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Everything posted by Sgt.Spoetnik

  1. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    Really? yeah you can see lots off dangerous civilians in that footage, not one single one is armed and they are criminals and terrorists because they dont want the "according to you democratic goverment in kiev" regime to come in on a holiday start killing civilians and even a ukrainian police officer and then get the hell out there like the devil himself is after them. btw see the brass fly off the first bmp,he been bussy! they only got in to terrorise the civilians and then got the hell out off there, and every where in the western media ,oh they killed terrorist in this action but pictures tell a Thousand words, and I havend seen one picture off pro-russian fighters engaging these troops,only ukrainian forces attacking civilians. Here come the men in black again, I think its the attack on the police headquarters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IueRRP3HyfY
  2. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    Since when are unarmed civilian ppl in mariupol "terrorists"and what crime did they commit when they got shot and killed by Ukraine army? celebrathing V-day mayby? ofcourse I know Stalin killed more ppl than Hitler and he got a pad on the back for it by the west,polish ppl,jews,and other minorities suffered tremendous under his rule, and communisme didn die off,it only got pushed in the back and older ppl still want those days back, any young ppl that want that back should get some education to open their eyes.
  3. Sgt.Spoetnik

    European Politics Thread.

    its pretty much the same all over the EU,victims get nothing,and killers,pedophiles,get small sentences because they should be reintigrated into society(some crazy liberal idea i think). last week i heard a courtcase about a drunk driver here in Belgium,he hit a young girl on here bike and drove away,last week he got a sentence of 3months probation and 300eur fine,and he lost his license for 3months, and if he should do it again it would be double. so moral of the story a young girls life is only worth 300eur. corruption cases get dragged on for years till they get dropped because there is a date on how long the case can get to court. look at breivik in Norway,insted of hanging him from a tree by his neck,he's playing PS4,uses a pc,prob haves tv in his warm hotelroom and gets 21 years, or the murderer of pim fortyn in holland,killer got out last week after 12 years. In Belgium we got a law that states that any big sentence like life(only20-30years here)is redused to 1/3 of the jailtime and the time you where arrested and jailed before the courtcase is deducted from that sentence, so with i bit of good behavior your out in 8-10years.
  4. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    LOL, first off to scim-check my avatar?neither russian or eastern, living in the west with a open mind! second prof-http://www.theguardian.com/world/feedarticle/10427926 oh and know i am far right or national? i have a open mind,and i can see the bullsh*t around me. the so-called free west is nothing than looting thieving robbing f*cks that dont give a rats ass about you only their profits and agenda's, but keep believing their fairy-tales! same for the East,South and every where else that takes profit over ppl!!
  5. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    oh protecting mali, whatever floats your boat right.dont mention the colonial dreams off france in there , and they let muslim fighter go to Turkey or Jordan to go fight in syria on the sides off al-nusra and isil and only complain when they come back. And give support (logistic and or with arms) to these groups togheter with the rest off the EU and nato! So you see my point where you attack one country in claiming its colonial and a agressor while france bombed and killed so many in africa.not to mention history cause that would only make it worser.
  6. Sgt.Spoetnik

    New WIP terrain : FSF Dariyah

    Yeah looking great,only hope it would be standalone from A3mp but i dont think it will be the case, anyway great job!
  7. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    yeah well keep believing your beloved leaders then! and see how far that will take you! and i dont condemn or support Russia and putin but when you kick and pock the bear, be ready to get bitten! and how can the west support one chunta and blame Russia, while their trackrecord is even worser?! and Prof, how long will the French stay in mali? while your goverment fight these "terrorist" they support others that go fight in Syria! but be sure to vote for PS in the next election(or whatever party, dont matter) Lets see if western backed and ordered yanuk will attack these city's in the east and we might see a bloodbath, on the hands off the EU,Nato,USSA .
  8. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Curator Presets Mod

    nice job,tested it a bit and must say it makes zeus way much better, we can have some aircav going now
  9. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Bratwurst Mark 1 AA (ELK_AA)

    It is ;) nice name for a AA,not mentioning the classnames :rolleyes: anyway nice job!
  10. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Kaelies' South Zagorian Army Mod

    Nice work again kaelies, enjoying your work!
  11. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    Yep,first deaths been reported as goverment forces storm a airfield, and so it begins.! btw Prof thats about right ;) lol bingo
  12. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    Dont get me wrong, i agree but do the goverment and the EU,Nato will do the same? time will tell.
  13. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    try 65 million ppl but not only civiliian's also soldiers, and on iraq try almost 2 million but who's counting! and they still die today so yeah they still better off without Saddam, same with Libia,Afghanistan,Egypte and Syria and i know there leaders are no saints but they better off a decade ago then now, when they die in droves because off US and nato. and same with Russia,keep believing they are the root off all your problems and sorrows but better look at home first!
  14. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    i did. and still your goverment will join. no referendum will change that!
  15. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    welcome to nato ;) but keep blaming putin. btw did your goverment ask its citizen to join Nato?
  16. Arma 2-la drang-The valley of death - OMG amazing stuff, great job to producer, epic movie! Egg, great stories, love them. keep it up guys, :D and keep those FOB's safe.
  17. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    let me ask, how do the media get their money? big bussines. why? to make sure they will tell their story nothing else and they wont tell the side of those that oppose them, so how free is the press? not very much! big bussines ,banks and goverments control the press even if you dont see it! same story all over the world,west, east, south or north. western press Always pull cart off the west and same go's for the east or south. they go for the money not the ppl's intrest for local news yeah its ok but when it comes to bigger stories they wont tell you anything or only lies. be critical when viewing the news and you will see it!
  18. Sgt.Spoetnik

    HAFM UAZ Cars

    a other nice job aplion, thx!:bounce3:
  19. Sgt.Spoetnik

    ARMA II & OA DVD Problems

    You prob gone have to buy the game again, but its not that expensive(dont know the price but think its 10-20eur or something)only wonders what the heck you did to those dvd's:confused:
  20. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Gulf Of Aqaba Map

    Very nice,great job. bit heavy on the extra addons but nice you added them in. do any off the module's work on it like civilians and vehicle module?
  21. That flametrower looks like fun, looking amzing guys ,keep it up and waiting for a release:bounce3:
  22. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Are there any AT targets in the game?

    Dont think so, but not sure, but if you need a AT target just place a empty tank or IFV or place a enemy one without ammo,that still works!
  23. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Our friend Randy Stratton is dying

    very sad to hear, RIP Randy, our toughts are with his family.
  24. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ukraine General

    Keep believing the propaganda guys! isted off opening your eye's and minds.
  25. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    nice one, good april1.