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Posts posted by becubed

  1. Well, ever since i started using deadzone, it's worked flawlessly for me, the first time i turned on Deadzone was the update that brought weapon resting, and it's worked just fine for me. Try using Mouse acceleration and see if that helps.

    Nope no joy with acceleration on. It's still gets stuck once you move with the weapon up for a while. Thanks for the suggestion though, I would not have thought of trying it.

  2. I raised this in the weapon resting topic but no-one answered.

    Does anyone else have issues moving with aiming deadzone on?

    To test it start moving and then gently move your mouse to one side.

    Once I hit the edge of the deadzone nothing happens I just keep moving straight ahead.

    Give the mouse a hard flick and you turn, but a gentle movement does nothing.

    This doesn't happen with no deadzone and it's only started since the weapon resting drop earlier this week.

    Please someone else give it a test so I know it's not just me.


  3. I've come across an issue since the last update that I think may be related to this.

    I play with aiming deadzone on and now if I move forward with a weapon raised after a short time I cannot turn left or right with a light mouse move, you really have to give the mouse a good flick to get it to turn. It doesn't happen if you have no deadzone set.

    Anyone else have this issue?

  4. I've had a bit of a look around but cannot find an answer to this.

    I've got A2, Op Arrowhead and Expansions sitting on my PC. I haven't converted them to Steam as there was no reason but now I want to play some MP online.

    What's the best way to go about it?

    Do I have to uninstall and then download it all again via Steam?

    Can I just add it to steam?

    Any help would be much appreciated thanks.

  5. Anyone can confirm this issue?

    I can't confirm it but there was someone a week or two ago saying that when they tested their missions in the editor they went OK but when deployed to a dedi server they got massacred by hyper efficient AI. I can't find the post at the moment but it sounds like you may have found the cause.

    Edit: Found the topic http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?186430-AI-become-Ninja-Jedi-Elite-dangerous-after-I-finish-edit-and-go-to-mutiplayer-Why

  6. In SWAT 4 I can order my guys to stack up in under a second. I takes me 60 seconds to manually to this in ArmA 3, and even then, they might wonder off course into enemy fire. And they can not clear, throw grenades or do anything else aside from chance stance and stop shooting. I'm calling BS.

    How long does it take you to tell them to board a chopper, fly 20km to a town, find a landing point, disembark and then move into the town?

  7. A FMJ bullet at high speed may crush a ribcage with a clean hole, when it's passing through the body and leave a small exit wound, and as long it penetrates no vital organs it may not have a severe (immediately life-threatening) impact on the wounded. On the other hand, if a bullet with lower speed hits the ribcage or - let's say a rib - at a certain angle, it may detour into one or even multiple vital organs and wreak havoc on the target.

    The slower bullet may also skate around the rib exiting about five or six inches from the initial impact leaving the target relativly uninjured, the FMJ round may break the bone sending splinters into vital organs.

    I really don't see how the same bullet does more damage when travelling through the same path just at a slower rate, time to travell through the body is irrelevant, what matters is what is destroyed in the process.

  8. Depend very much, if you get hit by a bullet that travaled a great distance the impact could be worse than a point blank impact because the bullet accumulate kinetic energy, the only thing that the distance makes is the bullet to slow down, but depending on the velocity it would pack a greater punch

    You have that the wrong way around. Velocity is what gives something kinetic energy. As the bullet slows down it sheds energy until it comes to rest and it's kinetic energy is zero.

    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_energy

  9. It´s really not.

    All you have to ask yourself is how do you justify VBS3 if Arma had the same features. Really, ask yourself that.

    It´s the same engine, same physX.

    You do realise that when a large corporation purchases software the actual cost of the software is the smallest component of the amount that they are charged?

    Included in the price for it will be service level agreements, if they have an issue they log a call and get a reply within an agreed time frame. If they log a bug they get a fix within an agreed time, if they don't then there are penalties applied to the vendor. Support from the vendor will be what really seperates VBS from ARMA not features.

  10. since my last post I have done a full defrag of the hard drive, a clean reinstall of windows 7 and a a subsequent reinstall of arma 3. the problem persists and I have eliminated any possibility of my setup being the culprit.
    I can't think of any reason why you would still be having problems after this but I will point out that since this problem doesn't seem to be endemic accross all users, it must be something on your setup. Maybe try posting in the one of the dedicated hardware threads.