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Darkhorse 1-6

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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6

  1. Darkhorse 1-6

    New APC for the CDF

    I 2nd this request. Add spikes to the hammer as well, maybe set it where whoever gets hit by it get's banned. :D
  2. Shame on both of you! It's not "Warp Speed" for cryin out loud it's called FTL or "Faster Than Light" Travel! :nuts:
  3. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    If I find anything I'll put it up here. Just remember this is not an addon request thread. If you know how to make addons and are looking for a model that you can't find or you don't have time to go through 500 pages of other stuff to find it, i can help... Will do. I think I saw a mobile bridge system... Check the post with british kit on the first page. I'll see what else i can dig up. You have a format preference? Ok thanks man. I'll make sure I check the comments.
  4. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    heh. i know exactly what you mean. I'm trying to learn the basic of O2 atm. I'll try to limit my searches to .3ds, .obj, and the like. Any other formats i'll research and make sure they are compatible with the common tools, and provide a link to a walkthrough.
  5. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    sent. Should i limit my searches to just 3ds and a couple other formats or include all of them?
  6. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    Wide range but here is what i've got real fast. more later. maybe. some of these air other sources but for right now the majority are google sketchup. if you see a link to stolen work please speak up and i will remove it. Hope you understand these are models only. I am trying to learn the tools but until i do(6 months to a year with my current time restraints) I am trying to help out the community anyway i can. Hopefully these models will be used to create addons one day. This is one way I can give back to the community that has taught me how to use ArmA, given me good people to play it with, and a never ending stream of addons. Warrior SA80 L22A1 Carbine SUPACAT Jackal Coyote TSV Landrover Wolf Churchhill Crocodile Austin K2/Y (Ambulance) British Army Air Corps Gazelle British Army Air Corps Gazelle (Medevac) FV107 Scimitar Titan Armored Bridge Layer BvS10 Viking A target for you (If it's able to be put in the game...) *Last one is a JOKE for all you brits out there who don't get american humor* I have tried (To the best of my abilities, but then again it's 4AM and i'm tired) to only include ones that have collada downloads. These can be imported into 3DS Max, Blender, etc. etc. If you need info on what you need to convert them check out "collada" on wikipedia.
  7. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    Ok. Thanks for the info man. Link removed from original post. Have the original creators been notified? Shame, some of the stuff with that user name looked like good models. Oh well. Have you let google know about this? Link is here: Wasn't sure if you were saying this was ripped off or not. Do you happen to know which ones are legit and which are not?
  8. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    Not sure of the poly count but here are the 2 I have found so far. http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=3092bddd888610d284419df800c321e3&prevstart=24 format is .dae though. According to wikipedia it can be opened with Blender, 3DS Max, Maya and a few others. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COLLADA#Tools_and_compatibility
  9. Here is a Eiffel Tower model, will post any other famous landmarks I find. Unless you would rather I not Harry. http://www.3dxtras.com/3dxtras-free-3d-models-details.asp?prodid=8103 Registration is required though. But it is free.
  10. Darkhorse 1-6

    Space Hulk / Stations Interiors?

    Stargate mod has some working spaceships. Alien in nature though. I'm not sure if they have interiors but i think they might. Will post a link here, or send it in a PM if this thread is closed.
  11. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    1 site down 10k more to go. lol. I'm looking for it. Just realized I have to submit a paper for college by tomorrow night so I'm going to get that out of the way real quick.
  12. Statue of Liberty model. Hopefully you will be able to work some magic with it that I can't. I am TRYING to learn oxygen though... http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/dnm/model_disp.php?uid=1963&ad=02anatomy_design.php&count=count http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/dnm/model_disp.php?uid=1964&ad=02anatomy_design.php&count=count http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/dnm/model_disp.php?uid=1962&ad=02anatomy_design.php&count=count
  13. This may be of use... http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/dnm/model_disp.php?uid=615&ad=02anatomy_design.php&count=count
  14. Most "Cat Tails" are a bit brown.
  15. ss = sheep shaggers. Yeah I know, confused me for a bit as well. :D ---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 PM ---------- Scenery... United Nations building perhaps? The pentagon? White House? We could really use stuff like that (Also other countries goverment buildings etc.) for cutscenes etc. Don't have to be enterable just for use as backdrops.
  16. I can tell you that IRL no sniper would ever fire 2 shots from the same position unless it was vital to the survival of himself and his spotter. For example 3 days before you go out on a "hunting" mission into the boonies you scout out the route you plan to take. You set up hides in areas you know have LOS to areas that see alot of traffic. Most of the time (Unless going into unknown territory or into an area where friendly forces do not operate) you would know the area your going into pretty good and would always have another hide set up. Also having the AI know exactly where your at is a bit off, but not by much. There is an example from one of the 2 books about Carlos Hathcock (It's been a long day and I can't seem to find which out of the two it was) where he and his spotter were set up overlooking a particular area. They heard an explosion not that far off and figured it was probably VC hitting a convoy. They wait for a little while and sure enough the BAR Team (Long story, basically a group of VC women who knew how to use BARs & use em good) shows up heading back toward their safe zone (Away from major cities/bases). Hathcock and his spotter adjust their sights and open fire at the same time, dropping two of the group. Before either of them can get another shot off the rest of the group reaches a treeline, crouches, and starts shooting where they figure the snipers were. They started a bit low and walked their rounds right onto the exact position where the snipers lay. I apologize for the long post. I think I'm just trying to say that there are plenty of times where the way the AI behaves is accurate. I guess it depends on several things though. Like experience, knowledge of the terrain, whether you've been shot at before :D etc. etc. *Edit* As for what kind of rounds can be absorbed while wearing body armor i just asked my dad (Ret. SSG, 26 years in the U.S. Army) and he says that with the ceramic plates a vest can stop everything up to and including 7.62. Without the plates I'm not sure. He says probably up to 5.56 but the internet says a kevlar vest can stop up to... That's if it's certified "III-A" which is the highest thickness protection for "Soft" body armor. Not many soldiers use them without the plates though... Info on the marines armor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_Tactical_Vest Info on the armor the Army uses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improved_Outer_Tactical_Vest
  17. I'm in shock! I may be an American but even I know that the NEW ZEALANDers are the dirty "Sheep Shaggers". If you really want to insult an aussie i've heard calling them a "Tasmanian" does the trick. :p Uhhmmm... I would love to have a ride-able horse. Imagine: SF missions deep in the mountains, Chedaki Cavalry Charges, perfect for medieval times as well. Also some camels.
  18. Darkhorse 1-6

    IkaR's F14 comes to Arma2

    Permission for the carrier was given.
  19. Looks great. I almost can't believe it's a simple port. Looking forward to more of your releases. Maybe you can team up with Gnat for some very big "Footmunch Friday"s :D
  20. Darkhorse 1-6

    Addon Research Topic 2

    Freeware models: http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/08military_weapons.php?s=0&np=9&srt= http://www.3dm3.com/modelsbank/ http://www.3drevolution.org/store/categories/Free-3D-Models/ http://www.archibaseplanet.com/gdl?category=29 http://www.meshfactory.com/shop/catalog/free.php?osCsid=3ppfn4sret7ue8jg5vi7jl8c81 Sort by price to make sure your only looking at freeware: http://www.exchange3d.com/cubecart/free-3d-models/cat_35_page0.html Some nice Medieval stuff in here. Page 1 only.: http://www.the3dstudio.com/product_search.aspx?mode=advanced&id_category_1=213&ext=3ds&sort=pricea Individual Models from sites with little military content: Russian SMG: http://www.exchange3d.com/cubecart/free-3d-models/russian-submachine-gun-kedr/prod_1054.html
  21. Here is a freeware model I found of a heavy gun. Maybe you'll find it useful. http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/dnm/model_disp.php?uid=351&ad=08military_weapons.php&count=count
  22. Darkhorse 1-6

    the FEW

    A bit of information for ya, LoKi of LostKey/Mushroom Kingdom fame had retired from ArmA the last time I talked to him. He mentioned something about preparing for the 2nd Civil War that is coming very soon. (I'm not joking.)
  23. Darkhorse 1-6

    Caterpillar D7 Series

    Your shortcut should like like "-mods=@CatD7" but inside your ArmA 2 folder it should be @CatD7/Addon/ and your pbo goes here. Very important that the A be capital.
  24. Darkhorse 1-6

    Project RACS

    Continued... Recon Patch: Armored Corps Patch: Screenshots and possibly a video coming soon.
  25. Darkhorse 1-6

    Project RACS

    Some Unit Patches...