right place for those..) .
  4. Gnome_AS

    New project: Fallujah

    Sweet, one of the few things I've made time to look at! Congrats Shezan! Really looking good. Hope to find some time to go ride/fly around here soon. :)
  5. Yep. Or if anyone has anything else clever or whatnot. Wouldn't say my wheels are turning, but there is a lot of startup sounds emitting from the brain. Good read there Synide. Regarding "diabolically time consuming", that scares me. (not for little maps.. but yeah) Can you recall time/object counts? Just curious. :) .
  6. Gnome_AS

    PBO Woes

    Just checking in to see how things are going, glad everythings getting sorted :) .
  7. Quick WIP update on the MK V SOC from last week. Still have a few hours of modeling to do, mostly cleanup and a rehashing of the seats. Which is fairly obvious in a couple of renders. --- --- --- --- .
  8. Another great read there Myke, thanks again for sharing and putting this together. Very much appreciated. :) .
  9. Gnome_AS

    PBO Woes

    What does your new config look like? My first thought is bad pathing. Suppose it could be that you just need to reimport the sat/mask. Fire buldozer and let it rebuild, then repack. I've run into this before, but frankly can't put a finger on what the issue was. Easily fixed though, that I do remember :D .
  10. Gnome_AS

    [AS] Editor Updates

    Sorry for the really delayed reply here... forgot about this thread for a minute. (all pro i know). Regarding the addon effecting the AI, I think thats highly unlikely. Although, I'm not really up-to-speed on how the map click interactions function ... which is the only place I could imagine there perhaps being a "special issue". Again though, initial thought is it's unlikely. --- Regarding the status of this project, it's very much in the works. I decided to make things a little more robust and bring back some familiar objects. So I've been modeling/texturing some simple things, about 75% done. (wall pieces, barriers, ramps, stairs, planks, logs and things) Robalo actually sorted the configs for me over the holidays, so I'll try to get a revision up here over the next couple of days. His improvements I'll have to transfer over in the A2/CO releases also, so likely to be a couple weeks more on those as work is somewhat hectic atm. Hopefully have a full release with objects and all around the end of the month. (life permitting) .
  11. Gnome_AS

    crashes graphics card!

    Make sure your focus is on the game, (ie.. alt-tab to it) and blindly enter the following key presses: Left-Shift (hold), Numpad -, Numpad -, F, L, U, S, H That will reload directx stuff and generally speaking resolve things. You might also try using the search function on the forums, as I'm pretty confident this has been addressed many times before. Welcome to the forums. .
  12. So I decided to re-model el boat contiguously in hopes of developing a better workflow in modeling for our beloved game. Set me back a little, around 80% done once again ... but coming along pretty well. Hopefully be able to start unwrapping it by the end of the week. Assuming life allows the time of course. :) --- --- .
  13. Gnome_AS

    Size of the sea

    I would be surprised if you saw any performance drop by increasing the size of the map under these circumstances. So I would encourage you to do so as the your reasons seem quite valid. ;) .
  14. Wondering what experiences some of you guys may have had concerning modeling practices and the BIS engine. Primarily if I should be concerned with excessive z-fighting (or anything else) using segmented penetrating meshes vs. contiguous (air-tight) meshes. I'm not really up-to-speed on modeling for games, so I'm not sure how valid the question may or may not be, but it came up in a discussion with a buddy. Generally speaking I model however the real world object is built/designed. My current project (Mk V SOC) boat is segmented primarily for extended detail and instancing objects. I'm not really sure what or if there is a poly count ceiling in the engine (?), so I've been cautious thus far. (15k'ish currently ... without any real effort in reduction) Granted I could mash it all down into a contiguous mesh ... the poly count is likely to ramp up quite a bit. I'm not really concerned with the UV space, I can generally sort that out regardless modeling methods. Anyway without further rambling ... thoughts, suggestions welcome. I've read elsewhere that z-fighting is really more of an issue with objects/segments on or near the same plane. Apprecaite any clarification, my apologies for being rather dense on the subject matter :) _
  15. Gnome_AS

    Contiguous mesh vs. Segmentation

    @Pufu This makes sense once again :) Sorry about the pixel reference, that was my all pro move for the day.. @Gnat quality. I suffer from low poly achievement syndrome personally. @Soul Assassin While I'm fairly lacking in d3d education here, that all makes reasonable sense. Awesomely helpful max tool btw, that and the videos clarified a lot of the process for me. Probably wouldn't be humoring myself with this without it ;) --- @All Really helpful guys, appreciate the experienced input. I feel a lot more confident in my approach now. Having a good workflow is one of my larger goals, so I think I'll go ahead and make the extra investment to model contiguously except where it really just doesn't make sense. Seems that will be more productive at the end of the day. Good stuff, I'm slightly more educated and about twice as dangerous. :coop: _
  16. Gnome_AS

    Contiguous mesh vs. Segmentation

    Ah ha! That makes good sense to me now on the vertex normals and counts. :) Regarding the 1px float ... basically instead intersecting 2 objects (say stabbing a pole thru the hull of my boat) I would just stop the pole as short as possible instead of passing thru the hull. Normally I pass thru just enough to get the terminating vert(s) thru the object. But if holding them just above could help prevent some z-fighting ... thats an easy to do. This was mentioned to me by the same buddy. His impression was that it might be handled better by the engine and not likely to be noticed by players. Does that seem like a reasonable thought process? Perhaps not something to worry with? Thanks again Pufu
  17. Gnome_AS

    Semi-transparent closeup grass

    So very true. +1 for needing to do something about the grass. I fear implementation of this would not be quite as easy as one might think. Personally I'd like to see dev time invested in the character control aspect instead. A more proper solution at the end of the day imo. _
  18. MK V SOC it is :D I'm going to utilize as many tricks as possible. There are some inherent limitations within the engine. (moving roadway surfaces = fail, best i can tell. limited experience here though..) I think we'll be able simulate a reasonable insertion/extraction platform with the CRRCs. Most likely by way of actions/scripts and some clever loading/unloading timing with attachTo type things. BMP looking sexy there vilas ;) _
  19. Gnome_AS

    Contiguous mesh vs. Segmentation

    Most excellent Pufu, that helps quite a bit :) In cases where I decide it's just not worth the effort to cut it all to hell and back, would utilizing a 1px float above what would normally be an intersecting face be good practice? Also, I've just gained some knowledge about how the engine handles SG's and the resulting counts after the fact. So I'm leaning towards using proxies to get over what I now understand to be a 32k count ceiling or so. Any thoughts regarding that process? Are there similar issues with utilizing the proxies? (i need to read up on that..) _
  20. Great looking bird there Adumb :) _
  21. Quick dirty wires.. --- --- --- _
  22. Little project I started a couple weeks ago to force educate myself on model/configs and whatnot. Still a fair amount of learning to do as I move out of max and into the BIS world, but hope to have it done in a couple months as I find time. --- --- --- Model currently weighs in at around 15k polys without any mesh reduction. _
  23. Gnome_AS

    maps under construction:

    Wow... And I'll be sure not to drop off a donation in support of your investment and work next time. Tis getting old.......... But just for the sake of clarification, as things seemingly get blown out of proportion with ease: I have not, and will never copy anyones shit off their map. I do all my building with RTE and import via World Tools. I like that part of doing things. Although I do utilize tools available to import stuff into visitor. Nothing more, nothing less. :mad:
  24. Gnome_AS

    [AS] Editor Updates

    Minor update. Not worth global announcement, but available for those that care ;) - Missing loam wall pieces (thanks Bad Benton, works better with correct paths :)) - Fixed a few .rpt errors that slipped by me. - Added the server key to addon. Current Update: AS_EU_OA_Full_v1_01b __________
  25. Gnome_AS

    maps under construction:

    I wonder how many people would actually noticed it was copied from another map :p