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Everything posted by bobocz

  1. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I'm late, I only quickly read all posts, you are talking about some ballistic animation, is it this video? http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1624314&postcount=38
  2. bobocz

    Map size mentioned in interview

    Here you can read full Deadfast translation http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1909052&postcount=272 . In preview it's mentioned: and from available screenshots you can see that not all street are full of buildings , but still it's WIP, we will se.
  3. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    ... or do they? AAN news are tabloid, only they want is page traffics. :p
  4. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    We can work with metaphors. songs name: "Black Wings" = plane ,helicopter (black hawk) ?? "Breaking Dishes" = death , break up ?? "The Wrestler" = soldier ?? or work with words from song, I don't know? :confused:
  5. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Stone man = statue ? weed = Cannabis? something is hide in weed under statue ??? I thinking too much. :D
  6. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I don't trust AstroMan :rolleyes:;) . I suspicion him that he is BI's double agent and he conspirated UnuldorCY's work!! :D ps: look at his register date
  7. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Interesting! It get me to this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_cryptonym CIA cryptonyms. They use cryptonyms similar to SDDUSTER, LCIGNITE. It's similar to LCIGNITE (LCIGNITE=drugs ?). They get this map from SDDUSTER (men) via drugs??
  8. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Do not underestimate spy. If you know this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944835/ you will understand :p:D. So perhaps I'm BIS agent too :eek: . Paranoia! edited: wrong movie
  9. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Here you can observe weather condition http://www.chmi.cz/files/portal/docs/meteo/rad/data_jsradview.html in "Chernarus" ;) (more red more rainfall). Weather in Chernarus is crazy in these days (snow, morning icing), one wouldn't have survive this weather :D.
  10. New facebook post http://www.facebook.com/TakeOnTheGame original image http://takeonthegame.com/socialmedia/MEMORY.jpg I wonder more about animation. What kind of interview, BI one? I mean like developer's blog interview. If so, BI could ask them self or to clarify if animation will be "only" improved Arma animation (it will be ok for TOH), or something like in GTA4 or Mafia II (don't know name for it)?
  11. From Take on Helicopters' facebook page http://www.facebook.com/TakeOnTheGame original version http://takeonthegame.com/socialmedia/MIRROR.jpg Nice! :)
  12. bobocz

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    When you open photos from hacked page in notepad, every files have very long gap in code, is it normal, or coincidence?
  13. By the way in discussion on yesterday's games.tiscali.cz article about Take on Helicopter somebody ask when we get some news about Carrier Command and editor-in-chief answered him: "It will be very soon = expect article in few days :)".
  14. Some interesting new facts from http://games.tiscali.cz/prvni-dojmy/take-on-helicopters-prvni-dojmy-z-nove-hry-od-tvurcu-arma-55602 preview: sorry for mistakes it's only fast raw translation :o, for more information use http://translate.google.cz/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=cs&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgames.tiscali.cz%2Fprvni-dojmy%2Ftake-on-helicopters-prvni-dojmy-z-nove-hry-od-tvurcu-arma-55602 ;) about missions: rescue missions (pick up wounded people from hard reach areas) police asistence (searching for criminals) helping with building contructions air show participation (to do acrobatics show) about realism: Coptict is not only texture, its detailed with buttons and animated gauges. Full start simualtion is consists of 10 steps (battery switch on,... warm up and so on...). Casual players can start with one button. You can look out bellow, ahead of helicopter cockpit. Near ground turbulence shake with helicopter. But newbies can switch to easy model (autohower..). about damage: rotor blades can bend, electrical malfunction can appear, gear can brake down, when you land hard skid can be bended. about maps: seattle area 61x61km, 20km visibility, not detailed as in arma (half resolution as in chernarus), very detailed areas are only near airports south east asia area 120x120km about helicopters: they are not licenced, but you can recognise their real counterpart, they are modeled according real helicopters The plan is to make one military helicopter with machine-gun and rockets. edit, added: You can do pre-flight check by walking around helicopter. You will have to check rotor, stabilizaton wing, fuel leaking ...so on. You can open hood and check motor. Three categories of helicopters: light, middle, heavy class. Every categories should contain 5 choppers. Improved modules for editor (without scripting). Example: waypoints for landing, flying on time, load up, unload cargo on rope, module for calm fly (pasengers will shout during rapid maneuver)
  15. New preview on http://games.tiscali.cz/prvni-dojmy/take-on-helicopters-prvni-dojmy-z-nove-hry-od-tvurcu-arma-55602 with a lot of new pictures and information. Only problem it's not in english :( (not problem for me :)) but you can try google translator ;) http://translate.google.cz/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=cs&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgames.tiscali.cz%2Fprvni-dojmy%2Ftake-on-helicopters-prvni-dojmy-z-nove-hry-od-tvurcu-arma-55602 .
  16. I know Hitchikers... and I'v seen movie, but you are right movie was weak, so I forget this scene.
  17. new ingame picture from TOH twitter http://twitter.com/#!/TakeOnTheGame original version http://bit.ly/epZGq3 Karel Moricky ask on his twitter "Do you recognize inspiration for this picture?" I have no idea.
  18. bobocz

    Engine discussion

    So far best show of helicopter utilization.
  19. bobocz

    Your top 5 non-BIS games of all time

    Wonder Boy in Super Monster Land Diablo I Age of Empire II Mafia Half Life II + ep1,2
  20. According this tweet http://twitter.com/TakeOnTheGame/status/55635813479882752 Michael Miller will be adviser of TOH. He has very interesting youtube channel about helicopters http://www.youtube.com/user/michaelmiller85 with a lot of information about flying. MD500 startup procedure is really scary , I hope that in game it will be like in arma, press "Q" :D:p.edit: This video is definitely better I want follow whole this procedure in game :D.
  21. It's link for bonus video. I do not want spoil it yet, I think it's joy find out it alone ;). Edit: it's two links for bonus videos, so far. ;)
  22. Yes :), follow instruction, you will see it.
  23. Did anybody notice this new tweet on official twitter http://twitter.com/takeonthegame ? "We'd suggest looking a little more closely at the Twitter Icon in our announce Trailer http://bit.ly/egiOSw #takeon about 2 hours ago via web" I don't get the clue yet :). edit: I got it. Nice. ;)
  24. bobocz

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    Take On is true so where is real BI april fool jokes? Will we get one? Youtube have nice new logo.