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Everything posted by horror1

  1. i never stated to remove this files :confused: 1. create a modfolder and inside an addons folder. 2. put this files in the addons folder : buildings.pbo buildings.pbo.bi.bisign ca.pbo ca.pbo.bi.bisign cti_buildings.pbo cti_buildings.pbo.bi.bisign dbe1.pbo dbe1.pbo.bi.bisign desert.pbo desert.pbo.bi.bisign desert2.pbo desert2.pbo.bi.bisign dir.txt hotfix.pbo hotfix.pbo.bi.bisign hotfix_dbe1.pbo hotfix_dbe1.pbo.bi.bisign misc.pbo misc.pbo.bi.bisign plants.pbo plants.pbo.bi.bisign roads.pbo roads.pbo.bi.bisign rocks.pbo rocks.pbo.bi.bisign sara.pbo sara.pbo.bi.bisign saralite.pbo saralite.pbo.bi.bisign signs.pbo signs.pbo.bi.bisign water.pbo water.pbo.bi.bisign now u should have working ramadi,porto and sahrani and sahrani light. if u want now to add some other islands just put the island files into the same addons folder like u would do it in arma1. thats all.
  2. yes but only empty, if u try to load ur ch 47 with crew it will crash
  3. @KYLE mate i honestly believe u should have just simple skip arma1 bcause arma 2 is in almost every part way superior to arma1 and quite soon most of the mods will apear in arma2. arma1 is dying right now bcause arma2 has better performance,better grafics,better movement, better almost everything. arma1 and arma2 are both difficult for new players so it wouldnt made big diference if u would start straight with arma2.
  4. i second that , arma2 is a step BACKWARDS. i used to give ALL orders with space and mouse. now i have to play piano on my keyboard to simple order 2 man to do what i want. its annoying, i want the old system back
  5. thats not true, darkest hour for red orchestra has also the bullet cracks and it sounds awsome too.
  6. horror1

    Uhao Island in A2

    @Defunkt uhao works exactly as u described in ur guide with replacing the files ,thx alot :)
  7. horror1

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    i believe the main reason that u have no performance loss is that cpu is responsible and the bottleneck for the low performance. the gfx card is way more capable but the cpu limits the fps due to bad code maybe. aa is gfx card while ai is cpu when i play around in editor i have high fps but when i start to play with ai on it it starts getting low fps, let alone the bad performance in the citys.
  8. horror1

    This game is complex, I need help!

    where do u get in arma 1 such high fps on this settings? "I get like 5 fps in ARMA 2 on low" try to set everything on highest and if u have low fps in a city, this is normal with every system , seems to be bad code. we all have absolutely low fps in citys but in the normal terrain it runs very good even on highest settings. if u have acces to the editor in the demo, just test some settings there.
  9. horror1

    Direct2Drive Pre-order...

    why u dont just dl the uk versions wich are already availlable since 19.6.?
  10. horror1

    Arma 2 like Project Reality?

    i absolutely agree with whitehat and dunedain. i can join any public server in pr at any time and any random squad and i have awsome teamwork without beeing forced to join any clan. pr is the ONLY online mp game where i have EVER saw so much teamplay without playing in a clan or on private servers. i play arma and arma 2 for absolute different reasons but none of them comes close to pr teamplay and gamestyle. pr has its own unique magic formular to force ppl into maxed teramplay without feeling forced though:) arma 1 and 2 are superior in grafics and the huge amount of different things u can do but there is no automatic teamplay when u r online. i dont even know why it works so perfect in pr while it fails so terribly in any other mil sim ive ever played. perhaps its the unrealistic feeling when u play in arma while u feel very real embedded in pr, no idea how to explain exactly the diference i just never felt real in arma 1 or 2 while at the very same moment i join a pr server i feel the dirt and heat and all these things :D since 7 months i play only arma bcause i cant use my mic anymore and pr isnt played well without a mic so i moved to arma and had also great moments there but 80% is not even close to a simple round in pr:( i do not doubt that clans or squads do not have their awsome arma gameplay i just doubt that public is capable of the same good pr public play.
  11. horror1

    About mouse settings

    did u reduce in the gameoptions the x or y axis ( dont know exactly wich axis u want to move slower) i have my x axis ingame on zero so i have no accelaration like u report. or maybe u mean the floating zone wich makes ur mouse move within a specific area without moving the whole screen , if so try to reduce the floatingzone to zero and check if that is what u mean.
  12. horror1

    Reversing Mouse Controls

    ok DO NOT INVERT THE MOUSE, DO NOT INVERT THE MOUSE, DO NOT INVERT THE MOUSE if u invert it, than everything is inverted wich is not wanted. there is a plain simple way to use the mouse for planes and helis. go to options, go flying options to nose up and nose down, change the "mouse up" with drag and drop to "mouse down" and vice versa and just delete the wrong mouse action. thats all u need to do, no invertings, no axis changings :eek: no anything, just change mouse up with mouse down:bounce3: im flying allways with mouse and its way easier for me in arma2 without joystick. DO NOT INVERT THE MOUSE,DO NOT INVERT THE MOUSE, DO NOT INVERT THE MOUSE :D ---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ---------- @BernieTheEvilF1Ruler i use mouse up and mouse down for nose up and down, and i use mouse left and mouse right to roll. a and d for pedals , w for accelerating and s for decelerating. i never need to use auto hover and u dont need it when u use the mouse bcause its really easy to hover with mouse and if u need sometimes to go on auto hover u just need to use mousewheel to select it so no need to "waste" a mouse button for it:)
  13. horror1

    Kegetys launcher..AA2?

    yeah i miss kegetys too, even though im using yomas launcher but somehow it wont start with my @maps folder with my ported arma1 maps while im having no problems to start arma with my @maps folder with a shortcut. i will try this goarma launcher :)
  14. btw im still asking myself why u name ur release a alpha when its the most complete vietnam mod availlable at the time. comparing this with the unsung mod alpha shows diference like day and night. perhaps ppl regret to even dl this mod because they may think its just a broken experiment while in fact ur mod is the best vietnam game ive ever played. pls give the ppl a chance to discover ur mod and name it exactly what it is : vietnam:the experience a alpha implies that the mod has almost nothing but a early release experiment while in fact it is an awsome build. u did an awsome job , show it to the public in a proud way. just my 2 cents :D
  15. hmm cant find the pmc server for days, are u all testing hopefully arma2 things ? :) edit: ok i just found out that my filter was wrong:)
  16. im using already lots of arma1 islands in arma2 but in some islands i have missing buildings and other missing things. nothing serious, but is ur addon capable for a complete port of everything present on the islands?
  17. vote 2 buttons if u want it easy as in arma1 :D
  18. i just need the arma1 interface, it was absolute perfect and i could command my squad with space and mouse very easy.
  19. arma1 is worse than arma2 why should u want to put chernarus into arma1 when even sahrani isnt working as good as chernarus in arma2?
  20. yeah the video shows exactly how easy it was in arma1 to command ur team without getting a headache:)
  21. did u updated your version with the latest patch 1.02 ? its only in f7 after that patch. if u still use older version u find the modules in units f1 in editor
  22. horror1

    VopSound 2.1

    the thing i dont like in vop 2 and think its way better in vanilla are the bullets fly by suprersonic cracks. in vanilla it sounds so awsome intense when you are under fire while in vop i dont even feel a thread when i get shot at, pls change this in a future patch cause it takes away alot of immersion
  23. yeah u are right i have the same problem since 1.02. its annoying when im testing a mission in editor and try to check things when one player gets killed. hope it get fixed
  24. the i44 team had working soldiers converted from arma1 into arma2 and they made some utube videos with them.