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Everything posted by Sgt.Spoetnik

  1. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Map questions

    Hi ladlon, the hills are shown on the map by their heightnumber on top off them and when you zoom in you will see the contours off the hill, and some are even marked with little triangle's and number, cya
  2. Sgt.Spoetnik

    vehicel on fire

    Hi lightninguk, easy way is to puth a camp fire under the car,it wont be a big fire but it will keep burning, and else think it can be done by scripting but donk know a good script. cya
  3. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Belgian Army

    Looking really good Aeneas, they look 10 times better with a FAL in their hands, thx for update and a big thx to your wife for helping you out! great job
  4. Sgt.Spoetnik

    WarFX Particles

    Hi, After trying the Beta I got same CTD like Flash Thunder,"invalid civilian crew" and had Arma running only with CBA and WarFX beta. Dont think its CBA cause I tried it with CBA 0.3 and with CBA 0.3.1 and got CTD. WarFX 1.3 works fine for me but the beta dont. Great work btw OS cya
  5. Hi, and welcome. There is a cool "Search" tool at top off screen where you can ask this question or try to read some treads and topics, There is a editor guide that explains all aspect in editor(mr Murry's editor guide-http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=71370)and there's tons off stuff in this forum! good luck
  6. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Removing rain!

    hi, you can change the weather in the editor from full blue sky to dark thunder clouds, if you puth it in the middle it will be overcast but with no rain. you can find it in the right top corner in the editor! cya
  7. hi, you need to Syncronise(F5) the unit with the trigger, good luck
  8. Nice, gone check it out, thx for release and all the work!
  9. Hi sky999, there is a unit class called"US Inf" that gives CTD,avoid those and play with the other units, plenty more in there:D cya
  10. fkplace, when in editor place first your player unit, then click again and take empty(bottom list). Now you can place every unit thats in the mod. the kubelwagen and opel blitz are under FFS and the jagdpanzer can be found under Empty->others->31stWC hope you find it and remember to place the vehicles Empty or you get CTD. cya
  11. Hi, here is a buglist i made off the West side, gone need more time to make german buglist, but this is what I get when playing with Arma2+31stNormandy (no mods,only some extra maps-addons) Gone puth it like its show in editor- here go's Soviet union WW2-Chernarus Inf.->works fine, only they have modern weapons but looks great TheFew-> no problems Chernarus-31stWC-> Dodge31st CTD when placed manned in editor(invalid crew 2nd 2_2) US WW2-inf.all fine and looking good,only when looking in "gear" you dont see the weapon Icon in your inventory,only the ammo is shown(its just icon thats missing weapon itself is fine.+ all weapons seems to fire tracers rounds) US WW2-Air: -> A-20C Havoc engine sounds is a short loop off couple seconds that makes engine sounds bad but texture is ok -> Dakota Skytrain, missing control pane texture in cockpit but rest off texture is ok and paradrop works 2(only did 1 quick test) -> P38 getting error (cannot load material file aqu_p38\tex\destruct.Rvmat)+sound is same like with havoc(short loop) texture is ok -> Catalina, missing body texture and with the 8x250lb get a hint message when start in game (IT is NIL) when in dakota i got a debug message. Cars: ->GMC CCKW 2.5T truck is ok (only have a desert color texture) ->GMC DUKW Missing body texture, tarp is ok, (glad to see a nice amfibic veh.) Armor: didn find a problem here Armorcrew: is also ok, only they have different weapons then other units!(while most units fire tracerfire the armorcrews dont and the sounds is different 2) US Inf: Big CTD (windows mess:error occured had to close arma) Static: Mortar works fine and great to rain terror on enemy positions Support: Truck are fine and work properly WW2 2nd Inf.:works fine, only same like other Inf. missing Wpn icon and tracer fire. Vilas WW2: works fine but seems to be different weapons, GB WW2. air: ->Lancaster: error message(cannot load material file rip31st_lancaster\main_destruct.Rvmat)but texures are ok,so are the loadouts(some big bombs in there) ->Dakota:same like US version(missing cockpit textures,but rest looks ok) ->BostonMKIIIA(GB):Also same like US version(short soundloop)but textures are ok Britisch 50thID-> all fine Vilas UK WW2-> also fine( no problems) Poland WW2-> works fine Other-31stWC: ->Horsa and spitfire are ok, no CTD only message(cannot load material file CA\data\Camel_West.Rvmat) ->LCM3,105MM houwitzer, persing, sherman:CTD when placed manned in editor(Mess. Invalid crew 101_light) placed empty no problem. Axis Armor captured: works ok, only thing is that there on the west side but are manned by german troops? Static: Bofor 40mm AA, CTD when placed manned (Invalid crew Civilian) Think thats pretty mutch all errors that are showing in editor only for WEST side, mayby somebody can find something I missed, If anything is not clear to you guys just ask and I will explain:D Having great fun with the Beta and cant wait to see more stuff! Cya
  12. Hi Rayers12, whats the behavior in that unload WP, and if there is enemy around they alway want to engage them and dont unload the troops. Also think you can Sync the WP with the invisible H to make it land on that spot. Also make sure there is room for the chopper to land! hope it helps,
  13. Sgt.Spoetnik


    Nice job Namman2, looking really good, glad to see something comes out off Gaza:D
  14. hi, your problem lies with the single player mode, its based on Chernarus map and thats why when you want a mission beeing build on a other map it places everything outside the map, the mission pre-build works best on Chernarus or Utes. dont know a solution for it, mayby try with some other maps and see what the result is there. later
  15. Hi, thx to all the guys that helpt on the 31st normandy mod for releasing this beta,came along very nice accept for some minor and some bigger bugs but nothing big(some missing weapons and textures) gone try to give a detailed buglist soon(only did West side and independant) the map(s)are looking really good, only the Normandy map could need a grass surface insted of the dark mud color it have now,but its indeed a Big map:D keep it up guys great work!!! @MacScottie; did you play it with any other mods,cause i didn have any off the problems you mentioned, and was this in SP or MP?
  16. Hi guys, yep its just the } thats missing, but the addons is strange cause its AlienScorpion addon from Arma1 so I dont think you will find the addon in your folder. And Arma1 addons dont work to good in A2.
  17. are playing warfare or its just in you mission that you want to capture bunkers? else it not so hard i guess to make a trigger or script to do it in a mission, or you can find some script that is similar to what you want. the bar is only shown in warfare game when you enter 1 off the bunkers around a town, hope its some help
  18. Hi Tobmic, to capture a depot or bunker like in Warfare you need some AI or yourself to be close or inside the bunker to capture it, ones you enter it a bar will appear in middle off screen, thats the timer on the capture status off that bunker. cya
  19. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Project RACS

    hi, units are looking really good, mayby bit bad lighting in some pics but looks sweet,btw was that regular Inf. or a specific branch. flashlight looks great but so do the weapons(always been a fan off the G3 and FN-Fal) great job and cant wait to see some more pics:bounce3: cya
  20. Sgt.Spoetnik


    hi balistic, dont know for sure if there is docu on the Island config's,but i think there would be, mayby someone else can provide a link. What i do know is that there are some sample maps around that have a config file ready to use, mayby check them out, here is 1-http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85579 hope its some help cya
  21. Indeed nice piece off work, looks really good. glad to see more African type maps with jungle and/or savanna, keep it up and keep us posted:D
  22. Hi fellow belg, welcome to forum I do know that when you place a waypoint you can set "speed" to limited and the squad will walk at slow pace(no running), for when you are in command will they follow your speed, If you tell your AI to go "safe" they will form a Colum formation and they should walk insted off running. hope it helps
  23. yeah sry i didn mention about it, its indeed a bit mutch in beginning with the editor,but it will provide you with lots off stuff and is good for training, only needs time to get yourself familair with all aspects off the editor.
  24. Hmm,you kidding right?, if not you need some more time in the editor cause this is to easy, you can find it yourself ,you just need to be in the editor:D
  25. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Dutch Army

    Good and bad news then Aeneas, good to see you will continue to work on those and other projects, sry to hear your job makes you move to new town, Love your work soo far but the dutch guys love them even more:D your still alway welcome to visit us at the site or on server! @GolfLimaRomeo; if your intrested in visiting some dutch guys you can always visit our site:http://www.tangodown.nl/ cya