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Everything posted by HeliJunkie

  1. Think it will be possible... with "JayArma2lib". Here is a snippet from the readme: Didn't work with it myself... but I think you can give it a try.
  2. Found them... you mean the light in the "Reflectors" class. Added them. But didn't change anything.... :cryy:
  3. First: THANKS for such a lot responses! @[GLT]Mike: - changed "animPeriod" to use equal values - tried a longer "animPeriod" Both doesn't fix it. @ALL: No, I don't want a "UserAction". I simply want a animation (some turning lights) wich I can activate by script ('<object> animate ["Light",1]'). So I think I don't nees a "UserAction" class. Or ? Maybe the Error is in the model ? So, I uploaded the 2 configFiles and the Model (from O2/not binarized) here: Download Policelight2.zip Please... the model is very simple... it's conceptual work. Here are the current file contents: Model.cfg (Policelight2.cfg): class CfgSkeletons { class PoliceLight2_Skeleton { isDiscrete=0; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]= { "Lamps","", "Top","" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class PoliceLight2 { sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= {}; skeletonName="PoliceLight2_Skeleton"; class Animations { // This animation should turn the lights of the pole class Light { type = "rotation"; angle0=0; // This should be for a "user" source => did not work source = "user"; angle1="rad 360"; // Use this for "clockMinute" source => works very well // source = "clockMinute"; // angle1 = "rad 600*360"; sourceAddress = "loop"; animPeriod = 10; selection="Lamps"; axis="Lamps_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; }; // This animation should hide the "Top"-Plate of the pole... class HideTop { type = "hide"; source = "user"; animPeriod = 2; sourceAddress = "clamp"; selection = "Top"; memory = 1; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; hideValue = 0.5; }; }; }; }; And the config.cpp (in the model directory): class CfgPatches { class HJ_PoliceLight2 { units[] = {"PoliceLight2"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.00; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class Static : All{}; class Building : Static {}; class HouseBase : Building {}; class House : HouseBase {}; class PoliceLight2 : House { model = "\PoliceLight2\PoliceLight2.p3d"; scope = 2; displayName = "PoliceLight 2"; animated = 1; simulation = "house"; vehicleClass = "Misc"; faction = "Default"; class AnimationSources { class Light { source = "user"; animPeriod = 10; initPhase = 0; }; class HideTop { source = "user"; animPeriod = 2; initPhase = 0; }; }; class Reflectors { class Light1 { color[] = {0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,1.000000 }; ambient[] = {0.070000,0.070000,0.070000,1.000000 }; position = "Light1"; direction = "Light1_dir"; hitpoint = "Light1"; selection = "Light1"; size = 1; brightness = 1; }; class Light2 : Light1 { position = "Light2"; direction = "Light2_dir"; selection = "Light2"; }; class Light3 : Light1 { position = "Light3"; direction = "Light3_dir"; selection = "Light3"; }; class Light4 : Light1 { position = "Light4"; direction = "Light4_dir"; selection = "Light4"; }; }; class eventhandlers { init="hint ""Policelight2 Init!"";"; }; }; };
  4. Thanks for your fast responses... but both hint's don't made it... :rage: Argh.. my hair... I'm pulling it all off my head... ;-) Any more ideas out there ??? Current Config Files: model.cfg: class Animations { class Light { [color=seagreen]type = "rotation";[/color] [color=black]source = "user";[/color] sourceAddress = "loop"; animPeriod = 2; selection="Lamps"; axis="Lamps_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; angle0=0; angle1="rad 360"; }; }; From config.cpp: class AnimationSources { class Light { [color=seagreen]source = "user";[/color] animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; };
  5. Didn't test it, but this should work.... Relocate the Control with the script commands: control ctrlSetPosition [x, y, w, h]; controlName ctrlCommit time; Generic example: // I assume following data // Display IDD = 1099 // Marker Control IDC = 99 _MarkerCtrl = (finddisplay 1099) displayCtrl 99; Obj1Pos = worldToScreen (position Object1); _MarkerCtrl ctrlSetPosition [Obj1Pos select 0, Obj1Pos select 1]; _MarkerCtrl ctrlCommit 0.01;
  6. Try: player addaction [localize "STRS_escort_vip", "noscript.sqf", "[VIPtarget] join (group player); player groupchat localize ""STRS_escort_vip"";",1,false,true,"","player distance VIPtarget < 5 and iscop"];
  7. Sounds usefull. Will try to implement it with next version.
  8. YES WE CAN! ehmm... yes YOU can... feel free to use it for your mission.
  9. Thanks for your response! 1: Seems to be a nice feature. But what do you want to search for? Names or values? Or both? 2: Maybe optional. I prefer the order of inheritance, and not the alphabetical order. But there is at least one, who didn't. ;) 3: Not a really good idea, because that will override the values from the current class.
  10. HeliJunkie

    weather change

    As far as I know: rain comes randomly if weather > 0.8. And you can not turn in on/off. If this are map parameters, why don't you try to post your question in the subforum "Map edition (Visitor)". There it will maybe read by some other map editor, who knows the answer. This subform (configs and scripting) is for addons.
  11. HeliJunkie

    Interface Size

    You are on the right way! I use in mind the default 1 x 1 size. But I write: x = ((0.5 * SafeZoneW) - SafeZoneX) y = ((0.5 * SafeZoneH) - SafeZoneY) w = (0.5 * SafeZoneW) h = (0.5 * SafeZoneH) U can alter the "0.5" value to any value between 0 and 1, and the controls/dialog will resize all to a full screen dialog. And yes, you can use this syntax in description.ext and config.cpp files.
  12. HeliJunkie

    weather change

    Map or Mission ? If you mean mission, you must only change the intel data in the mission editor. See : Arma Mission Editor on Wiki
  13. I did a short search and found (Link): So, you don't need to call the init for every soldier, only for the leader of the group!So i suggest: _myGroup = createGroup east; _tempSoldier = _myGroup createUnit ["RU_Soldier",getpos spawn1,[],0.8,"Sergeant"]; _tempSoldier setVehicleVarName "Soldier1" ; _tempSoldier2 = _myGroup createUnit ["RU_Soldier",getpos spawn1,[],0.6,"Private"]; _tempSoldier2 setVehicleVarName "Soldier2" ; _tempSoldier3 = _myGroup createUnit ["RU_Soldier",getpos spawn1,[],0.6,"Private"]; _tempSoldier3 setVehicleVarName "Soldier3" ; _tempSoldier4 = _myGroup createUnit ["RU_Soldier",getpos spawn1,[],0.6,"Private"]; _tempSoldier4 setVehicleVarName "Soldier4" ; [color=SeaGreen][b]_null = [leader _myGroup,"town","nomove"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";[/b][/color] And "town" must be a marker name on your map. Hope this will help you a step forward.
  14. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: I think you are talking about an default AI Player. Just switch camera to an AI-Player, and "disableUserInput". So player can only watch... But... why do you want this?? Sounds a little bit stupid (to me) ....
  15. First: Please choose right subforum next time! This questions should be in "Mission editing&scripting". Second, your problem: - create group For each Unit: - spawn Unit - use SetVehcileVarName to give the unit "a name" - rewrite the function for the init field and change "this" to a specific unit reference Example code (not tested): _myGroup = [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createGroup"]createGroup [/url]east; _tempSoldier = _myGroup [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit_array"]createUnit[/url] ["RU_Soldier",[%PositionArray%],[],0,"FORM"] _tempSoldier [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleVarName"]setVehicleVarName[/url] "Soldier1" // This will give the unit "a name", like the name field in the editor _null = [_tempSoldier,"town","nomove"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; // Repeat the the last 3 lines for each soldier you want to spawn in this group
  16. Want only to say: Looks really great! Didn't have the time to test it full, but really a nice work! Will use it in the next time, and I think it will save me a lot of time! THANKS for this editor!
  17. Great work ruebe! You must have spent a lot of time to find the reason....
  18. HeliJunkie

    2d maths help needed

    I tested it with: Windows Calculator: -90 mod 360 = -90 Arma2: -90 mod 360 = -90
  19. HeliJunkie

    2d maths help needed

    I think this should work: _dir_turret = ... // -180 to 180 _dir_ship = ... // 0 to 360 If ((_dir_turret + 180) > _dir_ship) then { // pointing to the right _dir = ((_dir_ship + 90) mod 360) - 180 } else { // pointing to the left or same direction _dir = (((_dir_ship - 90) + 360) mod 360) - 180 } You should get values between -180 and 180.
  20. updated. see first post.
  21. :(:( Bad news! :(:( And the video card was working on the system of your buddy? Maybe the mainboard has the malfunction and not the video card? Is it beeping from power on... or a little bit later....? And which LED is yellow ?
  22. Sounds good! Hope your Graphiccard work without errors! Keep on working! If I can help you with code revision or code some functions for you (SQF), feel free to PM me.
  23. Only changed last line... marked changes in green. Can't test it, but it should work if the images are in the right folder ("img\airborne.paa"). _westAircraft = [ ["A10_US_EP1","A-10 Warthog","img\airborne.paa"], ["AV8B2","AV-8B Harrier","img\airborne.paa"], ["F35B", "F-35B Lightning","img\airborne.paa"], ["GLT_Falcon_GBU","F-16 Falcon","img\airborne.paa"] ]; _rnd = floor random count _westAircraft; _fixgrp = createGroup West; _veh = createVehicle [(_westAircraft select _rnd) select 0, _spwn, [], 0, "FLY"]; _veh setpos [_spwn select 0,_spwn select 1,(_spwn select 2)+200]; _veh setdir _spwndir; _veh setVelocity [sin(_spwndir)*200,cos(_spwndir)*200,0]; [_veh, _fixgrp,false,"","US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_spawnCrew; hint parseText format ["<img size='6' image=[color=green]'%2[/color]'/><br/> There is a %1 fixed-wing aircraft inbound to your location!",(_westAircraft select _rnd) select 1,[color=green](_westAircraft select _rnd) select 2[/color]];
  24. The loop he wrotes is called only once, but iterated 25 times (numCivs). In each iteration he: creates a new unit add the "killed" eventhandler to the new created unit The killed eventhandler is fired (like a trigger) when the attached unit dies. Then it executes the code in parameter 2 (I marked in green). So, every time one of this units gets killed, he count the varibal "civilansDead + 1". Hope this explanation helps you a little bit.
  25. HeliJunkie

    Help w/ Vehicles, some commands, bugs etc...

    Think you are talking about Warefare missions. I don't know all about it, but I try to answer as much as I can: 1. Yes.. use the commanding menu instead of only pointing to the vehicle. For Example: Mark your squad member: F2 Press: 4 Press: [Vehicle, they should get in] Press: [Vehicleposition they should use] 2: I'm playing WF Benny edition. There you must have at least a CommandingCenter. 3: There is a timer (WF Benny default: 20 min) wich destroyes unused cars after that time and remove them a little bit later. Otherwise there would be to much dammaged, unused vehicles. 4: On the main menu at the bottom of the screen, there is a detailed version number 5: Of couse you are stuck with the ones you have. Is anything else realisic ? 6: Did you check your fuel ? Maybe you land to hard, or enemy did hit you, you get damaged. So often you loose fuel. And without fuel, no engine start. Check the fuel status in the top left corner next time. 7: Must be available in mission. Otherwise you get "Transport not available". It's up to the mission maker, if you can use it. Have fun playing...