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Everything posted by S!fkaIaC

  1. S!fkaIaC

    Recieving while playing

    Whatever ArmA2 is requesting, I am back in the endless loop, only ALT-F4 helps Why it only gives such problems with ArmA 2?
  2. S!fkaIaC

    Patch 1.02 Stability Survey

    Stability....ok, I get those "Receiving...." screens and sometimes I can only leave that situation with ALT-F4. Despite that it runs stable. GPU: 8800GTX on 186.18 WinXP32-SP2 DirectX 9.26 4GB RAM and a ArmA.rpt full with I even installed ArmA 1 again and this one runs fine.
  3. S!fkaIaC

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    1.) still have "Receiving..." bug, but dunno if 1.02 was intended to contain anything to improve this 2.) After 4 hours crCTI on 1.02 I can not say that I recognized a real improvement of AI driving wheeled vehicles. Maybe some more words in the change log what EXACTLY was changed would help us testing. But the overall impression is still that AI drivers bumping and bouncing their way in a fuzzy manner. 3.) I love the MP server selection window that large. Tiny change - huge effect. 4.) Still have the flickering textures many times reported 5.) regognized during a crCTI session a truck that made it somehow on top of a barrier made of those large sand bags. Truck was constantly clipping into the bags and flipping into the air while rolling - was not looking very natural. Was looking like the flickering and flipping of the 130 in this test setup 6.) "- Added option to disable various post-process effects (bloom, blur etc.) " Thanks for providing this, I prefer to create my own blurr by having a beer or two while playing ;) :D
  4. S!fkaIaC

    Bullet drop. where is it?

    http://www.nennstiel-ruprecht.de/bullfly/index.htm Well, it is not just a bow, bullets flying pretty crazy.
  5. Hehe, whatever. He wrote: ...and I wrote how amazing it could be.....without that ;) If it was WEST and 7.62 rounds it must have been the Mk48, big brother of M249. But it is not really with zoom. I prefer the 7.62 Pecheneg at EAST side, it has a zoom, but it is almost useless in CQB
  6. I guess it is lowered since everyone would nail the equipment through the environment without any care. You COULD drive faster, but equipment would in reality get broken after a short time not talking about the poor passengers. Consider following: - Map surface is not very detailed. In reality there are much more obstacles that would break the vehicle - driving does not cause damage to infantry in cargo (only if you crash an obstacle) In real life, nailing a truck with 12 infantry men over kilometres through the wilderness would not deliver a combat-ready squad at destination, just bloody scrambled meat would flow off the cargo area. Hence it is ok to "force" to slower driving until BIS is able to simulate damage to passengers in a more realistic manner.
  7. Hehe, this thread is totally offtopic at all. So let me turn it into Ontopic: Since the expectations as a skilled BIS product user are pretty low, I was already amazed to get ArmA 2 started AT ALL after: - upgrading directX to 9.26 - upgrading NVidia driver... ...but then I was amazed by the dense vegetation which makes it really hard to spot enemies. Leaving beside all the technical problems and bugs, I can only imagine in my daydreams how great the experience would be to have a 9h crCTI WITHOUT AI driver problems, "receiving..."screens etc........... :D :D :D no, seriously, being with the right guys on the right server it is a lot of fun, especially if you bring it with the right strategy to victory. Had already few very nice crCTI sessions, I just have to keep in mind that I am not allowed to pilot because if the "receiving..."screen hits me while flying......
  8. S!fkaIaC

    Recieving while playing

    It is actually not true what Suma mentioned: ...or I understood it wrong. It never terminated the application, but I HAD to terminate the application to get out of the "Receive..." screen blinking in some cases. If I was lucky, I could solve it by tabbing with "M" to map and back. Last night it happend 2 times to me that it did not work. Never had this kind of issue with ArmA 1 (but random CTD instead).
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7R6KaZ_dI8
  10. S!fkaIaC

    [BUG] ArmA2 AI Wayfinding pls fix it

    You must have a different game. Or a total different zero-line. Everyone relies in crCTI on AI driving skills - because there is no other - except driving yourself. Which I do when I sit with AI in the same vehicle. And as I mentioned before - the very important support vehicle exists for a reason also as tracked vehicle in crCTI - you can guess the reason? I had a few 1.02 sessions, I used UAZs and Vodniks, I can not see an improvement. Maybe the improvement is to tiny to recognize.
  11. I have exactly the same, upgrade to NVIDIA 190.15 and later made it more seldom. If I understood the few words Suma dropped in another thread correctly, this is intended to deal with memory problems. In my case, if I do nothing, it would flash forever. When I tab to map and back it is ok for a while. I do not know what I trigger when I go to map view and back, but obviously it solves the actual situation.
  12. Where are the forum moderators? We have at least 4 threads open dealing with this "Receiving..." issue. Usually every nonsense is judged, closed, merged, but you can not act when it is really necessary? Could you PLEASE merge all those into a single and maybe make it sticky in the troubleshooting area? Oh, and maybe code something that heals this:D @Gecko: Delete ArmA.rpt, start ArmA2 until the 1st "receiving....", close ArmA 2 and post the content here.
  13. Define more precisely "full realistic" and "extremely powerfull". All is relative, especially over the time. BGE is from technology point of view pretty old, but with VERY impressive results. Leaving beside the old graphics it is pretty nice. And the damage model is the lower minimum I expected in OFP and ArmA1 already.
  14. Always, both in ArmA 1 and ArmA 2.
  15. S!fkaIaC

    "Receiving"... during the misson?

    merge this thread with: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1320427#post1320427
  16. S!fkaIaC

    Recieving while playing

    I updated to 1.02 and tried both 190.15 and 186.18. No cure, when I play and enter a busy scenario "receiving..." is pestering me. RPT is full with: and further below: In ArmA 1 I never had this particular problem at the same comp.
  17. S!fkaIaC

    Recieving while playing

    Ohhh-ohhhh. That means for me, almost every 10-45 Minutes something is going wrong. Is this clearly pointing to system memory issue or something else?
  18. Well, Sith, when you are already here, might we get some illumination how BIS intents to improve some not so nice ways of ammo/armour handling? Visions for ArmA III?
  19. Happened to me in several crCTI warfare: Firing main gun of M1A2TUSK and the shell (AP) hits the ground 30-80 metres away instead into the enemy tank (further away, around 200m). Aimed higher - impact at the same place. Same for few more rounds, then it bahaved normal again, elevation for distance as usual. Anybody had something like this before?
  20. S!fkaIaC


    Only a few houses are enterable, AI can hardly operate inside, and so on. Maybe on a custom map or in ArmA 3 you would find all buildings accessible and destructible in a acceptable way.
  21. S!fkaIaC

    Recieving while playing

    Update: The 190.15 driver did not cured the problem totally that in some cases the only escape off this condition was to close the game. It happened one single time so fare. But better then every 2 minutes as before.
  22. S!fkaIaC

    Receiving... Blackscreen

    Known problem, can be merged with the "Receiving..." bug thread. Welcome in the club of victims.
  23. Oh, you did not mention that AFTER each hit the value is reset to normal or never decreased if not passing the value (acting as a threshold). But it is still not good enough for fence-like protection (attached to some parts of APCs or MBTs) made to trigger HE fuses of warheads BEFORE they hit the real hull. First shot should only rip away (virtually and by replacing a part of the texture) that fence-section, 2nd round (at the same section) would act only against the hull armour. This would enforce (human player-) AT infantry to carefully aim at weak points (current AI would not be able IMHO) or to apply for each attack onto a modern MBT 2-3 AT firing all ATs within a short sequence at the same point and then disengage as fast as they can.
  24. Excellent work! Now I need an addon "instant military justice" enabling each side commander to instantly putting misbehaving soldiers ignoring this manual into jail :D