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Everything posted by (AEF)Swordsman

  1. Found the issue, they didn't have the Beta tick box enabled when updating :)
  2. We have a few members that use Six Updater for ACRE and they're encountering similar compatibility issues. It's either not installing the addon or it does and then gives them errors saying the version of JayArma is incompatible with their game. Will continue trouble shooting and see where we end up. Very strange.
  3. I'm aware of that :) Just makes it annoying as I have to chase all our members up to not only update ACRE but all start running a beta patch that we normally ignore. Will see how we go I guess :)
  4. Sorry, back again. This still gives me the error about an incorrect JayArma2Lib and dsound.dll installation :( Edit, sorry just seen: Sadness... :(
  5. Download links no longer contain the dsound.dll file? Now getting an error that dsound.dll from previous version is incorrect and have no replacement for the new update :( (waiting for the obvious that I hope I've missed)
  6. :butbut: I've been staring at this for so long I missed the obvious. Thank you haha
  7. I used the search but I guess due to me not quite knowing the way to word my question it made it hard to find anything to help me out, so: What I'm trying to do is add Blake's artillery script to a unit after an event so that it doesn't start calling artillery/mortars until a variable has been met. So I need to add this line here: null = [this,mortar1,500,1] execVM "FO-ai.sqf"; To the unit named "artilleryguy" once the variable has been met. I know there's a way to add to a unit's init line dynamically but I just can't seem to find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
  8. When I did this for a mission I found the image had to be square (so 64x64 or 128x128 etc.). So I made the image the dimensions I wanted and then squashed it down to a square - when it applied to the board it stretched back out to look normal :) Code used was: this setObjectTexture [0,"imgs\pindersign1.paa"]; Here's the image if you want to try it yourself and see if it works: http://mirror.aef-hq.com.au/~arma/misc/pindersign1.paa
  9. (AEF)Swordsman

    US Army 75th Rangers by Rhodesy

    I know some of those points are being looked at Delta. AEF is doing some testing for Rhodesy as he makes changes, next version is looking promising already :)
  10. (AEF)Swordsman

    US Army 75th Rangers by Rhodesy

    Top stuff mate, good to see them finally released for the public :)
  11. +1 to the above. HDD is key for ArmA performance :)
  12. (AEF)Swordsman

    Clafghan Map 20x20 Beta Release

    Looks fantastic mate, eagerly awaiting release :)
  13. (AEF)Swordsman

    75th Ranger Regiment

    More screenshots from AEF testing nights:
  14. (AEF)Swordsman

    Australian's At War Insurgency

    A lot of the AAW missions are made by the Au/NZ teams over at AusArmA - we've never released them publicly as we didn't realise people outside our community used the addon! I'll look into having some of our missions put into a pack and released for anyone else using this great addon :)
  15. As the title says, I'm trying to load buldozer from V3, and getting the error "Landscape dimensions 0x0 not power of 2." I've been following this tutorial on Armaholic (http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=1576) and it assumes you won't have an issue with loading buldozer. I had a quick look through the forums here and seen a few mentions of landscape dimensions but couldn't see anything that could help me out (as far as I know/understood it anyway). I understand what the error is saying, what I don't know - being new to map making - is how to correct it. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated - apologies if this has been covered and I've missed it. Also, I hope this is in the right section.
  16. Thanks for the links. Had a go at SgtAces tutorial but binpbo doesn't seem to want to create a pbo (no error, just nothing turns up) - will have to spend some time crawling over the forum topic to see if anyone else had the same issue. I had a go at ZeroG's when it first came out, however the program he suggested to use kept asking me for money before it would export anything :( As for the image size (original post), it all matches, so I've got no idea what's causing it.
  17. (AEF)Swordsman

    The Future of Arma

    I can see both sides. The majority of the Australian groups that I play with (myself included) would rather see the campaigns that ship with the game ditched entirely for either more content, streamlined releases, more features for the editor or more dev time on the engine / game mechanics. We all live for the MP side of ArmA, it's where we get our enjoyment and satisfaction from the game. I know most of us haven't even looked at the campaigns since OFP (they just don't interest us). At the same time, I know a few guys who just don't have the time for MP and thoroughly enjoy SP missions... although in saying that they wouldn't touch the campaigns with a 10 foot pole and play community made SP missions or make their own. :) I hate to sound like the whingey little twat, but it'd be great if more time was put into developing the community tools (modding tools + the in game editor) and turning ArmA-X into a "blank slate sandbox" that came with the content and the means, I don't think I'd be totally out of line to say the rest would make itself. :) But... I'll play ArmA regardless of how it's done (if it's continued) in the future, so long as it stays true :D
  18. Copied and pasted what was in the tutorial:
  19. (AEF)Swordsman

    Server hire in Australia?????

    What kind of setup are you after Hull? And to what end? I only ask as there's already a bloated AU server list compared to the number of AU/NZ players. If you want to do something specific thats not offered by any of the current servers, feel free to contact me by PM on either AusArmA, AEF or here :)
  20. (AEF)Swordsman

    Australians At War - Combined Ops

    Bloody amazing release as always - already putting some new missions together (have been waiting for these for a while) :D
  21. This mission is Medic Revive Only! If you die, you need to be revived by a medic, or transported to the ambulance / field hospital at the FOB. Operation Snakes Head is part of the Combat Team Bravo (CTB) Takistan campaign. This particular mission is infantry based and was originally an Australians At War mission, but was ported to "stock" for public release. The AAW version is being updated, and I'll release that here once it's finished. Players are tasked with securing a small town and searching for a cache as 2 primary objectives. 2 secondary objectives (3 more caches in surrounding areas) are also assigned. First 3 sections at role selection are BAF MTP, last 2 sections are US Army (for those that don't have BAF). Insurgents will use IED's, light vehicles and strong infantry counter attacks to try and dislodge you from any ground you capture. Required Games: Operation Arrowhead Required Addons: None - though BAF is highly recommended Max Players: 45 Force Break Down: 5 Man Command Team, 10 Man Infantry Section (x4) Respawn System: Medic / CASEVAC Revive Only Additional: Ensure you disable AI at slot selection - will disable it by default in next release. If you have any issues with the mission, or wish to report a bug / request a change let me know. It's been tested a few times now, with both controlled (private) settings, and open public games and it seems to fair pretty well with little to no server lag. ArmaHolic Download Mirror
  22. (AEF)Swordsman

    [CTB CO45]Operation Snakes Head

    Will fix the ambulance tonight - I had a feeling it may not have been added as a CASEVAC point, but that confirms it. The caches have a heap of randomised locations, it's unfortunately a bit of luck of the draw - the first 2 times we played it one of them was in the same place, but then every game since then it's been in a different location. I'll see about adding a few more spots in, but can't really do much else :) Will also look into some more OPFOR, test it out on our server and get back to you.
  23. (AEF)Swordsman

    [CTB CO45]Operation Snakes Head

    Good to hear :) Thanks for the feedback so far. As always, if you have any suggestions, dislikes or things you feel the mission needs / doesn't need, don't hesitate to let me know. There's a few more similar in-house missions I'm converting to stock for public release. Will do them individually as they come out, fix any bugs and then re-release as a mission pack ;)