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Posts posted by gunterlund21

  1. Did you place a target for the arty to fire at first?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    yes did that. Ill try again. I put 5 targets down and saw them in the list. Are there range limits.

    ---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------

    Yes I was pounging BluFor positions last night with Grad fire and Arty... works fine. Place a "target" module. Then drop a fire order on the Arty unit you want to use.

    I Do have a build here though.

    When I drop the fire order on, say a group of 5 BM21's I have to drop it on each Grad in turn, can we not just have it so it's dropped on the leader, then the fire order is propogated to all units in the group ?

    Cheers again for this brilliant tool...

    yes noticed the group issue as well. Fortunately it save the first request so you can drop them on the others quickly.

  2. @CB

    This is in my cargo demo on in other mission? And there are another unused trucks, that do nothing when attack missions appear (not later, if on foot move waypoint is given, then will be not changed even, if there will be available truck after this order)? If you prepare vanilla demo with this problem (there are available, currently not in use trucks, there are attack mission farer than 1000 meters and groups designated to this mission when trucks are unused and available, still walk on foot without cargo assigned, and some cargo do nothing in this time, in moment, when attack orders are issued) then maybe I'll be able to say more. Until then - I saw cargo used as should be, sorry... :( I'm ran out of ideas about what this problem causes. Of course, if there are only two trucks, and at same moment eight attack ("inf" or "Cap") missions designated, then two groups will receive truck, and rest will walk towards its targets.

    One thing Ive also found is the truck will take one group up to a certain size. I think the max is around 8 in the group. So if you have 2 groups of 4 it will only load 1 group and not fill the truck.

  3. OK continuing with my test mission. Placed in 4 bmp2 on the ai side to attack my side which is defending. A couple things of note.

    1. Offensive armour (BMP's) did nothing. One moved forward the others never left their starting position. Could they be waiting for more recon?

    2. What is LMCU on the map as a marker?

    3. Empty trucks move into forward defensive positions instead of taking cover.

    4. Trucks did not wait for infantry to load into to move out. Is there a range from the markers that they need to be to load trucks. Perhaps they were too close to the front and the inf just decided to walk.

  4. Rydygier

    I created a mission combining this HEC, your artificial Arty scripts, Domz HAC, and Igneous High command weapons system and all I can say is INCREDIBLE!!!!!

    I sat in a hill top trying to control my blue forces to stop the HEC while I used partly HAC and HEC. Next thing I know the Opfor arty zeroed in on me and blue my command staff out as well as a mortar. One cool thing that occurrd is the crew of the mortar got killed but the mortar still worked so another misc squad near the mortar jumped in and started firing. Crazy!!! Still trying to figure out how the HEC controlled trucks are functioning. They seem to pick up one squad and dump them off then just sit around and do nothing. Had some other squads in the back that the trucks could have gone back to pick up... Keep up the good work on this.. This is very impressive!!!!

  5. In the demo mission to get opfor to only defend, is this rydHQinit.sqf file correct?

    If (isNil ("RydHQ_Wait")) then {RydHQ_Wait = 15};

    sleep RydHQ_Wait;

    if (isNil ("leaderHQ")) exitwith {};

    RydHQ_Surrender = false;

    RydHQB_Surrender = false;

    RydHQ_Done = true;

    RydHQB_Done = true;

    RydHQB_Order = “DEFENDâ€;

    if (isNil ("RydHQ_Debug")) then {RydHQ_Debug = false} else {RydHQ_Debug = true};

    if (isNil ("RydHQB_Debug")) then {RydHQB_Debug = false} else {RydHQB_Debug = true};

    if not (isNil ("leaderHQ")) then {nul = [] execVM "A\HQSitRep.sqf"};

    sleep 10;

    if not (isNil ("leaderHQB")) then {nul = [] execVM "B\HQSitRepB.sqf"};

    for some reason opfor is still moving forward.

  6. also in the init line of your team leader you need to create a group ie g1=group this. You dont name the team leader g1

    ---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 PM ----------

    Igneous01 what would also be very cool is if you have a crew served weapon have the crew fill all the avail slots of the weapon. ie mortars have two slots I believe. In your example 1 guys mans the mortar the other two hang out. Maybe to an array of the weapon slots on init. Just a thought
