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Posts posted by becubed

  1. 7 hours ago, Kreigar said:

    For starters, it's impossible to shoot normal bullets underwater.  They don't go more than 2 meters.  The bigger the gun, the shorter the distance because the bullets get ripped apart by the force.  The only way to shoot underwater is with special flechette-like rounds, and even those don't go very far.

    As Harzach said it's through the use of supercavitating rounds. If you are interested there is an article on them here http://www.defensereview.com/revolutionary-dsg-supercavitating-rifle-ammo-for-shooting-underwater-into-the-water-or-out-of-the-water-multi-environment-ammunition-mea-makes-its-debut-photos-and-video/

    • Like 2

  2. 1 hour ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

    I still don't quite get why in auto-hover my nose immediately pops back up after pointing it down, or why the heck I can't lock on to targets, but I guess I'll try again and see if I can beat this thing and actually (finally) destroy something for once.

    When you try and point the nose of the chopper down the whole chopper rotates, this means that the blades are no longer perpendicular to the ground and try and pull the chopper forward. Since you have auto-hover on it tries to keep you in the one spot, the only way it can do that is to level or tilt the chopper backwards so that the blades then drag you back to where you were.


    Hope that is clear enough to help, if you haven't already, try switching to 3rd person and have a look at what happens when you move the controls.

    • Like 1

  3. 23 hours ago, road runner said:

    Becubed, are you using a game controller, and if so, when is the last time you calibrated it?

    I tried to reproduce your issue, using the MX and the ARCO scope, aim on the extreme right hand man, shift between the optics, and the POA more or less remains the same, apart from the natural weapon sway, this is on Dev Branch though.

    For your issue to almost switch several degrees is quite severe, do you have any other addons running as well ? And what other optics are you having the POA issues?
    Does the same thing happen when you use only Iron sights at all?

    No controller just mouse and keyboard. I just retried it with no mods at all and the same thing happens. Type of sights don't seem to make a difference even iron sights and binoculars do it..

  4. 1 hour ago, razazel said:

    More info please? Are you using some controller? It seems to work just fine (at least with the mouse).

    I use the stable branch with deadzone enabled and there are problems with it in that zooming in while using a reflex sight moves the point of aim.

    If I start here


    and then zoom I end up here



    A similar thing happens when switching between the reflex part of a sight and the telescopic part. Sometimes it's impossible to re-acquire your target as you have no idea where the point of aim has shifted to.




    Ruins immersion and realism that line of sight is not really line of sight,

    and no way of knowing how much one is exposed in firefight.

    Actually it's not a bug and is realistic. The line of sight is above the barrel of the rifle which is where the bullet is spawned. Do a google image search for 'line of sight balistic arc' and you can find some examples of line of sight compared to the path a bullet takes in real life.

    • Like 4

  6. I'm getting this error on quite a few topics when I click to view them. It's always the same title on the tab "forums.bistudio.com Driver Server Level Error"

    two of the URLs I was getting it on were

    An error occured with the SQL server:
    mySQL query error: SELECT tg.* ,t.*, t.approved, t.title as topic_title, t.posts as topic_posts, t.last_post as topic_last_post,m.*,p.*,xxx.* FROM core_tags tg LEFT JOIN topics t ON (t.tid=tg.tag_meta_id) LEFT JOIN members m ON (last_poster_id=m.member_id) LEFT JOIN profile_portal p ON (p.pp_member_id=m.member_id) LEFT JOIN core_tags_cache xxx ON (xxx.tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums',';','topics',';',t.tid))) WHERE tg.tag_meta_app='forums' AND tg.tag_meta_area='topics' AND tg.tag_meta_id !=191963 AND tg.tag_text IN ('Tanoa','bipod','Stupid behavior') AND tg.tag_aai_lookup IN (SELECT tag_perm_aai_lookup FROM core_tags_perms WHERE ( ( FIND_IN_SET(3,tag_perm_text) ) OR ( tag_perm_text='*' ) ) AND tag_perm_visible=1 ) ORDER BY tg.tag_meta_id desc LIMIT 0,100
    This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above. 

  7. As for objectives what about the partner is not dead but unconcious.

    You need to find assistance and return to rescue them. If you wanted to you could also include a time limit on it so that you have to return with medical aid within a set time.

  8. My favorite longstanding AI problem is the one where they all go prone inside the target building because a single shot was fired outside. A dozen heavily armed Russian soldiers laying on the ground, aiming down the sights at the doorways just six-twelve inches from their heads. Of course, this can be fixed with this setunitpose "UP"; but then they only stand. I wish there was a way (that I knew of) that AI could only stand and crouch.


    Hate, if you can script you can do something like this, it's based off a posting i found several years ago by someone called Kempco.


    Create an array of the animations that the unit uses for going prone, these ones are the ones I found in Iron Front which was based on Arma2.

    //---Animation names for going prone
    SKNK_Prevent_Prone = [
    "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon ",
    "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon ",
    "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon "

    Then add an event handler to the unit

     _unit addEventHandler ["AnimChanged",{
          _unit = _this select 0;
          _anim = _this select 1;
          _anim_Restricted = _anim in SKNK_Prevent_Prone;
          if ((_anim_Restricted) OR (unitPos _unit == "down")) then {_unit setunitPos "middle"};}];

    This interupts the going to prone and changes it to kneeling, or it does in Arma2, I haven't tried it in Arma3.

  9. I have the same problem as gatordev explained, after playing for a certain period of time (maybe 10 minutes) you'll get the first symptoms (usually my character's head starts to shake, then everything, from units to the terrain itself will look graphically horrible) + the massive fps drop and it stays that way until I exit and reboot the game.

    I'm getting the same but mine crashes.

  10. One way to tell is the bomb exploded may be to place something near it that you can use as a "canary" and test with alive, I have vague memories of using a traffic cone in A2.

    If the bomb detonates then the canary will be destroyed, if it is defused then the canary will remain alive but the bomb will be gone.

    I can't provide any ideas for the engineer problem though.
