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Everything posted by F1sT

  1. F1sT

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    so does this mean xbox gets it early too. lol
  2. will this game make it on beta www.onlive.com i was wondering if bohemia has signed on with onlive.com or is that not possible?
  3. F1sT

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    arma 2 would blow up on the xbox. theres a lot of die hard fans of bf2 that hated bfbc. arma 2 would be like the second comming of bf2, and the sequel to a game that never was. bf3. to be honest., if they had there own servers on xbox it would put the bf series out of business on the console.
  4. F1sT

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    bfbc was horrible. i never bought it. what a joke.
  5. F1sT

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    exactly... i hope it leaves off where bf2 ended. it would be huge hit. im down like a clown..... ooohhhh weeee. :D no hating allowed
  6. F1sT

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    everyone is pretty pissed off at dice for dissing the bf2 series and branching off to battlefield bad company. that game is not battlefield 3. what i hope is that arma 2 can take the place of bf 2 left off. i really think its a big window that b0hemia can grab that dice and ea left open. just look at deadly pass and back stab and reverse engineer that. you;ll have bf3 and a hit on the xbox.
  7. F1sT

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    maybe www.onlive.com will cover the game. omg that would be the shizz... i would love thaat.
  8. F1sT

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    is this going to be just a ground game? how much of the orginal is going to be in the xbox 360 verison??/ is there going to be a beta for this on xboxlive?
  9. can someone post the xbox link for discussion thanks:)
  10. will there be multiplayer for xbox? and wil you be able to use trek 5. with it.?
  11. is there going to be a demo or beta for xboxlive or onlive??
  12. F1sT

    Beta test plan ?

    i hope this game makes it on ONlive. that would be nice. that way i dont have to buy a computer. to run it.