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Everything posted by goose4291

  1. goose4291

    giving civs stones

    Don't forget to add in their init line. Otherwise they'll start crawling around on the deck.Also, you don't need to do the OPFOR thing, just change the mission information so that resistance is friendly to NO-ONE or OPFOR. They'll attack then!
  2. goose4291

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    Improving with every update mate!
  3. goose4291

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    Looks good apart from the attack animation.. couldn't you use something like the old Strokefist?
  4. goose4291

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    No there isn't... that's the Zack Snyder remake of Romero's Dawn Of The Dead. Mind you, the remake of the Crazies looks interesting...
  5. goose4291

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    If you check in Villa's thread you'll see that he re-released his Colonial Marine pack, it's just Marines, their kit and an APC (No dropship sadly :( ) Failing that, I know they're on Armaholic
  6. goose4291

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    Ace... I've been having Colonial Marine vs. Stormtrooper grudge matches all week!
  7. goose4291

    Donation to the community

    Getting the APC to stick to the dropship should be a lot easier now, it could be done using the attachto command...
  8. goose4291

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I think the big thing to be learnt from the SP campaign is that the Warfare missions were not well recieved as thats not what BiS game players (from the days of OFP forward) wanted. Most people will say their best memories of OFP and ArmA was running around merely as part of a squad. Otherwise it's getting better, just fix the darn CD issues!
  9. goose4291

    Arma2 with no dvd drive

    Are we going to see a beta 1.04+ patch soon that removes the DVD protection? For some reason since I went up to 1.03 I've been having difficulties getting my game to run without turning to the beta patches..
  10. goose4291

    Miltary Bases on Chernarus??

    If you check the ArmA 2 official site and click on the interactive map at Zelenogorsk it mentions something about this being the location of the main CDF garrison
  11. goose4291

    Donation to the community

    Don't get me wrong Elbe mate, I understand what your saying. But getting our paws on the OFP one would be a challenge seen as they never released it, and the guys who were involved in the old project Alien mod went quiet a long time ago. :(
  12. goose4291

    Automating apron tasks

    I'm trying to set something up like Kronzky's Minefield activation code for them, but yeah, I'm just using radios at the moment. The problem is the AI seem hell bent on ploughing into the multi million pound government vehicle loaded with Avgas!
  13. goose4291

    Donation to the community

    I'm not too sure. I remember that there was a lot of scripting involved so wouldn't that need to all be rejigged to work with ArmA 2?
  14. Does anybody know the classnames for a secondary explosion, like you see occasionally going off after you've blown up a tank/car in game?
  15. goose4291

    Automating apron tasks

    It'd be easy enough to script in a mission using triggers and waypoint commands. The problem as you rightly said though is the AI. Give me a week or two, I'll have an experiment.
  16. I'm not really a plane person but this looks fantastic! Makes me want to go dust off my old copy of F-117A Stealth Fighter!
  17. goose4291

    Donation to the community

    I don't think it was from Multiplayer. I think it was just a WiP taster for the old USCM Mod or Project Alien, one of the two. Anywhere, here it is again. Whenever this gets churned out someone needs to liase with Vilas to make sure his APC will fit inside!
  18. goose4291

    Donation to the community

    Nukes, knives and sharp sticks? :)
  19. goose4291

    JTD Tracker Dog

    I'm sorry for coming across as a tad dense, but how are you getting the dog to follow the unit? I've been trying with all sorts of ArmA 2 scripting commands and getting limited success.
  20. goose4291

    Donation to the community

    He brought out the Pulse Rifles, APC, Squaddies and Smartguns over a week or two back mate. If you check his thread in the completed stuff board, you'll find it there!
  21. goose4291

    Donation to the community

    Vilas is doing a dropship? On a related note...
  22. I'm stumped as a stumped thing on a stumpy day. Is there a way to set it up so that if a Helicopter gets shot down, the crew don't try to continue the set waypoints, but instead run back to base?
  23. goose4291

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    He's asking if you've got the anims working so it'll walk.