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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Andi

    2 Pieces Of A Puzzle

    I don't know if I should cry or laugh at that. Please tell me you're being sarcastic. :butbut:
  2. Andi

    Question from a noob

    Take a look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1302792&postcount=2 Or here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1284778&postcount=18 Walker explained very well what the game is about :D
  3. Andi

    Question from a noob

    No... just forget about ranks and stats. There is no such thing. By stats, everybody means the scoreboard, where your kills and deaths are shown. You leave the server = You lose the stats. If the mission maker implements a ranking system as in Evolution, you can get a higher rank. When and how you get a promotion is up to the mission maker, and again, only valid for the time being on this mission. You end the mission (or server crashes/changes mission/restarts) = You lose the rank. Only difference between the two is, that you keep your rank (on this mission) because it is user-scripted, while the stats are in the original game and don't have the intention to be saved and reloaded after reconnect. For better comprehension, think of a "mission" as of a "round" in other games. e.g. at BF map, round's over after 30 min. Or whatever. :D
  4. LoL, that's the truest statement ever made. Most def :D
  5. Andi

    The best video games.

    Yeah, i read some reviews about Athans masterpieces of trash. I never dared to read those books :D The comic is classic though, I stumbled across it years ago on the web, but just the same shitty resolution, never saw the original print. It might have been issued as a free gift at some RPG and tabletop stores to advertise the upcoming BG, but I'm not quite sure... About the tattoo... I have no frigging idea :D
  6. Andi

    The best video games.

    Well my friends liked the epic stuff of BG2 more than me, so I'm in the minority but wth :D The comic indeed looks nice. Do you know about the official one published before BG release? It's free to download, check this site http://www.candlekeep.com/bookshelf/novels/21525.htm Just click on the comic link to DL. The resolution is a bit low and the dialogs are kinda hard to read but still a neat piece of art :D
  7. Andi

    The best video games.

    Don't know, I had the feeling that the whole setting more resembled Al-Qadim with all this oriental stuff (plus the trip to Planescape in the tavern with those freaky bards). Sure the romances and all this stuff was quite nice, but nothing beats the hunt for Sarevok and the ultimate encounter in BG1 :p In fact, I only beat BG2 + ToB once, while BG1 + TotSC over 10 times (including on LAN with friends) :D
  8. Andi

    The best video games.

    Yeah, BG2 could never score with me. It just seemed too uber and stuff. And I didn't like the setting. ToB was like medieval DragonballZ... :D
  9. Andi

    Attack dogs

    Wicked! They could be used by insurgents but extremely unreliable, for example: running to any tank, even friendly ones: "2, Cease Fire!" :D Then again, WWF or Greenpeace would complain :( :D
  10. Andi

    motorcycle suspension

    Yeah, I can virtually feel my balls getting smashed :D
  11. Andi

    The best video games.

    Too many games really :D I'll list the games more or less chronologically (hell if I can remember all :D) Alex Kidd in Miracle World Super Mario Bros. 1-3 Zelda 2 HoMM 1-3 Terranigma Duke Nukem 3D Shadow Warrior Civ 2 Fallout 1-3 Baldur's Gate 1 + TotSC JA 2 Half-Life 1 SWAT 3 Jedi Knight 1 UT + Tactical Ops Deus Ex 1 GTA 1-4 Hitman 1-4 OFP Gothic 1-3 Max Payne 1 Vietcong 1 ArmA STALKER
  12. Andi

    Target Lock/Newbie Question

    For your first question: Right clicking locks on your target in vehicles, not as an infantry unit. For your second question: At least I never could figure that out either :D For your third question: Take a look in here http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=90 All the squads you could possibly imagine :p
  13. Oh, so Sprocket is a non-profit organization? :rolleyes:
  14. Andi

    Patch 1.03?

    First of all, you should mind your language there
  15. Same as here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77716 Make sure you execute ArmA with the parameter: "C:\...\Armed Assault\arma.exe" -mod=DBE1
  16. Andi

    International Politics Thread

    So which U.S. president (let's start after Roosevelt) actually fulfilled his promises and didn't just tell "giant lies"? Can you name one? BTW these rasmussen reports are made out of polls with approx. 1500 voters, so come on...
  17. Andi

    QG missing after 1.14 patch upgrade

    Make sure you execute ArmA with the parameter: "C:\...\Armed Assault\arma.exe" -mod=DBE1
  18. Andi

    Patch 1.02 Stability Survey

    @the_shadow I'm not sure if it helps... I had some similar problem with ArmA1, where after about 20-30 mins, my computer crashed. In my case, there were suddenly red artifacts all over the screen, the game stopped and resulted in BSOD. Only thing that helped was UNDERCLOCKING the memory clock of my 8800GT from 950 MHZ to 900 MHZ. I can play without any crashes, but it seems the loading of textures etc takes a bit longer, BUT I heavily accept this because I was finally able to PLAY My tip is try to underclock your card a bit and see if it helps.
  19. Andi

    International Politics Thread

    A nice overview of covert US regime change actions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covert_U.S._regime_change_actions
  20. Andi

    Proper damage models?

    "Wind is the varmint shooter's greatest enemy" :D http://www.rifleshootermag.com/ammunition/RS_bulletvwind_200906/index.html
  21. Andi

    Living with First-Person Shooter Disease

    Even better are the comments. Some people actually believe this :D
  22. Andi

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    lol @ that. In Germany we have a proverb: Getroffene Hunde bellen I think there is no proper equivalent in English but translated it says, "dogs that have been hit, will bark" I guess you can figure the meaning :D Yeah, you got shot in the head. But nothing serious, blabla, you know the drill. :D
  23. Slave simulator? Come one, what's next? Demanding models of children and introduction of the pedobear mod? At start I thought this was fun, but now it really gets ridiculous :rolleyes:
  24. Andi

    Fix the miniguns

    Ok, I just realized you opened the thread "realistic carnage". I cease my discussion with you since this seems not to be the right game and community for you.