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About C4SINO

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  1. C4SINO

    Another Eastern European Setting?

    I searched and I provided links, other than a difference in seasons those look the same to me. And congrats to BI for going for something different with Eastern Europe, but it's their third title and it's still the same setting. I prefer change, this looks like the same experience.
  2. C4SINO

    Another Eastern European Setting?

    Perhaps, but from videos I've seen...but yet no one has told me what's different about ArmA 2. You just say something like that. So tell me, how is the setting different? Let me show you: Flashpoint ArmA ArmA 2
  3. C4SINO

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I would say that's fairly accurate, but wouldn't you say that OFPDR combined some of the mechanics of BF and MW with Flashpoint so that they can grasp more audiences while BI have stayed true to their fans and kept it the way it should be?
  4. C4SINO

    Another Eastern European Setting?

    I said the time period, and obviously the map and the storyline are different. But I didn't sit there taking notes on stuff like that, I mean gameplay. He had the Demo, but I just wattched as he was a U.S. soldier attacking a Russian occupied village in a setting similar to Eastern Europe. Everything felt the same to me, ArmA just felt like Flashpoint with better graphics, more equipment and a bit of spit and polish here and there. Did I say I own it? I said I saw my mate play it. I didn't sit him down and interview him on the game, I just saw what it was like. And what I saw looked basically the same as Flashpoint, Eastern Europe. :rolleyes:
  5. C4SINO

    Another Eastern European Setting?

    I was told by someone they were German, I thought they were closer to the East but it's better to say German instead of somewhere in the East. And obviously German isn't Eastern, but it's on the same continent and they are very close to Eastern Europe and have greater access. It's surprising just how many people steer away from the question in these forums, they'd rather pick out small things not related to the thread.
  6. C4SINO

    Another Eastern European Setting?

    I've not played it on PC so I don't get modded content. I played Flashpoint: Elite on Xbox, my mate showed me ArmA on his PC and now I find ArmA 2. In all honesty, I can't see much difference between Flashpoint: Elite and ArmA 2 except graphics, weapons and the time of the game.
  7. C4SINO

    Another Eastern European Setting?

    Second thread and the first thread was a question, not a bitch.
  8. I don't know about you, I'm sorry but the Eastern European just doesn't peak my interest. It's very plain and old. With this setting it just reminds me of a Modern Day World War 2. I know that BI are set up in Germany so it makes it easier for them and they can accurately make the setting much easier. But their past three Military Games have all been the same setting, Communists invading small Eastern European countries and the U.S. Capitalists intervene. First it was Flashpoint, then it was ArmA now it's ArmA 2. All the same thing, they're all basically expansions of one another. Obviously the setting is good for the game with open plains, villages, mountains and forest but there are many other places like that in the world. I really enjoyed the African setting of Far Cry 2 and I'm sure that this could be integrated into ArmA 3. But c'mon, another Eastern European setting? Let's try something different...
  9. C4SINO

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    For their sake it better be, ArmA 2 has targeted one audience, OFPDR has targeted several audiences and will get noticed much more than ArmA 2. Keep that in mind BI.
  10. C4SINO

    Why the USMC?

    Yeah...I guess that's basically it. There's my answer, there is no reason, in this World everything is black and white, good and evil. Well if the Mission Editor is all it's cracked up to be (and this game comes out on 360), perhaps I can fill in the gaps. Or if BI decide to make ArmA 3, they might think through the true reasons. You can close this thread by the way, my question is answered.
  11. C4SINO

    Why the USMC?

    So I guess I have my answer, there is no real reason that the USMC are intervening, they only do it to be good guys. I guess I should get ready for another corny story, I'll still buy though. You ask why the U.S. is the problem? I only asked because their the main characters in the game, but if you want me to get political and tell you why their the real problem in real life, your better of PMing me. BTW, for OFPDR, it probably is a marketing strategy. Ever notice they got the biggest armies in the world and mashed them into one conflict on a small island? I just do hope that the 360 game comes out shortly, maybe I can fill in the gaps
  12. C4SINO

    Why the USMC?

    For example, I'm sure everyone knows the Game Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. The game's plot is that the Chinese and Russians are at war on an island that has the largest untapped oil and gas reserves in the World. The USMC back the Russians to remove the Chinese from the island. The reasons or motivation for doing so was not only to have a stronger alliance with the Russians, but more than likely to strike a deal to get the oil and gas for cheap or for free. Now look at ArmA 2, they intervene with this civil war, they back the democrats over the communists...but why? There's no oil or anything there, there's no plan to develop a base there so why? ---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ---------- My apologies, I didn't realise. It's just that this is on-topic as it has to do with the political side of the ArmA 2 storyline.
  13. C4SINO

    Why the USMC?

    Countries that asked for serious aid, what about the Rwandan Genocide? Almost 1 million people killed in 100 days, no help came for them? And I'm sure they asked for aid. And yes, I agree with you that not many people know what ArmA is. I would say that's because this game is aimed at a specific audience, not the general population to maximize profits. That's what I'm asking, what's the reason?
  14. C4SINO

    Why the USMC?

    Lol, touche. If this game ever comes out on 360, I'll buy. But one thing that annoyed me about Flashpoint 1 was the corny story. It just didn't feel realistic, I've yet to see a game that could portray a story that could potentially happen in real life.