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Everything posted by Gruman

  1. Currently our focus lays on the mentioned choppers in the opening post. There are one/two additions which we will start working soon. But this will be anounced when its ready. Stay tuned.
  2. WarLord and WaCkO dooing grat work, as allways.
  3. With AGM all hints are not visible. Including Medical Diagnostic, grenade throw mode and a lot more. Would it be possible to have the Version 1.0 for download anywhere, until this issue is fixed? I looked for mirrors, but I cant find any old ones. Thank you. Best regards Mag
  4. Gruman

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    With that in mind, would it be possible in the future to enable a basic medical system inside a vehicle too? I think it would be great to be able to apply a tournique or a bandage while in flight as a pilot. Many injuries happens because of shrapnel, so cuts and bruises are quite common. I really like the mod and our unit started to use AGM. We will try to provide more feadback/features/solutions in the future also. Best regards
  5. Gruman

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    Hey Thedog88, We updated to the newest version a day before. Since then we have on every launch an error message about ladders and classes. I hope you do not mind, but I have taken a peek into your config. I saw that you use frequently this definition inside your cfgvehicles: ladders[] = {}; I removed that part, Packed it up and the error was gone. From what I can say, the ARP Objects still load perfectly. Somebody else getting those error messages? Best regards Mag
  6. Allright. I have to check in the evening, but I remember that the config of the humvee (and his trucks) calls the class default in the config. I think something along the lines of class default{}; and class car_f{}; I allways believed, that this would remove all entries inside a class, which would be bad. I will check in the evening.
  7. I was working on the same error message. I tinkered with the config but couldnt fix the error. Are you sure you aren't loading any offroad Pickups from the Aggressors pack when testing? Because when I load them, I receive the same error message aswell. Have a good one
  8. Gruman

    =ATM= Altimeter

    Sure, no problem. Currently it behaves this way: You equip the ATM Altimeter. You can access the Altimeter via Custom Control 11. When you press the default key for Watch (which is O default), you still get your oldschool analog watch. But you shouldnt be able to do this because you exchanged the normal watch with the Suunto Watch with Altimeter/Compass function. Would be nice if you would see the Suunto watch when pressing "O". Instead of the Altitude maybe show the day and date? When you use your Custom Control 11 it would show you the bearing and the altitude ASL. Hope you understand what I mean? Thanks Best regards Mag
  9. Gruman

    =ATM= Altimeter

    I love the nightmode. Any chance that this addon someday replaces the watch completly? Custom Key 11 brings up the Altimeter "O" Key brings up the Suunto as a normal watch? Thanks for your work! Best regards
  10. Gruman

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hey there. Thanks, thats kind, but I can wait for the next version. Just testing arround features until my units starts using it in the next couple days/weeks. BTW, [PzGrenBrig37]commy2 allready let me know in Post #255 that this issue was allready resolved. :) Really looking forward to it! Keep up the good work. Best regards
  11. Really looking forward for the stable ACRE release in Arma 3. Are there any plans for a intercom? As a Pilot I have allways passengers in the back talking, which is rather anoying since jiggeling all the other radio traffic at the same time. Would be great if you take a pilot or crew seat and the engines are on, you do not hear or strongly muffled direct talk. Passengers wouldnt hear the Pilot or crew either. If they need to talk to them, he could join the intercom via interaction menu. Not sure if possible, but I thought there was some talk back in ACRE for Arma 2 about something like that. Thanks for the work Best regards Mag
  12. Gruman

    MAP FSF Dariyah Released

    Loving the map. I love the vegetation in the desert. Reminds me of Aiktalik and ToraBora somehow. :) Some roads and paths would be great between the villages Best regards Mag
  13. Gruman

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Just have taken the first peeks into this promising mod. Lots and lots of great features. I noticed a little bug with the interaction menu. Since I'm using a 12:3 Aspect Ratio, all the letters of the menu are way to big. Any chance that could be fixed in a future version? Thanks
  14. Gentlemen, 160th SOAR uses the A/MH-6 MH-60 and MH-47. Since this pack is containing the assets of 1stBN, there will be only MH-6, AH-6 and MH-60 in this package. IF we decide to start on another assets package, we will either rename this topic to the correct one or open up a new one. I would like to ask to keep this topic clean of questions for other units and airframes, especially if its the only asking that one question. Thank you.
  15. Gruman

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    We encountered the teleporting to 000 000 on clafghan a couple times when fastroping. Will test in the future when there is a lot less bandwith issues on the server.
  16. @Konyo Replace those values in your config.cpp and the issue with the blade clipping through the fuselage should be gone. minMainRotorDive = 0; //-6 maxMainRotorDive = 0; //15 neutralMainRotorDive = 0; //-5 minBackRotorDive = 0; //-15 maxBackRotorDive = 0; //9 neutralBackRotorDive = 0; //-5 You can play with the values, if you still want the rotor to tilt a bit, but I think it loos good this way. And could you either get rid of that Hud Display or make it somewhat usefull? To remove it, but this into the class CfgVehicle { ... All the rest of the config ... class MFD {}; }; Best regards Mag
  17. I think this should be fixable in the model.cfg Maybe with Minvalue, maxvalue and the propper animationsource this should be fixable. Any news about the Lag because of the Rotor Blades? Best regards
  18. @Igi_PL With the changed line, it works perfectly. Only minor issue, is that the cargo area is perfectly centered. The whole load is a tiny bit off the left. Thanks :) Best regards
  19. Thanks a lot. I will test ASAP in the evening. Will let you know. I will take down the Download link, so it fits the licence. Best regards Mag
  20. I started implemented the MH-47E class into your script. I hope thats OK? Insteat of adding the classnames into the "IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK", I decided to create a new one: "IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH47" I duplicated and changed it to IL_xx_MH47. Loading vehicles, boxes, getin, getout, open Ramp etc works perfectly. I only have issues with the unloading. Everytime I want to unload, I get the hint: BOX 404 error. Box not found O.o. Vehicle data reset... and then directly: Vehicle data reset is done. Did you ever encounter this problem? Any clue what I might have forgotten? -<Removed Download link>- (I'm sure Igi_PL will add support soon, Thanks man) Would be great if you could give me some hints to fix it. Would be great if my work could help speed up the process to implement compatibality the MH47 to IgiLoad. Thanks Best regards Mag
  21. The AN/ZSQ-3 Pod is in the works. So yes, they will.
  22. Gruman

    =ATM= Altimeter

    Thats probably just the aspect ratio. Had it first also with my triple screen setup, until I changed my FOV. The possibility to move it arround would solve it :) Will try out the update tonight :) Looking forward. Best regards Mag
  23. Gruman

    =ATM= Altimeter

    I love this. Currently the only work arround to get an ASL reading while flying. Any reason the "O" at the end of Suunto is transparent? :D Any chance we can relocate the Altimeter to wherever we want in an userconfig in the future? Best regards Mag
  24. Hi Konyo. Some reports: (based on 1.0 Version, but not visible in changelog for 1.1) - Front Main Rotor still acts wierd when going into Autohover with speed. The rotorblades will clip through the fuselage for the rest of the game. - Everytime we spool up and spool down the chopper, we have a Red-Chain in a multiplayer game. The rotor-bending script is causing lag/desinc since it was introduced on the basemodel from SmileyNick and myself (the RAF HC3). Never had issues with the script by YuraPetrov. Maybe you can link up and streamline the script? If you need more information about the lag, I could do some research. Some wishes: - Would it be possible to open the cockpit-cargo door for all LOD's? I like to be able to check the cargo area for my passengers? The copilot can see the cargo area, the pilot not. (TrackIR User) Love what you have done with V1.1. Flight model feels nice. Need to see how the new armor values behave (in the last version, the first part that took damage was the Main Rotor, which lead to a falling stone every time) Best regards Mag