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Everything posted by OChristie

  1. Terrain Project for ArmA and ArmA2 working on Baucau, East Timor INFORMATION =========== Hello Folks, Recently I have been inspired by various videos, screenshots other material to act on a passion that I have for Mapping a Tropical Location. Now some of you may think, 'Why not Map Carribean or Africa etc', and you are right, but, mapping a large area of East Timor covers, desert, grass, woodland, mountains, 1 airstrip, 2 towns. So I though, GREAT. I set out trying to aquire data for East Timor some months ago, but to no avail as Google Earth's Sat Image is shite. Also finding elevation Data for anywhere other than the US in decent quality is extremely hard to find unless you want to spend ALOT of money. So about 3 Days ago after much waying the pro's and con's I decided to purchase: Standard: QuickBird Imagery of Baucau, East Timor Resolution: 0.6m (2' Foot) Pan-Sharpened Color Distance Covered: 25km2 And after using various techniques for creating a DEM of the area, I have a pretty decent/accurate heightmap of the area, which leads me to my next point. I plan to recreate this amazing area to a geo-specific standard. My aim of this whole project was to give the community of ArmA/ArmA2 the chance to play a map that is also used by the Australia Defence Force in VBS2, see these pictures: East Timor 1 East Timor 2 East Timor 3 I hope that this project can come to life and put itself in the Bohemia Interactive History Books as a truely amazing piece of art. Looking Forward to heering from you all. OChristie
  2. Nice similie/metaphor with the Dancing Banana. True, I am persitant. Fair enough I would proberly do the same. Fair enough. Settled. OChristie
  3. No they dont, they refer to a certain member of the community. So what if I was asking, you didnt tell me, it went nowhere so thats that. You dont have to talk to me. That is becaue the people who are responsible for those terrains have no time to deal with incidents such as this. I dont think that is anything to do with me. OChristie My terrain is not a rip off, it is enspired by BIA Terrain, then done to the best of my ability, I dont see a problem there, sure it isnt perfect, but hey :)
  4. LOL, I believe the last email I sent to VBS2 Support was about 3 months ago asking whether I would be allowed access back in. Ignored, Fair Enough. And then recently asking about VBS2. Your words......they Arouse me. Goodbye Jamie, your really offtopic.
  5. Because naming you would be a personal 'attack' and that is not how I work. Sure, In the past I made a silly mistake with BIA, accepted my punishment, moved on. And I am able to make a terrain of anywhere on the planet if I want, I chose Baucau because the map that BIA made of the area is not released to general customers. And I wanted other people to be able to experience that area. So I did it so that I could play on my own little version becasue I cant use the BIA terrain. The world does not revolve around you Mr. Coombs. Edit: A patch of dirt that was done for the ADF. I have never asked for my work to be used in militray circles. I dont see the problem that my parents bought me VBS2?? :) So, I had a lil immature idea and didnt really think out the consequences. Big deal, no one is perfect. Ahah, unfortunatley arrogance comes with age. Reverse Engineer? hmm interesting, considering that isnt possible and I wouldnt even know what to do. Also, I havent done that so...nm :) Thanks you for your constructive criticism. :) OChristie
  6. As soon as I get hold of the ArmA 2 tools I will create this map for ArmA 2. Thanks for the Mirror :)
  7. If you use method 2 of the Installation part of the initial post the map shouldrun fine
  8. @the_shadow I am still learning how to model, so the Sign will be fixed in the v1.0 release. @fideco Hmm, that is a texture missing if you could screenshot it I will be able to help you more :) @Stavanger Thanks pal :)
  9. To be honest, it depends how you look at it. Using method 2 people without arma are still able to play this map in arma2. There are ways around this problem
  10. OChristie

    Map Making Questions(S)

    1) 4096000.0 x 4096000.0 meters
  11. RELEASED http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=81354 Let me know
  12. Attention to all BETA testers of the pre-release version I have updated this map to the version before the release version You will need to Un-PBO the Original PBO then replace the files in the PBO with the ones in the link to update it :) File Link
  13. Oh wow :) very interesting :) :) I am hoping that new Ammo Classes will be used, weapons?? :)
  14. Thanks for the PM, Replied, Check your Inbox :) @All, Expect an early beta of this to be released at some point over the next few days because this time next week I will be on Rugby tour in South Africa for 2 weeks so no computers :( :( lol. I will let the beta be fully tested by who ever wants to download it and then with that feedback I will work towards a release version after I get back :) But over these next couple of days I will be working to improve this map as much as I can.
  15. OChristie

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    How much? I Like?
  16. Ok, as far as pictures in ArmA 2 I am still testing and poritng it over. Armed Assault Screenshots however are ok. :) I will howerver work on a NEw Config and WRP so that current testers can replace after Un-PBO'ing the file.
  17. Thanks, ye, lol, lets just say I dont think I will be posting on there for a lil while :) Check your PM :) ---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 AM ---------- @Bigsmokeee Check our PM :)
  18. I am looking for an excellent Combat Photographer who could possibly take some great screenshots of my new map, access to beta's and other things will be granted in return. Link to terrain thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79440 Please PM me if you would like ago :)
  19. I am looking for an excellent Combat Photographer who could possibly take some great screenshots of my new map, access to beta's and other things will be granted in return. Link to terrain thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79440 Please PM me if you would like ago :)
  20. Ah thank you very much for the tip :) The pictures that have the VBS2 waterwark on is pictures from the East Timor terrain's for VBS2 restricted to the ADF, a terrain which I do not have access too, my terrain is based on a flat plateau 4550m x 4550m giving 25km2, a large map but still detailed. Medium quality JPEG of Sat Mask for my Terrain. ---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 AM ---------- I am looking for an excellent Combat Photographer who could possibly take some great screenshots of my new map, access to beta's and other things will be granted in return. Link to terrain thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79440 Please PM me if you would like ago :)
  21. Thank you very much, always good to have a supporter or 2 :)
  22. @RiCHArd_SAS Acutally your ideas would add a more interesting aspect to the game :)
  23. Ah sorry, that because the video is still processing on Youtube, give it a lil bit of time it sohlud be ok.
  24. 10 Min Video Demonstrating the new Terrain - Quality is average but not much I could do. IRo_O7xtFmU