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Posts posted by FunkD00BiesT

  1. Good job! Very nice mission, having allot of fun with it!

    Now on to some issue's/requests:

    1st) Mechinized squads got stuck at the closest objective, seemed like they were waiting for the vehicle to reach a specific point but it could not reach it/AI driver was stuck.

    2nd) When I made a dynamic CTI for Arma 2 with the same functions your using I was able to specify that roads and airport runways be avoided, is this still possible?

    3rd) I like to be picky on my teams, is it possible to give a kit to a AI unit via action, atm I'm forced to have them pick it up from the ground.

    4th) I'd really like it if there were medical teams that would go and clear the battle field of the dead. Dispatched after FOB deploiyment or summin? This might be hard to do but would be epic!

    5th) FOB placement is hard to do and your basically forced to find flat area's or risk not being able to enter them. I'd also like this to be a transport from base and not a POOF here's a FOB enjoy.....

    6th) Defence objects like MG nests would be very nice to build or place.

    Thats all the ramblings I have for now and thank you again for your hard work!

    ---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------

    Good job! Very nice mission, having allot of fun with it!

    Now on to some issue's/requests:

    1st) Mechinized squads got stuck at the closest objective, seemed like they were waiting for the vehicle to reach a specific point but it could not reach it/AI driver was stuck.

    2nd) When I made a dynamic CTI for Arma 2 with the same functions your using I was able to specify that roads and airport runways be avoided, is this still possible?

    3rd) I like to be picky on my teams, is it possible to give a kit to a AI unit via action, atm I'm forced to have them pick it up from the ground.

    4th) I'd really like it if there were medical teams that would go and clear the battle field of the dead. Dispatched after FOB deploiyment or summin? This might be hard to do but would be epic!

    5th) FOB placement is hard to do and your basically forced to find flat area's or risk not being able to enter them. I'd also like this to be a transport from base and not a POOF here's a FOB enjoy.....

    6th) Defence objects like MG nests would be very nice to build or place.

    Thats all the ramblings I have for now and thank you again for your hard work!

  2. What have you altered?

    And hi Schwabi!

    Is any one messing around with this mission atm? I've been on and off for some time now fixing problems that pop up like script errors and such.

    Changed the weapon/mag lists to be read from your config instead of being fixed.

    Added a few fixed weapon configs for handgunner and shot gunner that would take gear from the availible weapons to your company and equip them with it.

    Basically the handgunner becomes a MG guy and the shot gunner Gren/AT if you have the spacified kits availible.

    Also run the base crate script on the support chopper to help rearm in the field.

    Issue's: ATM with the higher amount of weapons and ammo you might take some time to get the combination your looking for to play with.

    Also the enemy spawning seems to bug out after a few hours, only spawning vehicles but no infantry. possibly running out of groups

    HQ some times does not get dropped out of plane, added a messy workaround to just move it to your chosen start point.

    No AI commander for either side.

    Testing crate is still in the mission to check what is returned from the config files.

    Let me know if there is still any interest in this mission.

    Hey Schwab, man good to see your still around :)

    Sorry not many screen shots and not many core changes to the mission, still learning how you did what you did tbh :P

    Any info on the kingdoms project as that is actually what I'm interested in as it could be adapted to other maps as apposed to life stock?

  3. I remember playing it loads while testing it for Schwabs.

    When you port it over put up a new link ... would be good to re-live some fun times !

    Hi yeah, I've not as yet ported the mission to another map. What i have done is added the ability to create the weapon lists from your configs so the weapons that you can find in the enemy vehicles can be any thing.

    As far as porting it to another map, not really sure if it would be a good idea with the cattle, maybe some other form of resources.

    I've tried to use PMC units for East side, but this is a bit messy since they are Resistance side, the player units are ok since i just changed the class name in the mission.sqm. the SUV's have also replaced the UAZ's. but that it for the moment.

    Any way if you want to try out my version, as it is atm you'll have to contact me on skype.

    look for "funkd00biest".

  4. Is any one messing around with this mission atm? I've been on and off for some time now fixing problems that pop up like script errors and such.

    Changed the weapon/mag lists to be read from your config instead of being fixed.

    Added a few fixed weapon configs for handgunner and shot gunner that would take gear from the availible weapons to your comany and equip them with it.

    Basically the handgunner becoms a MG guy and the shot gunner Gren/AT if you have the spacified kits availible.

    Also run the base crate script on the support chopper to help rearm in the field.

    Issue's: ATM with the higher amount of weapons and ammo you might take some time to get the combination your looking for to play with.

    Also the enemy spawning seems to bug out after a few hours, only spawning vehicles but no infantry. possibly running out of groups

    HQ some times does not get dropped out of plane, added a messy workaround to just move it to your chosen start point.

    No AI commander for either side.

    Testing crate is still in the mission to check what is returned from the config files.

    Let me know if there is still any interest in this mission.

  5. Hi, The web interface does not work anymore.

    When I tried to run it, it started updateing ruby gems and installed gems.

    Quote from CMD window:


    You have requested to uninstall the gem:


    actionpack-2.3.4 depends on [rack<~> 1.0.0)]

    actionpack-2.3.5 depends on [rack<~> 1.0.0)]

    if you remove this gems, one or more dependencies will not be met.

    continue with unistall? [Yn]


    Right now at first I thought well if it has dependancies then I'll say no.

    But the interface did not open and it had some error I failed to record.

    Any way ran the command again but this time I said Yes.

    The web interface CMD window:

    This program needs to remain running during Updater operations

    starting the web client... please be patient

    Missing the Rails gem. Please 'gem install -v=', update your RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails verion you do have installed, or comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION to use the latest version Installed.

    Now I have 3 environment.rb files one of them are in "config" folder.

    I have them in:




    The File in the Config folder has no "RAILS_GEM_VERSION" only "RAILS_ENV" & "RAILS_ROOT".

    So thats my problem, Any suggestions?

  6. When I start Zeus with ACE 2 I get some no entry errors:

    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A1/Single.displayName'.

    Warning Message: '/' is not a value

    That is just one but there are a few, AK_Base, M16_base and again M4A1.

    Now for the client it's not really a problem since you can just click ok and continue with the game, but this will halt a Dedicated server starting up.

  7. The SuppressFor command seems to have a problem, every time it's executed it returns the error "Missing ;" Arma 2 Problem?

    Only other Error thats still presistant it the SLX_Group array thats not declared globaly, might be declared local to a statement some where making it unavailible to other scripts.

  8. So do you need to disable the AI skills to get this working with the latest Zeus or not? According to his latest update he fixed it to work with this mod.

    I've also found that the BWMod units used with this mod cause a lot of lag, drop from 40-50fps down to 15 with stuttering with only one extra unit!

    Hi I have enabled the SLX_AISkill.PBO again, only I load Zeus After I load SLX.

    The BushWars units you refer to, are these the released units for ARMA 1? If they are, we are aware that they do cause allot of lag and are not recommended for ARMA 2 yet!

    Also the units firing into the air, I can confirm this, but it also looks like they are firing over enemy to try and supress them?

    Update: I have fixed the _stopUntil error by making it a Public variable in danger.fsm, IE renamed it to "stopUntil".

  9. Firstly I'd like to say very nice work indeed!

    For this test I used my client with a few mods together with our Dedicated server and a few mods on it as well, I will list both's rpt's filtered to the best of my ability. Client did not have allot of errors and the file size was only 60KB.

    Server however was allot bigger, 13.4MB.

    Mission I used for this test was DomiA2 AI West 1.20

    Also I removed the SLX_AISkill.PBO since I'm using Zeus AI combet Skills. both on server and client.

    Hope this helps.

    Client RPT:


    == C:\Games\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe

    == "C:\Games\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -showScriptErrors -nosplash -world=Chernarus -mod=@BWC;@CBA;@GMJSA;@JTD;@VFAI;@RUG;@VS;@TRSMTV;@RHHeli;@SLX;@zcommon;@Extra;beta -connect=


    Exe timestamp: 2009/11/27 21:56:13

    Current time: 2009/12/01 11:33:57

    Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_ACTION_CONTEXT

    Updating base class Man->, by vfai_controlpanel\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/CaManbase/

    Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_77x56_Ball/

    Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_127x108_APHE/

    Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_145x115_AP/

    Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/

    Updating base class ->CannonCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/D30/

    Updating base class ->Man, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/

    Updating base class WeaponCloudsMGun->WeaponCloudsGun, by slx_mod_veh_core\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Plane/MGunClouds/

    Updating base class Turrets->Turrets, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2_Base/Turrets/

    Updating base class MainTurret->MainTurret, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/

    Updating base class Turrets->Turrets, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/

    Updating base class MainTurret->MainTurret, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AAV/Turrets/MainTurret/

    Updating base class Movement->, by trsm_tracked_vehicles_cfg\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M1A1/Sounds/Movement/

    Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_Base, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_HE/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_WP/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_ILLUM/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_SMOKE/

    Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmWP_D30/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSMOKE_D30/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmILLUM_D30/

    Updating base class Sounds->, by rhsound_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1Y/Sounds/

    Updating base class Engine->, by rhsound_c\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1Y/Sounds/Engine/

    Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierWB/HeadLimits/

    Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierEB/HeadLimits/

    Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierGB/HeadLimits/

    Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Miles/EventHandlers/

    Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Cooper/EventHandlers/

    Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Sykes/EventHandlers/

    Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_OHara/EventHandlers/

    Updating base class EventHandlers->EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Rodriguez/EventHandlers/

    Exe version: 1.04.60588

    "############################# co40 Domination #############################"

    Error in expression <eOn*camPos*grass*((rpm factor[0.3, 0.6])>

    Error position: <>

    Error Missing )

    Client: Object (id 3:77, type Type_82) is local - update is ignored.

    Ref to nonnetwork object 62a3c00# 1055533: usspecialweapons.p3d

    Obsolete CfgSkeletons for SLX_DroppedWeaponSkel, move to model.cfg

    Unknown action Surrender

    Unknown action GetOver

    RESCUE2: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress

    O 2-1-F:1 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress

    O 2-1-F:2 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress

    O 2-1-F:3 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress

    O 2-1-F:4 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress

    O 2-1-F:5 REMOTE: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress

    Warning: roadsConnectedTo did not found the input road segment

    Ref to nonnetwork object bf77400# 1076711: slx_empty.p3d

    Error in expression <unit)||(isplayer leader _unit))&&(count SLX_Groups>0)>

    Error position: <SLX_Groups>0)>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: slx_groups

    Error: cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\male01\en\core\maploc\gvozdno.wss', header cannot be loaded.

    Action::Process - No target

    Client: Nonnetwork object d8b1c00.

    Client: Nonnetwork object 101b7800.

    Duplicate weapon ItemMap detected for USMC_Soldier_AT

    Duplicate weapon ItemCompass detected for USMC_Soldier_AT

    Duplicate weapon ItemWatch detected for USMC_Soldier_AT

    Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for USMC_Soldier_AT

    Action LoadMagazine - wrong magazine 3:45268

    Client: Nonnetwork object b411c00.

    Ref to nonnetwork object bb25800# 1104035: slx_empty.p3d

    Ref to nonnetwork object 8f9c800# 1108409: slx_empty.p3d

    User menu description 'BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication' not defined.

    Client: Nonnetwork object a996000.

    Server RPT:


    == C:\SERVERS\ARMA2_BUSHWARS\ArmA2Server.exe

    == ArmA2Server.exe -port=2302 -name=default -config=BW\server.cfg -cfg=BW\Arma2.cfg -profiles=BW\default -mod=@BWC;@EXTRA


    Exe timestamp: 2009/09/10 10:06:22

    Current time: 2009/12/01 11:23:03

    Unsupported language: 'English'

    Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable

    Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable

    Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable

    Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable

    Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable

    Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable

    Unsupported language 'English' in stringtable

    Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_77x56_Ball/

    Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_127x108_APHE/

    Updating base class ->BulletBase, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/B_145x115_AP/

    Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/

    Updating base class ->CannonCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/D30/

    Updating base class WeaponCloudsMGun->WeaponCloudsGun, by slx_mod_veh_core\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Plane/MGunClouds/

    Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_Base, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_HE/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_WP/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_ILLUM/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ARTY_Sh_122_SMOKE/

    Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmWP_D30/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSMOKE_D30/

    Updating base class ->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by ca\modules\arty\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ARTY_30Rnd_122mmILLUM_D30/

    Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierWB/HeadLimits/

    Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierEB/HeadLimits/

    Updating base class HeadLimits->HeadLimits, by slx_fov\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/SoldierGB/HeadLimits/

    2009/12/01, 11:34:31 File description.ext, line 5: '/Header.gameType': Missing ';' at the end of line

    2009/12/01, 11:34:31 File spect\spectating.hpp, line 16: '/rscSpectate/controls/mouseHandler.onMouseZChanged': Missing ';' at the end of line

    2009/12/01, 11:36:23 "############################# co40 Domination #############################"

    2009/12/01, 11:37:00 Server: Update of object 2:91 arrived from nonowner

    2009/12/01, 11:37:02 Protocol bin\config.bin/RadioProtocolCZ/: Missing word light

    2009/12/01, 11:37:02 Server: Object 3:1 not found (message 213)

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error in expression <)>2))then{_this forceSpeed 0.2;_this suppressFor 10;if((((vehicle _dange>

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error position: <suppressFor 10;if((((vehicle _dange>

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error Missing ;

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error in expression <s))>2))then{_this forceSpeed 0;_this suppressFor 10;};if>

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error position: <suppressFor 10;};if>

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error Missing ;

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Obsolete CfgSkeletons for SLX_DroppedWeaponSkel, move to model.cfg

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error in expression <_ally2 suppressFor 10;>

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error position: <suppressFor 10;>

    2009/12/01, 11:38:57 Error Missing ;

    2009/12/01, 11:38:59 WARNING: Function 'name' - SLX_Unit1 has no unit

    2009/12/01, 11:38:59 - network id 2:834

    2009/12/01, 11:38:59 - person Kuzma Fisenko

    2009/12/01, 11:38:59 - dead

    2009/12/01, 11:39:07 Server: Object 3:497 not found (message 121)

    2009/12/01, 11:39:11 Server: Object 3:523 not found (message 82)

    2009/12/01, 11:41:28 Error in expression <(time>_stopUntil) || ( ((vehicle _this) distan>

    2009/12/01, 11:41:28 Error position: <_stopUntil) || ( ((vehicle _this) distan>

    2009/12/01, 11:41:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _stopuntil

    2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error in expression <__waituntil = _time+(_coverWait)>

    2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error position: <_coverWait)>

    2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error Undefined variable in expression: _coverwait

    2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error in expression <__waituntil>

    2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error position: <__waituntil>

    2009/12/01, 11:41:38 Error Undefined variable in expression: __waituntil

    2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Error in expression <_allies,"suppress"] call SLX_Shout;{_x suppressFor 10} foreach _allies;};_wa>

    2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Error position: <suppressFor 10} foreach _allies;};_wa>

    2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Error Missing ;

    2009/12/01, 11:42:06 File SLX_GL3\f\SLX_Suppressive_Fire.sqf, line 116

    2009/12/01, 11:42:06 Warning: roadsConnectedTo did not found the input road segment

    2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemMap detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew

    2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemCompass detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew

    2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemWatch detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew

    2009/12/01, 11:42:25 Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for Ins_Soldier_Crew

    2009/12/01, 11:43:11 Error in expression <__waituntil = _time+(_coverWait)>

    2009/12/01, 11:43:11 Error position: <_coverWait)>

    2009/12/01, 11:43:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: _coverwait

    2009/12/01, 11:48:21 Error in expression <_ally2 suppressFor 10;>

    2009/12/01, 11:48:21 Error position: <suppressFor 10;>

    2009/12/01, 11:48:21 Error Missing ;

    2009/12/01, 11:58:05 Out of map

    2009/12/01, 11:58:05 Error O 2-1-D:6: Invalid path from [4019.16, 339.38, 11193.12] to [4018.67, 339.88, 11211.62].

    2009/12/01, 11:58:19 Ref to nonnetwork object b2e8800# 1059140: slx_empty.p3d

    2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12387 not found (message 191)

    2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12387 not found (message 100)

    2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12385 not found (message 106)

    2009/12/01, 12:11:25 Server: Object 3:12385 not found (message 105)

    2009/12/01, 12:12:38 Server: Object 3:12738 not found (message 69)

    2009/12/01, 12:12:38 Server: Object 3:12738 not found (message 67)

    2009/12/01, 12:13:54 Unsupported ammo type (type name HelicopterExploSmall)

    2009/12/01, 12:13:54 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HelicopterExploSmall,

    2009/12/01, 12:13:55 Unsupported ammo type (type name HelicopterExploBig)

    2009/12/01, 12:13:55 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HelicopterExploBig,

    2009/12/01, 12:14:18 Server: Object 3:13250 not found (message 91)

    2009/12/01, 12:14:18 Server: Object 3:13251 not found (message 69)

    2009/12/01, 12:14:26 Unsupported ammo type (type name SmallSecondary)

    2009/12/01, 12:14:26 Cannot create non-ai vehicle SmallSecondary,

    2009/12/01, 12:14:57 Subgroup not joined

    2009/12/01, 12:22:53 Server: Object 3:14732 not found (message 96)

    2009/12/01, 12:22:53 Server: Object 3:14732 not found (message 95)

    2009/12/01, 12:23:44 Server: Network message 34837 is pending

  10. What I've seen is mostly the same tell trail, allot of object not found messages possibly filling up some buffer? Once this buffer hits the max size(294mb) I get a out of mem error. I'm at a loss to say what memory is being talked about here. Graphics card maybe?

    part of ARMA.rpt

    Client: Object 2:3187 (type Type_82) not found.

    Client: Object 2:3195 (type Type_86) not found.

    Client: Object 2:3194 (type Type_96) not found.

    Client: Object 2:3194 (type Type_95) not found.

    Client: Object 2:3196 (type Type_67) not found.

    ErrorMessage: Out of memory (requested 7 KB).

    Reserved 294912 KB.

    Total free 0 KB

    Free blocks 0, Max free size 0 KB

    end of Arma.rpt

  11. Don't know what you changed but I can tell you your last update fixed all my problems, exept for the missing unlimited ammo on the defense front :P

    No really great I really like that the enemy vehicles have any kind of items that you might want to use later, Feel like robbin hood running into fire just to go see what goodies I can grab before it pops, LOL ITs AWSUME!

  12. You can restore the high command menu bar by clicking the "Restore" button in the Command submenu.

    Thanks, But the problem is not that I don't have them on the command selection menu, the problem is that I don't have access to there action menu through it, like you have with the units in your squad.

  13. I'm running the mission on a local Ded server for the first time today and found these issues.

    On the Respawn fix Island is a priest at the marker. Go to him and ask him to heal you and you can respawn as usual.

    Thanks, however I still lack a way of getting Player Slots controlled by AI to do that. If I could get to there action menu via the Command interface, I might be able to tell them to heal at the priest. However the action menu is empty when I access it.

    Then I've seen that the trucks take a rather long time to get going, found that they do eventually do what they intend to do, but this takes some time.

    Also have not seen a counter attack from the Resistance side with Joint Coop mode. Not sure if I should just wait longer, but in the old versions it took them about 10 min to show up.

    Some errors from the Server Error Report file:

    Error in expression <KRON_TRGFlag=>

    Error position: <=>

    Error Generic error in expression

    Target acqusition slow and inaccurate (may even select friendly) <- Repeated allot, but might be since I'm Hosting and playing on the same machine.

    Server: Object 3:3 not found (message 121)


    Server: Object 3:73 not found (message 121)

    Magazine 75Rnd_545x39_RPK (75 ammo left) not found

    Magazine PG7VL (1 ammo left) not found

    Error R 2-1-M:2: Invalid path - length 1

    Error R 2-1-M:2: Invalid path from [3813.24, 311.05, 8943.49] to [3735.00, 310.94, 8985.00].

    Error R 2-1-M:2: Invalid path - length 1

    Error R 2-1-M:2: Invalid path from [3813.24, 311.05, 8943.49] to [3705.00, 310.99, 8925.00].

    Client Error Report:

    Error in expression <s select _index2) select 0;

    if (!isNull _unit) then


    [_unit] join _group;



    Error position: <_unit) then


    [_unit] join _group;



    Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit

    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dialogs\transferUnit.sqf, line 26 <- Happend when I had no AI left to transfer but clicked the "Transfer unit" button.

    User menu description 'BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication' not defined.

    1:05:38.496 (3519.2) [x\cba\addons\events\XEH_preClientInit.sqf:16] Player spawn detected!

    User menu description 'HC_Custom_0' not defined.

    Unknown action Surrender

    Unknown action GetOver

    Client: Object 2:2755 (type Type_88) not found.

    Client: Object 2:2754 (type Type_96) not found.

    Client: Object 2:2754 (type Type_95) not found.

    Thats all I have for you atm, But I'm really enjoying this mission and system you have made, Keep up the good work.
