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Posts posted by Andi

  1. He worked at Activision and Acclaim, now regarded as extremely shit companies?

    I would rather the head honcho of Rockstar North(GTA series, Manhunt etc) got it, but there you go.

    If you mean the original GTA brain David Jones... he's Scottish. No British honour from the Queen then :))

    On topic:

    So much for politics' and/or royals' expertise in computer industry (hell, any industry)

  2. One day, I played coop with 3 other guys, a "map" involving some bunker conquering (uphill struggle or something like that). One guy seemed to play this mission a lot since he advised what we should do etc.

    There was a vehicle depot. It had 2 APC's and lots of infantry.

    He suggested sniping them one by one.

    I suggested sneaking in and stealing one APC to kill em all.

    He was like :eek:.

    I was like :cool:.

    I went in, not even sneaking since the AI just stared at me, yelling something Chinese and started to run in circles. I calmly entered the APC and began shooting all the AI, while they started shooting the APC with their rifles. After the deed was done, I just got out again and repaired the APC (how convenient).

    We then walked through the mountains since the experienced dude said, the road was too heavily guarded with AT.

    So we walked.

    It was a long walk.

    A damn long walk.

    We chatted all kind of nonsense, one guy decided to shoot our own AI and throwing grenades wildly into the landscape.

    It was fun, until a patrol showed up.

    But they weren't impressed.

    So were we.

    They just stood with their backs to us, idling.

    This guy was like :eek:. He threw a grenade which landed too far off.

    The AI just laid down and didn't bother to turn around.

    Then we killed them.

    So, next we walked straight to the bunker and then the scripts finally kicked in, since we were suddenly surrounded by several squads, firing at us. They just spawned in a perimeter of 200m around us, even from where we just came from and shot us all dead.

    It was ridiculous.

    I said bye with the guys. Then Alt+F4.

    Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising -> Yes -> Yes

    End of story.

  3. When you just play BIS-games because of their "openess" you can also play other games like Battlefield or Joint Operiations.

    You absolutely didn't get the point.

    Let me try: Can you edit the hell out of Battlefield? Can you make and have such a variety of addons, mods, even role-playing-style missions for Battlefield? No? Oh surprise, surprise.

    How was that quote, already in OFP times? "The only limit is the sky"

  4. Here you go.

    Maybe I'm misreading it because it's so badly written, but after reading through it about three times, that's the only interpretation of what's he trying to say that I can figure out.

    Usually I don't approve of taking the piss out of specific people on the DR forums, but considering the amount of people that this guy has labeled douchebags for no good reason, he's earned it.

    The dude is being paid by CM. It's obvious. It has to be. Nobody can be so ... dumb :j:

    By now it also IS obvious that CoDR is NOT a simulation. I think CM admits that in several interviews etc.
