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Posts posted by Yac

  1. Check as soon as I return home after work. Thank you all for your help. I will write what and how as checking - cheers

    +++++++++++++++++++++EDIT+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++

    Display reason for error as usual trivial ;) I did not write this line "onlyForPlayer = 0;" Now everything works fine. Thanks again for your help and guidance you gave me.


  2. Hello interested in the subject :)

    I made models of F4 Phantom II in versions B and J (a typical U.S. Navy working horses in the years 50-80). At the time of loading in the editor shows the following error.

    Animation source WingL not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/uns_F4J/

    Oddly enough - animation folding and unfolding the wings works fine in both models. Same string shows up only at the first attempt to load the mission in the editor.

    The following excerpt config.cpp responsible for making wings in the model

    class RaiseWings
    displayName="Raise Wings";
    condition="this animationPhase ""WingR"" < 0.5 and player in this";
    statement="[this, 0] exec ""\uns_f4\scr\FX_raise.sqs""";
    class LowerWings {
    displayName="Lower Wings";
    condition="this animationPhase ""WingL"" >= 0.5 and player in this";
    statement="[this, 0] exec ""\uns_f4\scr\FX_lower.sqs""";


    class AnimationSources 
    class LowerWings {
    source = "user";
    animPeriod = 1;
    initPhase = 0;
    class RaiseWings {
    source = "user";
    animPeriod = 1;
    initPhase = 0;

    I tried to find what causes this annoying bug, but I give up, maybe someone will notice where I made a mistake ?

  3. The program that supports channels (such as Gimp or Photoshop) stained red and blue channel white. You will then receive a basic smdi. If you want a matte texture hue you discolour the pink root canal on a darker hue. Generally, the darker the more matte the brighter the more glossy. Much depends on the shader and textures used in it, but the main effect of doing exactly the smdi. cheers

    BTW Show how it looks on the model ;)

  4. magnus28

    Maybe something will help you, excerpt from my cfg Me110...

    class CfgMagazines


    class VehicleMagazine;

    class PKW_500Rnd_MG : VehicleMagazine


    scope = public;

    displayName = "full auto";

    count = 500;

    ammo = "B_127x107_Ball";

    tracersEvery = 1.2;

    tracerScale = 4;

    tracerStartTime = 0.075;

    tracerEndTime = 1;

    tracerColor[] = {0.2,0.8,0.1,0.04};

    tracerColorR[] = {0,0,0,0};

    airFriction = -0.001;

    model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_green";

    soundFly[] = {"",1e-008,1};

    soundDefault1[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\hits\hit_concrete_01",0.316228,1,60};

    soundWood1[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\hits\hit_wood_01",0.316228,1,60};

    hitWood[] = {"soundWood1",0.1};

    hitDefault[] = {"soundDefault1",0.2};

    initSpeed = 900;



    class cfgWeapons


    class MGun;

    class PKW_Mg15_mounted : MGun


    cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

    cursor = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

    scope = public;

    displayName = "MG15";

    autoFire = 1;

    magazines[] = {"PKW_500Rnd_MG"};

    begin1[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\MG15.wss",1.20828,1.05,900};

    begin2[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\MG15.wss",1.20828,1,900};

    soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.5,"begin2",0.5};

    soundEnviron[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\noise", 0.1, 1.0};

    soundServo[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\gun_elevate", db-40, 0.4};

    reloadTime = 0.06;

    burst = 2;

    magazineReloadTime = 8;

    dispersion = 0.005;

    minRange = 0;

    minRangeProbab = 0.9;

    midRange = 400;

    midRangeProbab = 0.58;

    maxRange = 800;

    maxRangeProbab = 0.04;

    aiDispersionCoefY = 21;

    aiDispersionCoefX = 21;

    aiRateOfFire = 0.3;

    aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;

    maxLeadSpeed = 600;


    class PKW_Mg17_mounted : MGun


    cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

    cursor = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";

    scope = public;

    displayName = "MG17";

    autoFire = 1;

    magazines[] = {"750Rnd_M197_AH1"};

    sound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\cannon\242_single", db20, 1, 1200};

    soundEnviron[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\noise", 0.1, 1.0};

    soundServo[] = {"\PKW_Me110\Sound\gun_elevate", db-40, 0.4};

    reloadTime = 0.06;

    model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";

    tracerScale = 5;

    tracerStartTime = 0.1;

    tracerEndTime = 4;

    airFriction = -0.00077;

    muzzleEffect = "BIS_Effects_HeavyCaliber";

    burst = 2;

    magazineReloadTime = 8;

    dispersion = 0.005;

    minRange = 50;

    minRangeProbab = 0.9;

    midRange = 600;

    midRangeProbab = 0.58;

    maxRange = 1200;

    maxRangeProbab = 0.04;

    aiDispersionCoefY = 21;

    aiDispersionCoefX = 21;

    aiRateOfFire = 0.3;

    aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;

    maxLeadSpeed = 600;


