With all the excitement generated by Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising I'm more interested in playing a console version by the true developers of this game. I loved OF:CWC on the PC back in the day when I didn't mind having to upgrade regularly but now I've become the lazy gamer that prefers to drop in a disc, press start and know that it will work without reading a list of specs.
I'm just worried about the ambiguity of information regarding an Xbox 360 release.
It is a logical platform to release it on, with the opportunity to develop the control scheme to be controller compatible on both the PC and the console and the experience BI have already had with the original Xbox release of OF:Elite.
This is a genre that obviously works on PC and there is room for development on console version but they proved it can work. Are they maybe waiting to see sales figures for OF: DR to ensure demand before committing resources to porting to next gen?