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Everything posted by Sgt.Spoetnik

  1. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Caterpillar D7 Series

    great 1 mondkalb, gone give here a quick try-out and see what this baby can do and glad to see the ham comes with it:D nice job
  2. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Dutch Army

    Looking really good Aeneas, starting to look indeed like Dutch units, great job to you and the rest off the team that helpt on it, :bounce3: cya
  3. lolol,that was one funny movie, I want to order 1 so il get my ham, great job Mondkalb
  4. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Dutch Army

    Looking really good,nice job
  5. looking really good, need some work but looking real promising, indeed a great asset for Arma2.
  6. Hi Bahger, Looks like you can end your mission like you wanted(back at base) with couple off WP's and triggers. first place a trigger on the LZ and in this trigger puth this in act.:air1=true puth air1 also in the chopper's name!!, then the trigger have to be on: OPFOR not present! so this will make the chopper come to LZ when its clear off OPFOR. dont know if you need to puth Air1 also in con.field off the trigger to make it work you can of play with this method how you like it, with a trigger, radio or by unit or player. i have a example mission that shows all of it, gone try to give link, For your mission to end like you want place trigger end#1 and nothing else and Syncronize the trigger with the heli that comes to LZ, so it will end when chopper reach trigger, and you can puth the time in the trigger in the Min. and max.fields,that puts a timer on the trigger. hope its some help and hope it works. cya
  7. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Belgian Army

    Nice job Aeneas,glad so see some belgian units beeing done, something that really was missed in Arma2(LOL). anyway if you need some links or photo's from belgian Army sites let me know, Always glad to help out, only thing is indeed the weapons(needs some FAL's and minimi's),it looks weird with a M16, we dont even have them in our arsenal. later
  8. yep,would be my answer 2, but I will give some more explaining than just "search again" Firstoff, this topic have been discussed before and a search would show several questions and solutions about it, anyway, it is possible and easy to be done ones you know the classnames of the weapons and ammo u want to use. then with a code you can change the loadout of a unit, later
  9. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Weird aim problem

    hi guys, DevilDon, yes you can spawn in as a bird but only happens in MP, mayby 2 in SP but have never seen it myself, could be done with some script i guess. Dont know what Fading you mean,but look at your setting like mouse speed, etz,to see if you can get it better,and use the editor to get yourself trained with the weapons and equipment(Training helps a lot)! hope it helps, cya
  10. Sgt.Spoetnik


    Great work man,just had a little fly around and looks really wonderfull, lots off room for some big Armor fights, only thing i noticed is that the airfields are not marked on map, but not a big issue, Nice job and thx for your hard work
  11. Sgt.Spoetnik

    "Hello new world" said the noob

    Hi and welcome to the forum, good choise to go for Arma2, just check out this forum and you will find tons off stuff to learn from, and in the game the best way to learn and your equipment is to play a lot with the editor and armory. Its a great game but you need to get to learn a bit cause its hard to survive out there:D good luck
  12. Sgt.Spoetnik

    DIH 1970s Generic African Units

    dont think so, just check the readme for the version that is needed to play it, but playing with latest patch will work just fine, have fun :D
  13. Sgt.Spoetnik

    DIH 1970s Generic African Units

    Hi Esco, for the addons you can puth the P85 and the african units together in 1 modfolder and call it what you want,puth the modname in the shortcut and you should see them in the editor(make sure u use the correct name!) I will try to make some SP and MP missions myself with these units and duala map, and it will be based on the fights between Unita and MPLA in the angola civil war. later
  14. Sgt.Spoetnik

    DIH 1970s Generic African Units

    hi dimitri, Its indeed a great mod that have many potentials for fights in different conflicts in Africa like already been mentioned, and thx 2 for Vilas for his great P85-pack. but I did want to ask if you had any contact with the guys off the SA bushwar mod? cause they where working for some great stuff and a nice island for A1 & A2 but its been quiet for a while around it. cya
  15. Sgt.Spoetnik

    ArmA 2 Mission Editor Help!

    hi and welcome the forum, for your first question it is possible to set fire on a house with a script. but dont know just which script it is,need to look for that 1. then the rest off your questions can be done in the editor with almost no scripting involved, or with a lot off scripts depense on your skills. now, your chopper pickup works aswell with AI as with player, just sync the waypoints and the chopper will pick up the squad(you can even use a invisibel H to let the chopper land where you want him to). for 3&4 you need the trigger function! with this you can let a mission end where and how you want it, (clearing towns or area or killing just 1 specific target) hope its been some help and good luck with the editing:D later
  16. hi, Think with the waypoints and a invisible H it should do the trick, but the osprey will be coming in to fast and miss the WP but he will fly around and gone try to land at the WP. Use a WP "move" couple hundred meters away from you insertion point ,then place second WP on your insertion point, this WP is "transport unload" and you should set speed on limited so he wont go to fast for the insertion! and if you place a invisible H(helipad)at your insertion point,then he should normally drop your units off at LZ hope its some help and just ask if you need anything else. Cya
  17. every thing is already available in editor exept for buildings,plants and tree's you can use every weapon and vehicle, and there are addons that will give you the buildings and plants.
  18. hi, I have same problem when connecting to buldozer, i get a message saying; "arma2-Cannot load texture tut\tut_samplemap\data\layers\s_000_000_ico.paa" i followed all the steps but dont know where the problem is,all maps and files are in there place. even in visitor i cant see the textures, only the height map. later
  19. Sgt.Spoetnik

    RMC Tour of Duty [SP]

    hi, it sounds really good, i will give it a try and let you know how it went. cya
  20. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Project RACS

    Nice to see the RACS back in the fight with there commander wld427, great job!
  21. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Russian Tunguska Wont Reload

    More intel plz, dont really get what you want! witch round dont he fire off, what weapon do u use, is there crew in the vehicle,and you need to wait a bit 5/15 sec for ammo to reload. was it in editor,mission or campain? later
  22. Sgt.Spoetnik

    we really need foxholes and trenches

    hi, yes foxholes and trenches are mayby needed in a fix engagment but in modern warfare you always on the move (land,air,sea)and you need to find your cover on the go,so no time to dig any hole. its a other storie in Mods that are based on certain time like WW2,Vietnam,...,there they are really needed and usually already in the mod in some way or form, thats just for realisme, for actually start digging the trenche or foxhole in arma2 is not possible,thats a limit off the engine/game, but there are ways to work around it like, make a trench model/addon and integrate it in a custom map so you get the effect that the trech is really below the ground lvl. Seen that in the Omaha beach map in Arma1, and ive seen some WIP long ago for arma1 that really changed the terrain in game but dont know how. just use the terrain,landscape and objects,tree's,buildings for cover, works just as well. cya
  23. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Here's a fun command bug

    hi, think that frederf his #3 was group leader and thats why #1 & #2 followed him, else if you would be group leader and tell #3 to go somewhere he would go but 1 & 2 would stay on the spot, in the car no matter what!
  24. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Urban Patrol Script

    Witch one off the urban patrol script(s) do u use? the 1 for Arma 1 or the 1 for Arma2, and in witch game do u use it! Post all details so we can help you further, what game,script+version,and the problem, later
  25. Sgt.Spoetnik

    How do you use unguided bombs?

    you can bomb in different ways, first, like you said use the HUD to aim a bit above target and release a bomb, you would hit close to the target, but needs lots off training to hit target right on, flying high up and dropping down to target is best tactic for best succes. second, using the unguided bombs you can use Tab to lock on target when it shows in your radar screen and then you move to target and release a bomb 1500/1000 m before target. when you lock a target you get a box around it so you see where he is and you see the distance. It just take a lot off practice to get it right. cya