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About kiesthegrunt

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    Private First Class

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    I like Pie
  1. kiesthegrunt

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    I'm running into a bit of a problem. I keep getting the "replacement pack not installed" error when I try to run FFUR. So I did some silting through the forums here, and every single link to the hotfix seems to be dead(It's not on filefront, and all the other sites it's on are old and shut down.) I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to re-post a download link to the hotfix. I look forward to playing this mod. -Kies
  2. kiesthegrunt

    Vehicle Locking vs Vehicle Share List

    Wouldn't that be something you could have to set up while creating a server? That way you could just go with one or another. I'm not too sure I understand the problem, so I apologize if I'm missing something.
  3. kiesthegrunt

    Graphics stutter.

    So I've tried google. And tried the search feature,to see if anyone else has been having this problem,but I didn't see anything about it. I'm running ARMA on. ATI readon hd 4870 AMD phenom 2 x4 810 and a bunch of other good stuff. I get really good FPS regardless of where I am(that's with every setting you can set up maxed out.) And ARMA works great,for the most part at least. Every ten seconds or so,I get a half a second stutter,any idea why?
  4. kiesthegrunt

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Man,I need to run an Ethernet cable down to my room sometime. I really want to get me some multiplayer in sometime soon. PS: for the piece of crap that people say console controllers are,OFP works fine on it.(Using extremely old technology,being made by game producers of PC origin on an old game system.)
  5. kiesthegrunt

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Litos,your "soldier" video was great. I just wish I could understand the lyrics for the music.....(That's not an insult to your choice of music,it's an insult to my inability to be bilingual.)
  6. kiesthegrunt

    Dawn of the Yomies

    I'm having trouble using this mod also. (and the CZM zombies too) the zombies seem intent on pasting themselves to the ground. Where they stay...
  7. kiesthegrunt

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Hahha! I agree,seeing as I'm a male,I won't be too disappointed if they don't include female soldiers by nature. But even if not made by BIS,someone's bound to incorporate it into ARMA 2. And I'll have no problem with that,shooting hundreds of males seems to not make anyone guilty,one female who you shoot (In a game,when even their character doesn't stay dead)shouldn't bring anyone into a guilt trip.
  8. kiesthegrunt

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Me an a friend are going to be purchasing OFP elite sometime soon. We plan on thoroughly enjoying the mission editor. So we'll have something(console wise) to tide us over until ARMA 2 comes out for the 360. Let's just hope it's sometime before we're all old and rotting...
  9. Hehe,That's awesome. PS:We're Americans,we do that stuff.
  10. kiesthegrunt

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    With most gaming platforms it's kind of a "They exist?!" mentality.:)
  11. kiesthegrunt

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Personally,I have no problem with female characters being in ARMA 2,or in shooters for that matter. I understand the arguments against it,but I've played with and against females,and it's problem free for the most part. My sister has played airsoft and paintball with a group of my friends before,and there weren't any problems,there usually aren't. Unless of course bohemia were to go with the classic line of though.(Females + males= sex...... No,it doesn't work that way,I hate it when games do that)Just remember this one quote and you shouldn't have any problems. "You've got brains,and you've got hormones,which one are you gonna let rule your actions?" By:Uknown
  12. kiesthegrunt

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I'm not sure why,but we do tend to do that. Maybe it has something to do with timing?
  13. kiesthegrunt

    PC Gamer U.S.A. STILL Hating OFP1

    Haha,sadly. I think OverCharger is right for the most part. Americans just love instant gratification(PS:I'm American so don't go all "RACIST!" on me)
  14. kiesthegrunt

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Agreed,it's always good to have a variety of games. And as much as I don't like bunny jumping shooters,a lot of people I know do. So I'd rather deal with some minor annoyances than not be able to play with anyone I know.
  15. kiesthegrunt

    PC Gamer U.S.A. STILL Hating OFP1

    Haha,me and my friends still enjoy playing the multilayer demo. In my opinion that says quite a lot about a game when it's almost ten years old. I've found that gaming magazines just love to bash any game that they can't beat in ten minutes,by lobbing grenades like they're providing air support for an aerial assault on Omaha beach.