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Everything posted by Sgt.Spoetnik

  1. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Which map is bigger?

    In a way takistan is bigger because of the infinit land around the map,then its bigger ofcource,but when talking about the map with every thing one like tree's bushes,houses...,only that part is smaller then chernarus.
  2. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Which map is bigger?

    Chernarus ofcource,you can trow all the OA maps on it and it still wouldn cover the full map.
  3. Nice thx for update,love this mission,got lots and lots off action in it:yay:
  4. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Some tips and Help please

    I use first person when playing on foot,but change to third person when I am driving or flying to see what happens around the vehicle and for bigger view. also handy to look whats behind a wall or building insted off pocking your hear around the corner:D for close combat you can stick to normal view and use rightmousebutton to zoom in,but for a range beyond 200,300meter a scope can become real handy for picking off enemy forces. hope it helps, cya
  5. Hi Dragon, for your first question; you can puth the waypoint on behavior"Careless" but dont know if it will stop him to engage the enemy, for the attack WP just put a WP seek and destroy ,behavior on "Combat" ontop off enemy and Plane will fly to WP and seek any enemy forces and engage them, sry cant help you with second 1, Btw love your mission,great piece off work. later
  6. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Some tips and Help please

    hi and welcome, for the first one;what view your talking about?third or first person? second ;u can use a weapon with scope to help hitting them faster, and more training ,training and more training to get to know the weapons and how they hit a target from different angles and ranges. cya
  7. Sgt.Spoetnik

    I need MP help please!!

    Make sure you run without any mods or addons,only vanilla Arma2. or combined with ACE or whatever you want to play on a specific server.
  8. A other way to spend money I guess,didn they learn anything?If the game is a bust you DONT make a sequel.
  9. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Bad headers in pbos

    thx pufu for pointing eliteness out,was looking for a tool to open the AO pbo's,but nothing workt,good thing I still got eliteness in my tool box:yay:
  10. Sad to hear that,I would like to see a normal dowload 2,next to any other way like six-updater or yoma, but not a big fan off those.
  11. Nice job on the update Old bear,this map is 1 of my favorites,great job and hoppefully we see some more updates in future. cya
  12. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Nice job so far IceBreakr,It looks reaaly great with those OA building in it and cant wait to play the new version(when I get my OA copy that is:(). for the creature I can come up with some idea's, mayby a old surviving dino or bigfoot in some camo colors, or for humans mayby some rogue sniper or fighters,... I do know in Arma1 there was that custom jungle map that came with a unit that could use stealth camo to become invisble, Its called High definition tropical island and was done by Linker Split.-http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3357,here is link to it, so mayby this can give you some ideas for what your looking for. cya
  13. Sgt.Spoetnik

    FV432 British APC

    Great job on the FV432,inddeed great asset to the already growing UK forces, Nice 1 Harkov, It fits really in with those paratroopers;
  14. Sgt.Spoetnik

    British OverHaul Mod ---- Recruiting.

    lol jpinard,that made me laugh 2:D, Anyway; Arma fan,you should better get to know the game and its tools and workings before you should attempt to make a mod,also there is already some decent british stuff around to play with. Learn the game,its gameplay and the tools to make a new addon like a vehicle or unit, check out this forum and others to learn about the tools and modding. We dont want to break you or your idea's with our comments but there is some stuff you need to know before you can get started. enjoy the game and ask if you need something or have questions! cya
  15. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Wanting Advice Im A Newbie :)

    Puthing every addon and mod in your addonfolder will give conflict with eachother and will barely work, use a modfolder and keep your addons folder free will give a better result then that you get now. and like suggested,try the missions,campain,latest patch,editor,armory,... to get to know the game,how it plays and to see all the gear of the game and wreck havoc with them:D, It can get mindblowing in the beginning but if you stick with it you will gone have great fun with all the stuff you can find here or on 1 off the great sites. check out the forum,read some stuff here and fall in love with this nice game and its lovely community:bounce3: cya
  16. Sgt.Spoetnik

    This place is a tyranny of forum mods

    Cant agree more, if you dont like it, get out and dont come back!
  17. Sgt.Spoetnik

    War with Iran.

    Yeah,its not the question anymore "will they attack" but more "when will they attack", the stuff ive have seen tells that Israelis have used a saudi airbase to drop supplies for attack on Iran and they will use this base as FOB for attacks inside Iran,Also reports suggest that Israelis and US special forces are in Azerbyjan preparing to go in to Iran and search for any inrichment facility or storage for any nuclear device/supply. We cant say wat is good info and what is bad info cause the rumor mill is spinning like crazy, but my money is on a attack in this summer or just after it.
  18. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Ovaron Island

    Great work,will test it out. and names are fine to me,what is offensive about those names?
  19. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Project RACS

    Looks just Fantastic in those colors,never tought the F-16 could look even better! We will hunt indeed:D
  20. Yep indeed great work again and thx ADO-team and Old Bear,
  21. Nice job Old Bear,looks real good and il try her out right now.:bounce3: cya
  22. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Need help for Panthera

    other than that ,you can use the editor to play with every weapon,unit,vehicle and map you wish. it can be a bit off a challenge in the beginning but your not restricted than in the armory or singleplayer missions. cya
  23. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Belgian Army

    Should be really wicked to see some Belgian vehicles, mayby a little sidejob for you Aeneas with all the rest you do:D, if you need intel we will find you some good pics for reference. later
  24. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Generation kill mod

    Great work on the units and the map, Units are great looking and same for those humvee's, great job. Map for a beta is good but needs indeed more clutter and a more "Alive"feeling to it, but overall great for some MOUT actions or great place to play little Blackhawkdown. But I did find some problems when playing and dont know if you already know these or not but did found out that large portion off the river are missing the surface texture(same like on Celle after expanding the landmass),Also had a CTD when I places a hmvv(50cal)and added 2 corporals in cargo,I was the driver. This was just after testing the stuff out,need to do some more testing. Nice stuff so far and cant wait for the update:D Cya
  25. Sgt.Spoetnik

    Necro Island

    looking good, will give it a try. cya