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Everything posted by cm

  1. cm

    Early and bugged or delayed and finished ?

    I think the OFP/Arma community is a little bit more picky than most, although there are extremes either side. People take their games way too seriously sometimes...
  2. cm

    Aircraft Carrier

    I though it was called a wasp class aircraft LHD CVN carrier? Maybe it's just me.
  3. I will be able to compare this directly when I get the EU version. Luckily for me I can unlock the 4th core on my AMD X3 720, so I can do a direct comparison between 3 and 4 cores, everything else equal :)
  4. You have a giant sahrani poster in your room :386:
  5. Please put on your tinfoil hat :rolleyes: Because it was troll video. It had a static pic of an armoured (unrelated to armaII) vehicle with some german lame-pop-techno music.
  6. cm

    BIS forums getting owned?

    Is it just me or are the BIS forums timing out heaps???
  7. cm

    ArmA 2 BETA Gameplay Video

    Wow! AWESOME! Man I can't WAIT for the lock!!!!
  8. Woo! You can test out all those possible bugs for us :D
  9. hahahah, that's exactly how it should have been said :D
  10. *yawn* nothing to see here.....I'm not one to start screaming like a girl at the sight of one source. If MANY people report the same thing.....different story. Although I highly doubt it in this case...
  11. Geez man you're using telstra ADSL :confused: Anyway, screw this "wait weeks not months", I want to wait 0 days thank you very much. I'll be downloading the EU/UK version the second it's available online. I don't know about you guys, but the TG servers seem to be a lot better (although laggier) than the AU ones. So many more players, and everyone is super serious.
  12. cm

    Looking for Chernarus

    Aw man I can't remember back that far :(
  13. cm

    Looking for Chernarus

    I don't?!?!?! What?! Where?!
  14. lol, i just love it every time boomar comments, laughs assured. Edit: woops
  15. I still fail to see why they can't just release them all at once....
  16. You know now that you mention it.... I think you guys are right. Look at the gun of the second soldier... how is that NOT a photoshop :confused:
  17. cm

    Game Release 19th of June

    In before lock.
  18. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Don't start this again! die! die! :681:
  19. cm

    Vehicle speeds

    Those forests look pretty big...
  20. I really don't understand how that works... so you can just fly 100000kms and parachute in on some randomly generated terrain? In an MP scenario, wouldn't the server then have to sync the extra 100000kms with everyone else? :confused:
  21. If you click on the name from the person they are responding to you can see the questions...;)
  22. Probably improved, but i doubt it will be completely fixed.