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About Skinner

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  1. New aircraft video: http://www.gamestar.de/index.cfm?pid=452&pk=12175
  2. Skinner

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    see http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72510 @ IceBreakr: The most expensive thing you need for Free Track is a webcam (30 fps) or better a original Wii Remote Controller (100 fps). --> 35 $. I have chosen the Wii Remote Controller for which you also need a Bluetooth Dongle. --> 10 $ Then you need a cap and three IR diodes and resistors. --> 4 $. After some (very easy) handicraft work (), you have your own FreeTrack:
  3. Skinner

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    That's why i'm hoping Arma 2 will support FreeTrack :D
  4. Hi, will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack? Will Free Track be limited to 3DOF? Thank you.